Can someone explain


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
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I've no idea when you all talk about opks , dpos and temp charting etc
What is it? Does it work?

I got a bfp start of May
I knew I felt off but put it down to af coming
She never did so I tested at 4+3 and had caught

My period is generally clockwork
Every 28 days (period is always Thursday to Monday)

When I got pregnant , I had a period on the 4th April
We only had sex once on the 13th
So... Does that mean I ovulate quite early? Or that DH has super long living sperm?

But the thing that puzzles me is, if I did ovulate early, the baby should have grown in line with dates given (was measuring a good 2 weeks too small) they kept saying maybe I ovulated late but it really couldn't be possible based on when we dtd
I guess though if it was under developing then maybe that's why I mc
Hi, I don't know an awful lot, but I know that OPKs test for you LH surge. If you show a +be on an opk it means that your Lh surge has started. You then ovulate 12-24 hours after that. But it is possible to have a surge and not ovulate, e.g. If you're stressed or something. So, in fact OPKs are not really ovulation predictors, but LH surge predictors. But, obviously, most people who do have an LH surge then ovulate.

In your case, you could have ovulated early, or maybe your hubby does have super sperm. You could start to try to track your ovulation using OPKs, but you might find it a bit of a hassle. I know I did! I know roughly when I ovulate from discharges and I think it's 14 days after my period started. I'm just TTC again after taking a break after 2 MCs in a row, so back reading this board again!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss mrsS! I don't do all the charting stuff, I only track af and any other random things I notice on an app on my phone. I suppose it probably helps to track the general patterns of your cycle but I'd probably get a bit obsessed and stress myself out with it (I might not be saying that in a few months time!). I hope some of the other ladies are able to give more suggestions!
Opk's monitor the LH in your body which is an indication that ovulation

Sometimes you can get a surge without ovulating but its generally a good indicator as to when to start bding over your most fertile time

It's best to do opk late morning to early afternoon

Temperatures should also peak and drop indicating ovulation and you should take it as soon as you wake up x.

BabyDust *****

I dunno whether to see if I'm an early ovulater then

What's a LH surge?

Or I just randomly have sex and see where I end up!
Sperm can live up to 5 days in the right cervical mucus so ya may have ovulated as normal cd14 Lhasa surge is when ur body is preparing to ovulate and it shows on an opk , as for the mmc and baby development the baby more then likely stopped growing early on but the sac continues to grow giving pregnancy symptoms still it happened with both my mmcs xx
When you are about to ovulate your Luteinizing Hormone surges (this actually triggers ovulation) and the OPK's pick up on this so you normally ovulate within 12 hours of getting a + OPK.

If you have a 28 day cycle you should ov around CD14.

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I've found it easier to take note of cervical mucus as I wipe. I find that when I'm close to ovulating I get loads of ewcm and I know that's when I'm most fertile. Not everyone gets it but I think it's a more relaxed way of pinpointing if you do.
So I have hospitable insides for him swimmers to love that long then
Thanks ladies
I'll do some opk things around the middle month marker and see what it says
I'll need to wait to finish mc finish leering first then god knows when my period will resume x
God you can tell I've just woke up!
His* swimmers
Live* that long
Finish bleeding*
I used the clearblue digital opks. Great things. X

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