Thread stopper!

I quite sure everyone feels like that at some point. A quick look at posts shows I'm the last one on a thread often. :roll:

It's a point that comes up often and it always seems to bother some people more than others. I think I'm sometimes a bit too serious to get a lot of banter going but console myself that I was runner-up in the 'most serious' award to Urchin :| :wink:

It's no biggie. I love the forum but it IS just a forum and I'm sure (or I would hope) most of us have 'Real Life' friends who would never let us get the last word :lol:
I used to feel like you too rach, but all you can do is spam spam spam and people soon get to know you and try to have a laugh with all, the chatroom is a great way to get to know people :hug:
I hardly ever look who has posted something before I reply, I just reply if I feel I can help or if I have experienced the same thing or something.

I sometimes look at threads then find out it's something I don't know much about or something that's not relevant to me so leave the thread without replying.

MissSara - I sometimes feel like that aswell so just don't bother either.
Aww rach, no1 ever wants to talk to me in the chatroom when I ask does anyone want a chat... makes me feel like nobody loves me :( But u lot aint getting rid of me that bloody easy so u better start joining me in the chatroom and try and scare me off some other way :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
happy_chick said:
Aww rach, no1 ever wants to talk to me in the chatroom when I ask does anyone want a chat... makes me feel like nobody loves me :( But u lot aint getting rid of me that bloody easy so u better start joining me in the chatroom and try and scare me off some other way :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

ME I DO!!!! Just my laptop doesn't want to... :cry: actually my laptop doesn't want me to do anything.... ask me to rant about I tunes... :rotfl: :rotfl:

missSara said:
do any of you ever feel like sometimes you feel strongly about something but dont want to post just because you will affend ( popular ) people, so you just dont bother? thats how i feel sometimes, and i feel that some people can post what ever they want and everyone will agree with them even if they dont want to.

is it just me that feels like this???

No I just don't care, I'm like that in real life.... but then that's why I am often the last person to post in a thread :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: a true thread stopper!
I just post, post, post :D
And kill threads :wink:

I love to read as much as reply and always give my opinion.
Its OK to have an opinion, and its OK if people disagree with it, doesn't mean one is right and one wrong anyway :)
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I think we all feel like that on occasion, but it is a good idea to voice it, Rach. In fact, maybe we will all think more about answering sometimesl, just to let pple know you care, even when you dont have an answer...


:hug: :hug:

mummykay said:
- people who post all the time,

:oops: :oops: :oops:
sorry lol
i need help with things sometimes, so i post my problem but it's my first pregnancy, i'm only 19, and i've had no luck with men at all so really i have no experience with anything so i can't really help a lot of people :oops:
I think a public forum can be quite similar to everyday life. There's some people who you get along great with and others that you don't.

I would hate to be all 'in' with just a few members on a forum (I've seem it happen in other places) as everyone opinion and posts are just as valid as the next person...and that includes you rach.

Unless someone posts how gorgeous The Hoff that just aint valid! :talkhand:
MissSara said:
do any of you ever feel like sometimes you feel strongly about something but dont want to post just because you will affend ( popular ) people, so you just dont bother?

I sometimes feel like this too - and don't post my thoughts, not just because it will offend 'popular' people, but because it might offend anyone. However, I try to not offend anyone in real life too, sometimes its best to keep your thoughts to yourself or vent at home to OH.

People don't always need to know what I/you think (in my opinion) as often they just need reassured that they are doing what is right for them (even if its not what you would do in that situation).

Keep posting everyone! I think we all have these worries - I worry that no-one will talk to me as I'm a mod!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
I worry that no-one will talk to me as I'm a mod!

Valentine Xxx

LOl I sometime worry that people notice more when I post or don't post replies, and think "oh Urchin replied to that persons question but not mine"

The fact is no one has the time to reply to everything, I never look at usernames of posters, I just read it and reply if I can.

Everyone gets those "5 replies, 150 view threads, don't let it bother you...everyone spends more time reading than they do replying, thats what happens on forums.
valentine said:
Keep posting everyone! I think we all have these worries - I worry that no-one will talk to me as I'm a mod!

Did somebody hear something then? :?


kazlin wrote:

Unless someone posts how gorgeous The Hoff that just aint valid!

Just for you ...

Kimbo said:
mummykay said:
- people who post all the time,

:oops: :oops: :oops:
sorry lol
i need help with things sometimes, so i post my problem but it's my first pregnancy, i'm only 19, and i've had no luck with men at all so really i have no experience with anything so i can't really help a lot of people :oops:

dont apologise u daft moo :lol: its nice to have u here, besides ur not allowed to leave cos I wanna hear ur birthstory when u have finally popped haha :lol:
mummykay said:
Kimbo said:
mummykay said:
- people who post all the time,

:oops: :oops: :oops:
sorry lol
i need help with things sometimes, so i post my problem but it's my first pregnancy, i'm only 19, and i've had no luck with men at all so really i have no experience with anything so i can't really help a lot of people :oops:

dont apologise u daft moo :lol: its nice to have u here, besides ur not allowed to leave cos I wanna hear ur birthstory when u have finally popped haha :lol:

Kim dont even think about leaving me, I need someone to annoy and talk rubbish to on msn!! ;) :lol:
i never look at the names! i just post replies if i have time.
forums are like that.. people tend to reply to what they want, and i don't think there is anything wrong with that. don't take it personally. i'm sure you're loved on the forum!! :hug:
I only reply if I have something to say, regardless of who posted, which seems to be the case for a lot of people :)

Its nothing to take personally really :hug: :hug:

Now did someone mention banning Hoff pics??? :shakehead:
I generally dont respond to a thread if my point has already been made by somebody else or if I think my comments could be insensitive and upset/offend somebody. Also if there is a debate I usualy tend to stay away if I dont know enough about the matter so as not to aggravate the situation or make myself look stupid :lol:

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