c section scar infected :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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Just been to the out of hours gp cos i noticed a funny smell earlier, (wasnt like that yesterday)

So turns out my wound is infected, now on super strength anti biotics and some other tablets for bacterial infection that are major strength, gotta see my gp on monday to get it checked

Anyone else had this?

Also scared cos if it dont get better i gotta go hospital for a drip and im so so scared of needles (yes even tho ive had a section)

Need some reassurance that it can be pretty common (hopefully)
Try not to worry, one of the ladies I was in with my second son with had an infection in her scar, she was told to lay on the bed when she could and try to let the air get to it, she had a little overhang of skin and it hadn't had enougth air, just while healing, could you try this? it could help.

Mine were ok, but do take it easy hun
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Thank you, i do have some "overhang" pmsl (hoping it goes away) think thats why too cos the bit thats infected is right in the middle under it

I know this sounds stupid but im just so worried incase it doesnt clear up and i have to go to hospital, could actually sit and cry right now im that scared

Dont help that dh seems to be panicking bout it too, even tho in all other ways im fine,

Temp/pulse ok, no swelling/redness/bleeding or tenderness i feel fine in myself so hoping we've caught it quickly xx
I was advised by a few of the ladies to dry the scar with the hairdryer on cool to get rid of any moisture after showers etc. xx
Thank you, i do have some "overhang" pmsl (hoping it goes away) think thats why too cos the bit thats infected is right in the middle under it

I know this sounds stupid but im just so worried incase it doesnt clear up and i have to go to hospital, could actually sit and cry right now im that scared

Dont help that dh seems to be panicking bout it too, even tho in all other ways im fine,

Temp/pulse ok, no swelling/redness/bleeding or tenderness i feel fine in myself so hoping we've caught it quickly xx

If you have no swelling or redness , that all sounds promising, try not to worry to much , get some rest if you can and bathe it lots and then keep it dry, air it, so its not skin on skin too much, and those pills will sort it out, you will feel a new women in a few days
Thanks ladies, just wanted some reassurance, dont know what id do without you all xxx
I'd an infection in mine honey :) mine was bad bled and weeped like crazy. Antibiotics soon cleared it up! Try having showers not baths because its cleaner and let the air at it as much as poss. I was also advised to keep a wee gauze over it so my clothes didn't get at it :) hope it clears soonx
Thank you, my husband doesnt understand why i use this forum, i should show him this thread!

Feel a lot better now i know im not alone (not that id wish this on anyone) xxx

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