Bummed out


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Still got bad cramps and last night whilst celerbrating FILs birthday with a meal out I had to rush to loo and threw up (food had only arrived!). Was really ill and hot and tired.

This morning Still a bit bleh and tired. Cramps bad and just been to loo and I think AF is here but dunno.

Normally it's really heavy and dark with clots (sorry if tmi) but this wasn't much and pinkish red. :think:

Backs hurting like hell now too.
I'm sorry you're feeling so ill... Hopefully these are just pg symptoms (they sure sound like they are). Fingers crossed it's not your AF. Lots of women have some kind of bleeding in early pregnancy. Are you going to test again?

Good luck

I'll see what happens in next few days. If bleed proper then no point as will be AF.

I really hope it's just implantation bleeding tho.
Have a scan on 26th September so will know either way then.

Hope hubby comes home soon :cry:
My AF has arrived :cry: :( :wall:

Can hardly move with pain in my back and belly. So I could have a fibours Cyst after all (reason why I'm having scan)

So depressed.

Hope you feel better hun :hug: rest up as much as possible
Thanx all. :hug:

In that much pain I keep thinking of going back on depo :( Just take tablets hospital have given me so hope that will take edge off it.

Sams not been walked since Sat and he refuses to let hubby take him out laying flat down near me and not budging. Hope I get no visitors with state house is in. Not had much sleep either.

Really starting to wonder if it's worth all the pain and stress?

God I hate hormones! :wall:
Aww PyscoFalcon,

It will be worth it in the end, hang in there, we're all here to support you :hug:

And stuff the housework...there's always tomorrow :wink:

Take it easy and if you can go for a little walk, the fresh air might give you a little boost.

Charm X
Thanx all. Well I can hardly walk round the house never mind take Sam out.

I feel so lazy just sat watching TV in my recliner or in my leather chair at PC but in too much pain. Every time I move it feels like I've been stabbed :cry:

Really wish I hadn't come oof depo but I want a kid so much.

I'm at end of my tether as I'm on post-op tablets pains that bad but they just take edge off. Can't go back on depo until after my scan either :wall:

Anyone else TTC have Fibroids or endometrisis?
Hiya, can I just give you some words of advice! DO NOT go back on the depo provera shot! I was on it for four years and during year three I started having a lot of pain, without wanting to be too explicit, it was when having sex and it started with a burning sensation during, and then it got worse over the months and ended up that we could do anything at all as it was just too painful, I kept going to doctor and ended up having loads of tests including a biopsy (not pleasant!) and they showed nothing, over the 12 months that this went on for I kept asking whether it had anything to do with the shot and all doctors kept saying that it wasn't. I even got married andwent on honeymoon unable to do anything! (very nice dh!)

I eventually became so desperate to cure myself I came off the shot on the off chance it was that, and guess what???? It cleared up within a month! I then did some research on the net and found a LOT of people had had exactly the same problems, I was furious with the doctor, because I felt that even though it isn't proven, they could at least have said that it was a possibility!

I know you probably haven't had any of these symptoms, but I didn't for the first three years, it just came on, so please please don't have the shot!!!!!!

Sorry to ramble, I just don't want people to go through the same thing as it is actually quite depressing!
Thank you very much for your warning but I'm like that all ready. When on Depo could Shag all we wanted but now it burns and I get really sharp pains so can't. I also throw up afterwards.

Only do it twice to 3 times a month when I ovulate :(

Sorry you experianced it when on the shot.
How long have you been off it? I wouldn't be surprised if the shot has something to do with it! I feel for you, there is nothing worse than what you are going through x :hug:
Just over 2 years I've been off it. Went on depo in first place cos of this.

I was fine (well heavyish but no where near as painful) when I was young. Then I had a riding accident (rode racehorses and horse reared up on gallops and fell over ontop of me, using that area to help himself up) when I was 17.

Broke both collar bones and did back in and been like this since but getting worse so eventually went on depo for 2 years, then came off it to have a baby 2 years ago but only started getting AF in March (lightly) but slowly getting back to this state :cry:

End of July I had a smear test done and I screamed the hospital down and they had to stop it was that painful :(

That horse accident sounds hideous, you poor thing!

I also had the same experience with a smear I cried and cried and she tried and tried and eventually she gave up and said I would have to go to a gynocology place as they have smaller thingies, but I have never felt so awful in my whole life, what an experience, you end up crawling higher and higher up the bed and after all the pain nothing done!
It was. Couldn't walk for a year then had to use a stick until Hubby got me a dog 2 years ago - now only use stick when really bad (normally deep winter)
Not been able to work for 8 years and everyone reckons I wouldn't be able to cope with a Kid but I think it'll make me stronger.

Glad I'm not only one but sorry your like that too. It was at gyno ward in the hospital. Just hope they can do the scan next Tuesday as it's an internal scan.

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