Calling all linespotters.....again!

This is why I like 10mlu tests, a 50mlu one probably wont work till the day youre due on or later so not accurate yet.
keep hoping! xxx
haha thanks girls I am still hoping!! (thanks FeeGee). Not gonna give up til AF is here lol. My 10miu tests should arrive tomorrow so will be happy as a pig in ........... well you know how it goes!! Will POAS til my hearts content!

Can't believe how difficult it is round here to get FRER's lol!!! Apparently our local boots doesn't stock them at all, but the main one in city centre does, I'm not trekking into town though! And only Asda near me does the other FR ones that you can test from day your period is due, not the 6 days sooner.

Looking forward to my ICs arriving!

thanks for looking

love n stuff

Liz if they are One Step ultra early IC's you have bought, then bin them!! they are shit to be quite frank. Was still getting negatives on them after i got my BFP in a fRER and digis. Took a few days past AF due date to start getting an obvious line.

they are ok to satisfy the POAS addiction, but that its about it. Can you not order some FRER's from Amazon? next day delivery ! lol
oooh're genius.............brb xx
ha forget that idea.......just checked lol

roll on wednesday i get some more money mwahahahaaaaa

does anyone know if tesco sell frers?

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