My boobs are bigger! :P


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Today hubby commented that my boobs seem bigger, that has to be a good sign!

They usually get a little bigger before af, but he usually can't tell, or at least only after I ask him and he's like "yeeeeeeaahhh. .maaaybe, I guess, I don't know." and now he just said my boobs were bigger, or at least the left one :p So... hoping they will keep growing! :p

I'm now at the stage where either I'm pregnant, or af will come. I bet if she comes she'll be here by monday at the latest. I got some acne and sore (and bigger..) boobs, common before af, but could just as well be pregnancy signs.. Those last days before af are the most annying since you know you have symptoms and you know it's either one thing, or the other. Argh!

I think I had an evap on my hpt today, which is more than I've had recently, so hoping maybe it will turn into a nice pink line soon, and that it wasn't an evap after all... we'll see, we'll see...
I'm technically about 8-10 days late for my period, but also probably just about 10-11DPO....

How are you all getting along?
:dance:for bigger boobs!!

Are you late for your period because you ov'd late? Fingers crossed you get your BFP! :dance:

yeah, I think so. I had a really weird cycle with positive OPK's twice, so I'm guessing my first LH surge didn't get the job done... Still.. on fertility friend it counts the first surge as when I ovulated, and I don't know when during my other surge I would have ovulated because my temp went up right before the positive OPK's it's all a mess! So I don't really know when to be expecting my period actually.. or if it's to early to test or not etc... just have to be patient really, which I'm obviously not! (Did TWO hpt's today already... like my hcg levels would rise that quickly!! Seriously.. what am I thinking!)
Oh, and I was almost sure I af had arrived, it really felt like it, so I hurried to the bathroom a couple of times, nothing. Not even spotting or anything, and cm is normal colour.

btw, are sore lips a symptom? :p Mine are super red and sore, but not really dry... sigh.. I'm going to be symptom spotting soooo much the nxt few days!! I've been a little nauseous too.. but I've been more nauseous before and not been pregnant, so who knows!
Btw, my sister had a baby today! :D He weighed 9.49lbs, so a BIG baby. 52cm. Just got off the phone with my mom :)
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ooooouh, and I think I'm getting a triphasic bbt chart! It's been at 36.6 for 5 days in a row, yesterday it raised to 36.7 and today it was 36.8 hoping it will stay up tomorrow morning! It's he highest it's been this cycle! (haven't charted other cycles though, so I have nothing to compare it to)
Btw, my sister had a baby today! :D He weighed 9.49lbs, so a BIG baby. 52cm. Just got off the phone with my mom :)

Congrats :)

I was stunned at how much i felt towards my nephew when he was born. My auntys and uncles never really bothered with me, but when i saw his little face i knew i loved him :love:

Did you feel the same?
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I know what you mean! I thought about it when my first niece was born! I felt soooo close to here and that I would do anything for her, and I just thought it was weird to think that she might end up seeing me as as "distant" as I see my uncles and aunts. I also swore not to let that happen though! I have 5 nephews and nieces now! And one more coming, and I really love them all to bits :) Unfortunately they're all in Norway, and I'm here in the UK, so I only see them once, maybe twice a year :(
Congratulations to your sister!! Does she know you are trying. Me and my sister were both pregnant at the same time last year and it was great fun!

Not too sure about the sore lips thing but pregnancy hormones do different things to everyone. I really hope you get your BFP, when are you testing next? x
My boobs got a lot bigger just before I got BFP, it was feeling them bigger when lying down in bed (they started getting in the way lol!) that made me test in the first place!
Congratulations to your sister!! Does she know you are trying. Me and my sister were both pregnant at the same time last year and it was great fun!

Not too sure about the sore lips thing but pregnancy hormones do different things to everyone. I really hope you get your BFP, when are you testing next? x

Thank you! No... no one knows about it yet. I've been wanting to tell her! But I don't want my mum to know yet and I know my sister and my mum talk about EVERYTHING and my sister might tell her by accident or something... I think she'll be the first one I'll tell when I get my BFP though, even before my parents! She told me about her last pregnancy before my parents as well.. mostly because I was home on holiday and were leaving soon, and she wanted to tell me in person, but still, that was really nice :) I was sooo thrilled for her!

I googled the sore lips and it kind of comes up on the lists of top pregnancy signs, I've just never noticed before cause I've never experienced it, but it says a lot of women experience skin changes, either dryness, pigmentation, acne, rashes, dry or chapped lips etc. Some causes of dry lips (except vomiting of course, which I don't have) is that your body starts producing more blood, so all the liquid goes to blood production and you can experience dry skin etc.

The day before yesterday I got one huge zit on my chin, then the next day my whole chest was full of spots. I noticed in the morning at uni.. I told my friend and she said it looked like small pox or something. It's gone now, but the area is still kind of read. Yesterday morning my lips were also all of a sudden suuuper sore and almost cracked when I smiled. The skin on my forhead is also very dry, and kind of itchy. My boobs were suddenly sore and bigger yesterday, and today I'm noticing all kinds of weird smells I usually don't think about, even though I have a stuffy nose! I also had some cramping and twitches in lower abdomen7uterus area yesterday and still some today. Feel kind of nauseous as well, but not really. And today I've peed three times already, usually that's how many times I go in a day and I've only been awake for about 4 hours.. My lips are still sore and my skin still dry.. It's rather odd. I'm quite optimistic about the whole skin thing! Mostly because it's different than symptoms I've had before! I also saw a shade of an evap on preg test today, so who knows. I'm staying hopeful! (My husband makes fun of me cause I think I'm pregnant every month! I always have symptoms :p But these symptoms are DIFFERENT! than other months, so THIS time I must be... he's not convinced :p

I test every day... :blush:
I want to wait, but I just know I won't even if I say I will.. so yeah, daily testing with internet cheapies. Once I get a faint line I'll do a normal clearblue, and if that's a faint line I'll try to wait two days and then do a digi to confirm..

wow.. long post.. guess I needed to get that off my chest!
My boobs got a lot bigger just before I got BFP, it was feeling them bigger when lying down in bed (they started getting in the way lol!) that made me test in the first place!
:) Cool! Hope I'll get a bfp too! Mine are so small that they're still small and not in the way :p But they're less small than before lol.

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