Calling anyone who had a C Section!

I was up and in the shower 12 hours after my second c section. Walked to the shower and showered unaided. I was home after 48 hours. Sore but it wasn't unbearavle.
I started picking my nearly 2 year old up after about 2 and a half weeks (I had to as hubby had gone back to work). It was fine though. I was walking round the shops on day 5.
I had a planned section as LO was breech. I had her at 2:47pm and they had me up at 8pm, after visiting. I was walking about the next day albeit slowly, but was walking better than those who'd given birth naturally. I spent 2 nights in. I took all the painkillers given and had no pain or discomfort at all. Would definitely consider another.
You know I've been quite shocked at how long recovery is.
I know it's major surgery but I just imagined ( having never had any surgery) that a few painkillers and I'd be up and out.

It's been quite shocking to read how long and difficult the recovery can be, even in the positive stories, especially as you've just had a child that you need to look after x x

Yup it is major surgery! I think people assume c-sec is the easy option, nothing to it etc. I know after I had my first I thought everyone else who had a c-section was up and about managing straight away so I should too and I know others kind of a expected this from me too.

It was only really my mum and OH who understood and kept telling me to take it easy, but I didn't listen! I believe if i had taken it easier in the early days I would have found it easier in the long run. Hence why I said this time I'm taking It much much easier!
I agree with little monkey, it is major surgery, don't underestimate it. I see a lot of people have been very lucky and recovered very quickly, I wasn't one of them, just be prepared for anything just in case. You'll be fine though, don't worry, no matter what happens we always manage to cope with it!
Now whatever I tell you, don't forget we all heal differently and no matter what, I loved every minute and would do it all again in a heart beat! I was in hospital from the Monday until the Saturday, I gave birth at 1.49 on the Wednesday morning (I was induced) I had to have emergency c. The first time I stood up was almost two days after, I felt like my whole bottom half was about to fall off! But you are able to manage. You will defo need help with your one year old, you won't be able to pick your little one up for at least two months. I did nothing but still split my stitches three times. It's more uncomfortable than painful, I managed on a couple of paracetamol. They say it takes 6-8 weeks to recover, I think from the main pain/discomfort it's a bit longer and I didn't really feel myself until gone four months but it can't have been that bad because other than the first six weeks my hubby was away at work, my mum helped as well which was great but I would say to you get a good support network, you have to be really careful with yourself and that's hard to do when looking after a baby. Overall though, loved the whole thing!

You've scared me, and I've had 2 sections already!

I'm about to have my third and not dreading it at all.

Both times I was in hospital 2 nights.
On the day of section you won't get out if bed.
Next day, they got me up, catheta out and walking. They do help you, but some of the nurses are quite blunt and tell you to get in with it.

Is say for the first week it was pretty painful but I was 70% ok after that. After week 2, just a bit sore. I was back doing school run and bathing toddler etc.

My LO one 15.5 months when DD2 was born and I could still cuddle and pick her up after a week or so.

PM if yiu have any Qs :-) x
I've had 2 sections, one emergency, one planned. With the first I had morphine immediately afterwards, which made the pain a whole lot easier to handle! I did struggle with movement but then I was hooked up to a drip for 24 hours after my section, so didn't actually move from a laying position for well over 24 hours (this is unusual, the drip was for magnesium sulphate to stop seizures from pre-eclampsia). With my second, I just had paracetamol and was up and about as soon as my catheter was out. Don't get me wrong the pain is still horrendous for the first couple of days, but moving really really helps. I healed well both times. My daughter was 21 months and I was able to cuddle her immediately and pick her up again after a couple of weeks.

My hospital stays were 8 days and 13 days respectively, but nothing to do with the C-section (high, unstable bp both times), so irrelevant. Most women usually stay 2 nights.
I've had two planned sections as both my babies were in odd positions at the end of my pregnancies; one breech and one unstable lie. Both sections were fine and I've certainly seen how much they have improved over the years - there's a 14 year gap between my babies! The most recent delivery of my son was a really wonderful birth. It was very calm and the theatre staff were excellent. They really took time to make sure I felt ready and was comfortable. There was music playing too and it all felt so positive. :). I felt really well the day after but was a little too eager to be up and about - I nearly passed out in the shower! Just be prepared to feel v v sore and try - not that I did - not to rush your recovery. My midwife at home told me off for doing too much as my scar became bruised from moving about, lifting things I shouldn't! I felt back to normal much sooner than I thought I would, but don't be tempted to overdo it. :) xxx
My tuppence worth is only anecdotal....

Lady next to me when I had James came up after me and was discharged before me and she'd had a section (I assume planned by what I could overhear!)

We were in for 36h, lady next to me was discharged after 24h.

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Omg, I loved my section! I just took a while to recover, could be an age thing? I'm 40 so not as elastic as these youngsters!
I think people forget it's major surgery, that's why I have to laugh at anyone who comments c secs are the 'easy option',they're definetly not! My mum had to stay for two weeks to help oh look after me and lo. Again I don't know if this was due to other complications That made me so unwell but regardless definetly take any help you can get. After an operation your body wants to sleep to heal,and with a newborn you simply can't xx
I've had one vaginal birth, followed by 2 elective sections. I left the hospital 48 hours after the first section, and 52 hours after the second. I had some complications with the second section so had to have a catheter in for 48 hours, then they wouldn't let me leave till I passed a certain amount of urine. For me, I just wanted to get home. I had a little pain, but all controllable with paracetamol. I preferred my sections over the vaginal birth. And also the recovery was easier after the sections.
Now it appears the more positive stories out way the negatives!

My sinographer said she had one and was playing at soft play with her eldest 4 days later. Reading these I find that hard to believe lol I think she was trying to settle my mind! X
Omg 4 days into it I was just about hobbling downstairs. Soft play?! No frickin way!!
Now it appears the more positive stories out way the negatives!

My sinographer said she had one and was playing at soft play with her eldest 4 days later. Reading these I find that hard to believe lol I think she was trying to settle my mind! X

I wasn't even out the hospital then!! I find that very hard to believe!

I think you just have to be sensible. Its going to be tougher than a natural recovery and every one heals differently. The most important thing is that you listen to your body and don't push yourself to do anything your not ready to!
I had a emergency c section, I stayed in hospital as long as I could which was 3 days only because my daughter was very ill and I wanted to be near to her. I was only in pain the next day because they lost my medicine chart so I didn't get any pain med for 8 hours ( the nurses was fed up of us moaning!). My stitches never gave me any problems and most of the time when I was healing I forgot I even had major surgery. When I have another baby I will have a elective c section.
I had an emergency c section, stayed in 5 days as I was poorly (not related to c section) highly recommend c section. It was sore for about a wk, drove after 2 wks but I knew no different as it was my first baby so I just got on with it!
I had an emergency c sec.

I did recover quickly and just check with your own car insurance company their criteria for driving afterwards. I did after a couple of weeks. I was exercising after 6 weeks but as positive as I am we all recover at different paces so just take it easy for a few weeks and don't put pressure on yourself to do things in a hurry!

I think if end up with anoth c sec I would be a bit more cautious than I was last time only because I don't want to be bed bound with a baby and toddler from overdoing it too quickly.

Big knickers and nothing on the scar was a godsend!xxx
Ive had 5 sections and a tubal reversal which was a section without a baby! Having my 6 th and last in august, im sick of sections now..
I actually recovered better from the 5 baby ones than the other as i had to get up and cracking!

Last one was9 pm at night - emergency but planned as in hours nottice
Up for walk and shower in the morning with catheter in , that came out that night 24 hrs thing.
Could have gone home day 2 but baby was having blood issues and finally got out tue night but due to babies have stayed in
Much longer before and i could nottice the difference at home as it's too easy to hurt , sofas low, bed high, stairs etc

All my recoverys were different, some great and some not so, but after a few days i try to reduce the painkillers so im feeling how much I'm hurting and can do lessetc to adjust.

In hospital I think it's a missnoma that you can't pick your baby up, other than getting baby dressed straight from theatre if oh hadn't done it - like first baby etc then ive done everthing myself, i wiuldn't dream of ringing nurse bell to ask them to pass me a baby or change a nappy, but that's just me.

I must admit to sleeping with baby in my bed in hosp, i ask them to leave side up on bed and tuck them in arm, much easier in night as the bedside cots are just not bedside enougth!

Have a small bag containing nappy stuff on the sliding bed table so it's always handy and reachable with travel change mat and nappy bags. Have another bag with your bits, like spare knicks, mat towels etc for easy grabbing from the big nhs chair next to bed.

When oh visits just make sure when he leaves to move chair, bags , lights on or off etc, so your all set for night etc , visitors have a habit of moving your stuff to sit down and don 't realise what a job it is to put it all back yourself!!

Smallest gap was 13 mths for me so you have to lift them, but start getting them to crawl up the stairs with you behind now, and coming down , sit on second step down and get them to hold round your neck like a piggy back, they love it and can be dropped off onto the sofa, this will buy you a few more days strain and doesn't hurt a bit.
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How many nights were you in hospital?
How did you really feel afterwards?

I have a low lying placenta and due in 3 weeks.
They have said they hope it will move enough in the next 2 weeks and I'll be rescanned to check.

But I might have to have a c section and wondered about your experiences as I have a one year old I'll be desperate to get home to x

I felt fine, sore and things obviously but totally fine.
I had him on the Monday and u stayed in until Thursday but thst was my own choice due yo feeding issues but they said I could've gone home on the Tuesday/ Wednesday as I was fit in myself

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