I probably haven't said much about my heart condition - it doesn't stop me doing anything! It just means that I have to be careful with medicines and I try not to take anything. It also means I have to limit my caffeine intake, which is by far the hardest aspect

Basically my heart overreacts to stimuli and then beats too fast. Once it goes over a certain rate, the blood circulation's affected so I get pins and needles in my hands and feet and they go blue and cold. Then I get palpitations and feel faint. If my heartrate continues to increase, I get sharp pains in my chest, lose consciousness and then my heart starts skipping beats because it can't keep up with itself. When I'm asleep, the heart rate slows down a lot. I don't know too much about it, but it seems that the risk of the general anaesthetic is that the heart rate slows down too much, so the blood doesn't get pumped round, or that when I come round, my heart rate could increase too quickly. Anyway I'm sure they'd monitor it. It's just a bit of added stress.
The vulvodynia is a more serious concern. I don't really want to think about that!
ROM - yes, I get another scan on Tuesday. We were hoping it was going to be a scan to confirm it's all passed. There's still time... just not a lot! If the scan shows that the sac's still growing, however, especially since the spotting seems to have stopped completely for the time being, then we'll know it could be weeks more if left. My body seems determined to hang on to it

Let's hope it proves as stubborn with a viable pregnancy!
I really don't know what to think anymore - I veer between wanting to phone up the EPU and schedule a D&C for tomorrow, and wondering if I could wait a couple more weeks. Your mind starts playing tricks, too - you start wondering if perhaps the spotting has stopped because suddenly and miraculously, a baby has appeared, even though you know it's impossible! I saw the sac myself and all the sonographers did their best to view it from as many angles as possible each time - they certainly weren't rushing anything. Babydust, I certainly know why you'd go for the D&C!