thought I'd do an update in case anyone else goes through the same thing and wants to know what happens next...
I had my scan at the EPU today. I'm 10 weeks by LMP. The sac has grown since the last scan - it now measures 8 weeks (so it's growing, but slowly, and is now 2 weeks behind). That would explain why I feel so crap, and had to get up in the middle of the night to throw up last night... the pregnancy hormone levels are still increasing. Looks like my body thinks everything's fine, and hasn't realised that there's absolutely nothing in the sac except fluid. The sac is still at the top of the uterus, also suggesting that my body's in no hurry to get rid of it. I've had a little spotting when I wipe over the past two weeks, and then some light bleeding (well, bits of dark tissue really) over the past couple of days, but nothing I'd really describe as period-like yet, and no pain/cramping except for some twinges for ten mins on Saturday morning.
Since the sac is still high and growing, but is now over 20mm and empty, the diagnosis is now official - missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. Ah well, at least I knew it was coming. Apparently the unit sees a lot of women who are referred from their 12-week scans, when the sac has been found to be empty. That must be so much worse.
Anyway, I was given three options: natural (wait it out); medical (go in on a Saturday, take a pill, get stuck in a hospital bed, get let out on Monday); or surgical (general anaesthetic, D&C, get let out once you're conscious, assuming no complications). The midwife said there was no way of telling when a natural m/c might happen, could be this week or could be another 6 weeks plus.
I'd prefer to wait it out, but now we have the holiday booked for the end of September, I don't want to risk heavy bleeding/pain/infection happening whilst we're on a remote island, a boat ride and 2 hours-drive from the nearest hospital - and the midwife didn't think that was sensible either. Plus I feel like I've done quite a lot of waiting and I want to get on with my life now. I've been wearing liners/sanitary towels 'just in case' for the past 4+ weeks, and I want to get back to swimming, going out, and generally not worrying about when it's all going to happen.
So the decision is made. I am waiting for another couple of weeks, and have a scan booked for 3rd Sept. If all goes well, I'll have miscarried naturally by then and the scan will show the sac has passed. If the scan shows the sac's still there, I will be booked in for a D&C on the 4th, which will give me time to recover, plus time for the EPU to do a follow-up scan and take action if there's any infection or there are any 'retained products'. I'll be 12 weeks by dates by then anyway, and I think that is long enough to wait.
Well, thanks to all for their support, and I hope that if anyone else is unlucky enough to have the same thing, they'll at least find my experience useful in terms of knowing what to expect, and what decision would be best for them.