Caitlyn Grace is Here

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cant believe i missed this entire post!! what a weirdo...
One word. Sick.

This forum is for genuine people, some going through real problems with m/c and other problems. People like this make me so mad. :twisted: Do they do it for fun??? What twisted pleasure do they get out of it??

Any other day I would probably have found this amusing and congratulated Elaine for noticing this, but AF arrived for me last night, so that's another month before I am going to be able to hold my own beautiful child, and then this person makes a baby up!!! :twisted:

Dani - you need help.
It's all getting too weird on here now. I think any new members now are to supply a DNA sample, a midwifes letter, doctors note, copies of pregnancy notes, a drivers licence, passport and all other photo ID to all members, to take a lie detector test on Trisha/Jerry Springer/Ricky Lake or another daytime programme so we can all see the person and match them up to their photo ID's and what the results were and to who we are talking to and a live televised ultrasound scan!.

At this stage, nobody knows for sure whether Dani is lying or not, and until she comes and responds to this topic then we will never really know.

But what I would like to say is this - if she HAS lied about being pregnant for the last seven months or so (and again, nobody knows for sure that she has - so I am not passing judgement in any way) then I for one feel very badly for her, very sorry for her indeed. To put that amount of effort into a 'fake' pregnancy on a daily basis tells me that she is bearing an enormous amount of sadnesss in her life, and is in very real need of counselling, help and support.

I am not sticking up for people who do this - without a doubt, it is wrong to waste other people's time, support and energies in this way. Like you all, I do not know any of the facts, but I felt compelled to add my thoughts because if Dani has lied, well - I would just feel an enormous amount of sympathy for her. Yes, she may have tricked us all (on the other hand, she may not) but I have just been sat here thinking of the reasons behind anybody wanting to fake a pregnancy and to do it to this level (ie, seven months on a near-daily basis) tells me that any person feeling the need to do that is going through an awful lot of suffering and heartache in their real life.
Blimey, I hadn't looked at it that way Laura.....

I now feel really sorry for her. :(
With this type of thing though you feel have to be careful who people are now and that's not how it should be when you get on a forum especially a pregnancy forum when we are all here to support each other. I mean it could be that someone is bearing a lot of trauma over something - but then again there are very few people that haven't suffered some sort of trauma in their lives. I lost my mum at a young age but I wouldn't go to a bereavement forum 20 years later and pretend that my mum had just died or was dying etc. I would get the help that I needed. We also don't even know if this is male or female and so I don't want to have any sympathy for something or someone when we have no idea about them anyway. I could be having sympathy for a weird old bloke that could be a stalker who gets kicks out of doing things like this, you just never know. At the end of the day I have no sympathy until I know what's real and whats not and you won't ever know on a forum. xxxxx
That's very true emma, although maybe it's best not to type too much before we do know anything. Afterall, some people are effected by life events in different ways - some are stronger than others which is down to individual differences.

Still, we're not all health professionals are we, so we do our best :D
WOW..that's all I can say, You come to a forum where you believe you are talking to women that are just like you and you find out ( or suspect) you have been tricked for whatever reason, and it makes you question alot of things and if this was a "fake pregnancy" then I was fooled, she was good. My hubby has been questioned all of this because you never know who you are talking to, and all I could say, is no not here these are "real pregnant women" with real issues and for the most part I still believe it is but you've got to admit it does make you want to be a little bit more cautious. It is sad really, some "people" really do put a caution sign on some things that are so important to the "real women". The world is round and what goes around comes around!

xoxo Ree

P.S. I am real and so is my pregnancy!! :wink:
just had a thought,

did she post any scan pics?? coz that will have the date, time and place on it wont it?

that will prove wether she is a fake or not
Right click on the pic and go to properties. Look at the created date of it.

11th January 2005.
I sent it to my mate, he is a PC I.T wizz kid

he made it bigger and seems to think it says 10/7/2005 for the date

9:11am for the time of scan

and Victoria Infirmary for the hospital.

he couldnt make out the name tho

there is a Victoria Infirmary in newcastle and thats wehre dani says she is from
If you right click and go to properties on my scan picture it says the same date as dani's and I'm too enormous not to be real :lol:

Could the 18/07/05 be mistaken for 10/07/05???
LouisecH said:
Could the 18/07/05 be mistaken for 10/07/05???

i asked him that, he said yes possibley, it is very small, he had to zoom in to make it all out
Apparently her sister was due the same day as her though so could something have happened and maybe Dani was following her sisters pregnancy in some sort of denial that it was hers? That would make all dates of everything correct? I dunno, shot in the dark there.
LouisecH said:
If you right click and go to properties on my scan picture it says the same date as dani's and I'm too enormous not to be real :lol:

Could the 18/07/05 be mistaken for 10/07/05???

Sorry :oops:
im not sticking up for her, dont get me wrong, i was just trying to look at every possiblty first
I think that Laura B had a very good point. We don't know whether Dani was lying, and we don't know why she has done IF she has. I just think that some of the comments made have been very upsetting. I can fully understand how people are feeling if Dani has lied, I have chatted to Dani a number of times and shared information with her and it does feel wierd but until Dani chooses to reply we just don't know what is going on. I know everyone has had trauma in their life, I lost both my parents a few years ago, and if it had not been for the fantastic support of my friends and family I do not know how I would have got through it. I think I have dealt with it in and come to terms with it but since I got pregnant I have been having very low thoughts and missing them both very much and I have not felt like this in a long time. I have found myself reading about bereavment again, something I haven't done in a while just to try and get my feelings under control. I hven't made up stories but I have got a great support system who let me talk about my loss as if it only happened the other day because now I'm going to be a mum I am only just realising what I have lost not having my mum here. Dani may not have this support there, I don't know, I don't like guessing why others behave like they do. I guess what I am trying to say is that this is a support forum, and we all know that pregnany or even TCCing causes you a lot of stress which can manifest itself in differet ways. It does not excuse the lies I know but I think the best thing we can do is if Dani is lying and getting some satisfaction from this then just ignore her, or PM Laura who could then remove the posts??? Sorry this is so long winded but I just got really upset about this. I hope this forum gets back to its happy self soon.
Good post, Beanie.

Meanwhile I have decided to lock this topic. I am really not happy about letting such speculative comments get out of hand when nobody really knows any of the facts and Dani is not here to respond - whatever her reason for absence may be. Unfortunately this topic appears to have turned into some kind of witch-hunt and for the sake of my friendly forum, I cannot let it continue!

If Dani reads this and wishes to post a reply then she is welcome to do so in a new topic, however I would not be surprised if she feels she cannot return here, whether she has been telling the truth or not.

Whatever the circumstances, and whatever the truth may be, I am sure many of you will join me in wishing Dani well for the future.
For the record, Elaine (Paradysso) has not actually been banned from this forum - anybody interested can see my replies to the other threads on this subject here and here.
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