Brown spotting - anyone had this and baby ok?

So sorry this is still dragging out hun. At least you know for definite what's happened and have options. It's great you have a holiday planned soon.It'll be something nice to look forward too. You're doing so well. I hope how every it happens it happens soon. You've waited long enough.
PM me anytime.


Hope it's over soon for you Hun :hug: :hug: , I miscarried naturally, the pain was quite bad for a couple of days and the bleeding lasted about a week from start to finish but none of it was more than I could cope with, take care of yourself :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear what you've been and are continuing to go through Kitty.

Thinking of you and your DH :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Kitty, I hope things happen naturally for you soon :hug: :hug: The waiting must be horrible :hug:

Thinking of you and your DH :hug:
well, eight days later and no bleeding at all. Even the spotting (more brownish mucus than bleeding - lovely!) seems to have stopped altogether this past week. I'm hoping that by writing this, sod's law will kick in and it'll all happen today...

but to be honest, I'm kind of giving up the will to keep going at the moment. I'm feeling really nauseous (ironic, since the reason I went to the doctor in the first place was because I didn't have any pg symptoms and had a tiny bit of spotting!), my stomach has now ballooned and I have so had enough. I'm now 11 weeks "pregnant", and 4 weeks since the first scan revealed I was going to miscarry.

I really don't want the D&C. There's a large bit of me that thinks if I'm not miscarrying naturally yet, then for whatever reason my body obviously isn't ready to miscarry, and perhaps I'm doing more harm than good by forcing it. However, I know I can't take the risk of miscarrying on holiday, on a remote island somewhere where i wouldn't even be covered by med/travel insurance (since it's a pre-existing condition now!), and so it needs to be dealt with.

Sorry - I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. :cry:
you've got every right to feel sorry for urself.

every mc is different, and every woman is different. but my natural mc was one of the most horrific and traumatic experiences ive ever had to go through. touch wood it wont happen again but if it did happen again and i had the option i would have a D&C. its prob a bit difffrent cuz i wasnt expecting to mc, itjust happened so the shock/suprise obviously didnt help. im not saying this is what u should do, this is just my opinion and hope it helps. and im really sorry again :hug:

ps hope u enjoy ur hol 8)
Ah hun I'm sorry you're feeling down. You have every right to be though. I hope it happens naturally soon. If nothing happens as much as you'd rather it be natural at least you have other options.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks everyone.

Babydust - thanks for the reassurance. Rationally I know I can't keep going, and for my own well-being I need to get it over and done with. However - not only do I already have vulvodynia, which means that any pain from the surgical procedure is likely to be amplified and worse still, there's the possibility that the procedure itself could inflame the nerve endings permanently, but I also have a heart condition so general anaesthetic is something that it would be preferable to avoid. Still, the hospital knows about both conditions, and I guess if I'm going to have another heart seizure, better to have it in a hospital than on holiday like last time! Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place...

AH well. Hopefully this time next week it will be over once and for all and there won't be any side effects... :pray:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Kitty, I am so sorry that you are going through this. Do you have another scan?

I so hope you are able to move on from this awful limbo place soon.

Jane x
kitty im so sorry your having to go through this hun :hug: i hope things happen naturally for you before much longer we are all thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I probably haven't said much about my heart condition - it doesn't stop me doing anything! It just means that I have to be careful with medicines and I try not to take anything. It also means I have to limit my caffeine intake, which is by far the hardest aspect :lol: Basically my heart overreacts to stimuli and then beats too fast. Once it goes over a certain rate, the blood circulation's affected so I get pins and needles in my hands and feet and they go blue and cold. Then I get palpitations and feel faint. If my heartrate continues to increase, I get sharp pains in my chest, lose consciousness and then my heart starts skipping beats because it can't keep up with itself. When I'm asleep, the heart rate slows down a lot. I don't know too much about it, but it seems that the risk of the general anaesthetic is that the heart rate slows down too much, so the blood doesn't get pumped round, or that when I come round, my heart rate could increase too quickly. Anyway I'm sure they'd monitor it. It's just a bit of added stress.

The vulvodynia is a more serious concern. I don't really want to think about that!

ROM - yes, I get another scan on Tuesday. We were hoping it was going to be a scan to confirm it's all passed. There's still time... just not a lot! If the scan shows that the sac's still growing, however, especially since the spotting seems to have stopped completely for the time being, then we'll know it could be weeks more if left. My body seems determined to hang on to it :( Let's hope it proves as stubborn with a viable pregnancy!

I really don't know what to think anymore - I veer between wanting to phone up the EPU and schedule a D&C for tomorrow, and wondering if I could wait a couple more weeks. Your mind starts playing tricks, too - you start wondering if perhaps the spotting has stopped because suddenly and miraculously, a baby has appeared, even though you know it's impossible! I saw the sac myself and all the sonographers did their best to view it from as many angles as possible each time - they certainly weren't rushing anything. Babydust, I certainly know why you'd go for the D&C!

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