Bump yet ladies?

:yay: another edd buddy! lol! do you have any scans booked in yet?

Not yet hunni got my booking in app this thursday and they apparently give you a date then, so diff to when i was having other two, plus here (Hull) the more you have the less the mw bother! xx
lol! this is my first, ive already had one scan to make sure Pip was in the right place, i have a dating scan on Wednesday (sooo excited to see it again!) and my 12 week on 9th august.

Means i get to see Pip at least 4 times during my pregnancy, what a shame!!!
Aw so exciting! my girls are 11 and 6 now will be 12 & 7 when this one arrives so its been a while

Sorry for thread hijacking xx
my bumps coming along niceley, posted in bumpy pics, cnt wait till it gets big altough ill prob be complaining about the backache etc hehe x
I bloated up from about 6 weeks and can no longer fit in to any of my jeans. My work trousers are considerably tighter and getting uncomfortable. I just look like I have gained a load of weight! I had put on a few pounds before BFP due to not really being interested in diet following MMC but could get in to my clothes. I recokon I have put on 7lb in the first 10 weeks.
I'm pretty sure I'm getting some sort of bump that is not just flab. My reasoning: I've lost weight (morning sickness etc) and I can see my colarbones for instance protrude more than before, but my belly and boobs are bigger than before. Also, I noticed this morning that my belly button is more "open". When I gain weight it usually gets more "closed".. as if the flab is pushing it together, but now it's very round and open, which also indicates there's something under my skin that's not fat that's making my belly stand out. Also, it's quite firm... But no one else would think it looked like a bump though (except maybe you guys here :P But you know.. no "normal" people would think of it as a bump!
I don't have any sort of bump. I have huge boobies and my belly is a little flabbier than normal but that is due to the fact i'm not exercising like I used to.

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