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Bump yet ladies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hey aaaalllllll :)

Right, just been browsing through the 'tri one bump pics' and seeing that some women have bumps from 5 weeks, yikes!!

Last time with my MMC, I can honestly say I felt 'really bloated' as most.

This time in the evening my tummy is getting quite big (im 9 weeks). In the morning, its a lot flatter but still bloated.

Im hoping this could be a good sign although doesnt ease the paranoia. I want to start treating my tummy like there is a baby inside but until the 3 month scan I really wont be able to :(

***Whats everyone elses tum/bump like at the min n how far gone are u?

***Anyone else who is 9 weeks, whats ur tum like?

*** Does anyone else feel like they have developed love handles as well as a tum?

Feel free to post some pics on here as im soooooo intrigued xx xx xx
Hell yeah!! I have ( had ) an ironing board flat tummy until 10 weeks pregnant and now I have got a teeny weeny Lil bump.. Can't decide it its bloat or bump though!

Will post a pic in a sec x

my belly has gone from flat ish ( with a little big of padding) to huge fat wobble and the love handles oh my god im just so not impressed witht he amount of non baby weight iv put on :-(

At at least in a few months I can start to blame the baby though :)
I definitley have a bump now! just my lower belly is hard and sticks out!! I have a feeling I am going to be masssiiiveee hahaha x
im huge!!!!!!!! but its got nothing to do with the bump lol.
my lower tummy was always big and flabby, but its starting to get harder and there is def little bit of rounding going on xx
mines defo growing but i just feel fat! hate feeling self conscious its rubbish. roll on the nice hard round bump :(( x
I am 9 weeks and already I have gone up a size and my jeans are REALLY tight already, I have eaten loads more recently and eased off exercise mainly because I am so tired but my over hang is more of my naughtiness raiding the fridge rather than pregnancy so thats not helping!!

Having said that my lower abdomen I can normally suck in flat but now its firm and a little bump has appeared which is the pregnancy :) xxx

I would upload a pic but I have a laptop that is so old it should be in a museum and havent worked out how to upload one from my iphone!x
im 10 weeks today and i have had a bigger tummy since week 8. its got to the point now where it is painful to sit with my jeans done up...heading into town to get some elasticated jeans/trousers tomorrow!
I have definitely got love handles, and my waist seems to have disappeared already which is rather depressing! My tummy is bigger, but not like a bump yet really, just feels a bit fatter! :D Although it does get bigger in the evenings like yours! x x x
Ive lost 10 pounds due to sickness and have had a definate noticeable bump for a couple of weeks x
my belly feels SO heavy all the time! definite but tiny bump! my lower belly feels solid all day long! before when i used to breathe in i had a flat stomach but not now-little lump! :)
Stomach is huge after I have eaten and continues to get bigger until by the evening I am so huge and bloated! But it is really is just bloat. First thing in the morning, I am pretty flat, although the tiniest bump has started to appear... not really picture-worthy as it is the tiniest little bump! Hopefully will develop a bit more over the next few weeks into something a bit more defined! :)
I am about 5'6 tall and weigh 8 stone you could say i'm rather slim. Always been that way no matter how much i eat. I have noticed from 8 weeks that my tummy will no longer stay down. This week when i breathe in my tummy still stays bloated. In the mornings when i wake up there is definately a slight change and my tummy sometimes feels tight. Being slim a little bump definately notices and can't wait to get my bump for real.

Yesterday i had very mild Period pains again didn't last long but i hope its a good growing sign. Im tired all the time especially this week and still feel nauseous but thankfully not sick. I mostly feel sick when hungry and can't eat foods that are too strong in tase it make my mouth water and i feel like i want to hurl.

At the moment getting nervous about 12 wk scan. I want it to be hear so much i just need to know if everything is ok so i can properly enjoy my pregnancy. Tick tock, Tick tock.

***Whats everyone elses tum/bump like at the min n how far gone are u?

Mine seemed to "pop out" at about 10 weeks and I had to start wearing really loose tops so that it wasn't too obvious. It hasn't changed much since then. It's strange though because I haven't put on any weight, in fact I have lost weight because of being ill for a couple of weeks!

***Anyone else who is 9 weeks, whats ur tum like?

At 9 weeks my tummy looked completely normal

*** Does anyone else feel like they have developed love handles as well as a tum?

Not really, but this could be due to being really ill for a few weeks and losing a lot of weight. I'm sure I will get them soon! lol
I'm 7 Weeks, and I have a small bump. I normally have a really flat stomach but now there is a very small bump. I think of course that I'm the only one that can see it, and that it seems to everyone that I just put on weight (I looked the same last summer when I put on weight, people asked me if I were pregnant).

I can't wait to get a bump and show it to everyone. Now I feel I have to "hold my stomach in" when with friends and family, so they wont get supsious.
Ive noticed being bigger past week or so probably is bloating but come tea time i look bout 4 months gone!

And to me and dh its obvious its a pregnancy bump altho im guessing im generally putting on weight, i only have 1 pair of jeans left that i can wear during day but as soon as im home for the day ive gotta put something comfier on!

Mind you a friend of mine reckons the more you have the sooner you show xx
none of my jeans fit anymore :( as soon as i get home i have to put my pj bottoms on, they are the only bottoms i have that dont squash me!
none of my jeans fit anymore :( as soon as i get home i have to put my pj bottoms on, they are the only bottoms i have that dont squash me!

Same here! and ive just noticed we got the same edd! xx

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