brings back memories - first ever thread.

Mine was over 3 years ago :shock: where does the time go?
My post wasnt the happiest and I was totally clueless on pregnancy, as you can tell! The little bean didnt stick, but was back on here the next month with a BFP and my girl is now 2 years and nearly 5 months!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hels, 30 and pregnant for the first time.
i found out last week. i have worked out that i can be only about 3/4 weeks. Since my last period i had continued to bleed slightly, so that is throughout my whole 3/4 wk pregnancy so far. it is only light, and i have no pain at all.
dr did a blood test, HCG levels were only 38, having another today to compare it. fingers crossed that when i get reuslts, prob on monday, that my HCG levels will have risen somewhat, and not declined....which would indicate miscarrage??
am so scared, has any one else had anything simlar?? i understand that miscarrage may be likely, but am trying to stay so so so so so positive, i feel absolutely great, fit and healthy. keep praying this bleed will subside and i will carry on pregnancy worry free.
sorry to moan and go on,
love hels xx
Kylie1007 said:
Hi All! :wave:

Can any of you recommend any really great (and accurate) websites for pregnancy! There are loads but each one tells you a different thing in the foetal development tracker sections!

Kylie x

my first :wall: . How rude of me not to introduce myself :rotfl:

I think I was fairly newly pg when I first started using the site though.

ooh, i really love the name Phoebe. My friend was going to call her baby Phoebe Jean which i thought was so cute. She had a boight steal it........heehee

Not only do i not bother to introduce myself, i dont even make sense!!! WTF does "She had a boight " mean?!?!?!

It wasnt until my 5th post that i bothered to write...

Im sarah, im 27 from Yateley in hampshire. My 2nd baby is due in April 2008 and im sooooooo excited. We've been trying since xmas, so im so chuffed.

I didnt have the internet the first time round so its nice to come on here and get advice and chat!

How very rude of me, lol. :roll:
This is a blast from the past

lauramumof2 said:
Im Laura, mum to Jessica 18 months and I have just found out Im pregnant again. Its a bit of a surprise as I have fertility problems (allegedly) and was told by my gyn 2.5 years ago that the chance of conceiving were remote. I was due for ivf in oct 2003 and then found out the week before I started that we have managed it ourself. Then in Oct this year I went to get referred to my gyn with a view to more ivf and yesterday I took a positive test. My gyn appointment wasnt till March and this has caught us totally by surprise. We are over the moon and a bit stunned. I am going to wait til next friday till I tell our families as I cant get to the docs till Thursday. Im not sure though if I am 4 weeks or 8. My last period was hellish painfull down one side which in hindsight might have been implantation and not a true period. I bled a bit at the start with Jess. How would they find this out without a scan. I have morning sickness (at night) and have dog nose. Also I have a craving for prawns which I hate and feel that 4 weeks might be a bit early for this.
Any replies would be appreciated as I cant talk to the folks till Friday and and dying to talk pregnancy!

Misslarue said:
Just to say Hi :0)

I have been coming here for the last 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, but I have never posted before.

I am 9 weeks and over the moon!


Seems so long ago now!
Mines really random... i dont think i ever introduced myself properly :oops:

Mrs_Jay said:
ive got exactly the same problem, ive just found out im 5 weeks pregnant. and im getting married on the 17th October.

really worried about fitting in my wedding dress :(
My first post, not that it was that long ago but it feels like ages ago to me :lol:

Wed May 21, 2008

Found the site while looking for info on conceiving. Im 28 from Sunderland and currently trying for a baby after been on the pill on and off since I was 15... have been off the pill just over 2 month now and have had one "none pill period"

Looking forward to getting to know you all!!!

Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 5197
Location: west london / middlesex

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 19:32 pm Post subject: newbie ttc....poss pcos

Hi , thought i just say ello for my first post

been trying for 11 months (with a 2 month break in april/may ofr minor surgery) and now suspect i have pcos , had first blood tests back and am going for my scan on monday (13th) im sooooo scared , i burst into tears with just getting dodgy blood tests , dunno how ill cope if the scan shows ive got pcos altho would bring closure to me not getting pregnant but would also devestate me too , am only 24 and been married 7 months . last 2 months ive been 7 days late too , talk about getting ya hopes up Sad prob just another sympton on pcos

sure many of u are going throught the same , wishing everyone luck

that was mine ,wish id found here when i first started ttc too !
Heres mine, I wasnt rude funnily and did manage a intro! Really takes me back knowing I was carrying my ladybug still!

mrs_tommo22 said:
Hi my name is Sarah, im 23 and happily married to tommo and we have a son stephen (nearly 3) together.
I like your forum.
Im also 5 months pregnant with my second baby and am having my next scan on the 2nd april, so cant wait!

Then again im an amatuer!!!!! :D :D
Here's my one:

Sun Apr 15, 2007

kazlin said:
Hi there everyone,

I have joined this site recommended by GGG (mod) who I have known for a fair while now.

My bf and I are thinking of hopefully starting a family next year, so for the moment I shall probably be lurking around (terrible term isn't it!) more than posting, to gain some valuble info and advice on pregnancy and child development!

Looks like a great site :D

Jesus my first post was long!!! I did manage to introduce myself, and ask about 10 thousand questions at the same time!! It's strange how much has changed since finding out about her!

abcd1234 said:
i'm 19 and just found out i'm pregnant, it hasnt really sunk in yet to be honest, it wasn't planned and i've only known the father a few months. I've told him and at first he wanted me to get rid of it but its not really an option for me, yesterday he was more possitive and wants to stay with me and support me. I'm currently in my second year of uni and i really dont want to have to give that up but i know realistically i may have no choice.
I just need someone to help it sink in because at the moment it's still just a line on a stick. I still live at home and my relationship with my father is quite strained at the moment as it is. I wouldnt want to have the baby and bring it up at home but i wouldnt know where to start in sorting things out.
Does anyone have any advice on how to tell parents things like this? I think they know soemthings up and i dont like hiding things i'm just very scared to tell them. They know the fathers family so they wouldnt be hugely against him. I just know they'll be disapointed.
I still cant beleive it's really happening, i've taken four pregnancy tests, been to the walk in cantre and they've all been possitive. I've got to go to the doctors on monday to talk about it all, can anyone let me know what kind of thing they're going to be talking about because i dont know whether it'd be a good idea for him to come with me or not
I know i woudlnt be alone in the pregnancy, my friend who's 18 has just found herself in exactly the same situation (we're due within 2 days of eachother) so i'll always have someone close who's going through the same thing.
I also keep getting mild cramps, like period pains, the seem to come in mid afternoon and only last for an hour or 2, when i was in the walkin cantre the women said this may lead to early miscarriage, has anyone else had these? this baby might not have been planned but i still wanna look after it properly and dont want anything to happen to it.
sorry about such a long post theres just so much going through my mind and so much i need to consider, i jsut wanted some advice from people who are going through similar things
Clare x
Heres mine:

Miss.Monroe said:
hello to you all :)

im 20 years old and have been with my boyfriend for 5 and a half years. found out i was pregnant yesturday so thought i would join for help and advice! looking forward to getting to know you all! :) xxx
Heres mine......found out that it wasnt morning sickness I had a kidney infection instead!!!!

nickilubs said:
:wave: Hello everyone, oooo this place looks so friendly yay!

Im new here I have just found out Im pregnant :D not planned but Im defo happy!

I was wondering how people get on with eating during pregnancy Im not a very big eater normaly but now Im worrying I should start to eat more and healthy for the health of the baby. Does anyone else have any problems with food?

Since I haave found out I have been suffering with sickness that starts when i wake till when i sleep i seen a doctor today and she has advised me to keep my sugar levels and water levels high so Im trying my best but I really dont feel like eating even though I know/want to.

Its worrying me also that i do want to bring up or have been bringing up anything that i have ate? Makes me want to eat less but Im worryed about harming the babe?

Sorry if this is a bit long! Also got to tell the parents yet and Im a bit worryed! How did you tell them?

Thank You much

Nicki x
This is my first ever post i was known as Rebecca25 in those days.

Rebecca25 said:
i found out less than a week ago that i am pregnant again the first time i had a blighted ovum. the thing is i keep getting a pain on my left side now it is not severe but it is a short stabbing like pain and i am really worried as i had this pain before im still waiting for my scan appointment which i am hoping will be next week. is this a normal type pregnancy pain as i had it last time and it wasnt an etpoic pregnancy or do you think it could be a bad sign. also my boobs dont really hurt any more and i havent got any morning sickness in fact i feel fine and i am really worried, i have a bad feeling.

Guess i was wrong lol
Here's mine, and we're still TTC :wall:
Although didn't start TTC till April 07

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 20:42 pm Post subject: Hi guys


I'm Dee, I'm 31yrs old and live in Wigan with my OH Rob & our 2 kids. Macaulay (10yrs) & Jordan (6yrs). We've been together for 7 1/2yrs. Rob has also got a 16yr old Daughter from a previous relationship. Macaulay is my Son from a previous relationship. Jordan is ours together. We decided to try for another baby last just last week!! I stopped taking the pill 4 days ago so are in the VERY early stages LOL. Hope to get to know you all more over the coming months.
lfc_sarah said:
Mine was ........

[quote="lfc_sarah":mky41iu1]Just thought id say hello!
Have my 20 week scan on Wednesday, looking forward to seeing if its a boy or girl!

Only found out about the pregnancy at 3 months gone and had first scan at 17 weeks +3 days :shock:[/quote:mky41iu1]

LOL that sounds so familiar to me too. Here's my first post:

daftscotslass said:
Just a wee note to say I'm new around these parts! I'm 27, Scottish, and live with my Dutch other half (been together 6 years).

I got my BFP 2 weeks ago, came as a surprise to us since I was on the pill but we are both over the moon as we were planning on starting a family soon anyway!

Awaiting my dating scan just now (blah! nerves!) as I'm estimated to be as much as 12 weeks. Excited and scared that everything is going to be OK - I am BLOOOOOATED! Talk about the having to pee, I'm told it doesn't get any better? :rotfl:

Will keep everyone updated!

Went to my dating scan and turned out I was just over 23 weeks. WHOOPS! :oops: :rotfl:
you got to 23 weeks without knowing , u lucky thing ! id have only been pregnant for like 10 weeks in your case lol
Here is mine::

xjoann said:
Hi all. My name is JoAnn. I found out about 7 weeks ago I am expecting my first baby and I am roughly 13 weeks so far. I am still waiting for that scan where I can actually SEE that I am pregnant. Although I took 6 tests, I am still worried that I'll get a scan and they'll say 'You aren't pregnant.' but I am coming to realise that is a very common fear! :lol:

It is hard to believe that was 6 months ago!! :) I complained so much about not getting my first scan until I was 15 weeks and I ended up getting scanned every month after it due to lil madams size! :lol:
Here's mine, rather sad as I did miscarry but shows just how much things have changed because now I have my beautiful little lady :D

happy_chick said:
Hi Guys,

Im 7 weeks and 4days pregnant and had some light brown discharge when i wiped myself earler, also been to loo again and had some brown discharge in knickers (sorry for in depth details!). I've had no pain since very early and that was just now and again.

Im extremely worried about this, its my first pregnancy.

I've rang my out of hours doc and I am waiting for them to get back to me, has anyone got any advice or simular storys? Will I be able to get an earlier scan for my peace of mind as i dont want to be stressed and worried.


Edited 15/02/07

Ended up in A&E tonight as had quite alot of red blood, was terrified. Its stopped now so they have sent me home. Gotta go for scan on Saturday & rest.
Im so so scared its untrue, just cant stop crying. Thought id let u guys know anyway.

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