Bummed out

i hope it goes well, you could go to the doctors before and get them to presccribe valium rsomething similar to relax all ytour muscles, it mught make it easier, some people have to have this done for a smear x
If it hurts too much I'll just tell em to knock me out. Really need to know what's going on.

aww hun i feel for you :hug: i hope you get everything sorted
I'm sorry you're going through all this :(

Hoping you get everything sorted soon

That accident sounds awfull! Sorry to hear about the problems you are having, hope the scan is ok and you get everything sorted! :hug:
PF that sounds awful what youve been through, sorry :hug:
Well sorry I've been avoiding this part of forum until had scan as so upset and worried.

Anyway just had a scan and it looks like I might have PCOS :(
Scan was NOT nice at all and I still hurt/burn. Got to have a blood test to find out for sure and what tablets to go on but they said Metaflorin as I'm a borderline diabetic.

Not what I wanted to hear :(
I'm sorry, I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear but at least you know what's wrong and you can get treatment and be looked after. :hug:

I really hope you get your BFP soon, you deserve it. :pray:

Thank you :hug:

Just eaten a box of malteasers to cheer myself up :oops:
Aww Im sorry to hear this hun! :hug: But knowing has got to be beter then the not knowing (well Im hoping so, Im expecting to find out I have PCOS when I have my scan next month!) at least now they can treat you properly, really hoping you get your bfp soon! :hug:
ah im sorry to hear your news, as the already said, at least you know whats wrong now and can be treated for it :hug: hope you get your bfp soon :hug:

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