Brilliant birth with epidural


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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I just wanted to share this for those of you considering an epidural.

I have epilepsy and my specialist encouraged me to consider an epidural so that a) stress would be kept to a minimum and b) they could keep the pushing part quick. (Apparantly the pushing bit causes pressure in the brain and can triggers seizures).

Well it was amazing. I got to 6cm before they put it in and it hardly hurt at all. Tbh the drip they put in my hand hurt more! I was numb from the waist down within 15 minutes I'd say, and once I was fully dilated they just told me when to push. Three pushes and our gorgeous little girl was out with just a little tearing but no other problems at all. She is perfect and beautiful and we are ecstatic.

It's true that I didn't get to feel her coming out - and I imagine that's truly amazing - but if we're blessed enough to have another I would do the same again, this time with a mirror so I can see.

For me the epidural was a bit of a no brainer because if I'd had a seizure during the delivery things could have been a lot more complicated and possibly resulted in a C section which I was keen to avoid if possible.

So there you go. It was a truly wonderful birth experience. If any of you are considering an epidural please don't be put off by the thought of the needle - it really isn't bad at all and by the time you need it the pain's all just one big kind of fog anyway :)
congrats fab news :). Glad it went as well as could be hun p.s... cant wait for pics :D x
I second that blissful epidural!! I did feel Lilyanna coming out but no pain at all just her head and body passing thru which I was shocked as I heard 'the burning ring of fire!!!!!' still happens with an epi!
And I was so scared of the needle but it really didn't hurt it was just uncomfortable! My steroid jabs and anti sickness jab hurt 100x more!!! I'd do it all again tomorrow it's amazing being so with it during the birth! The pain has u spaced out and it all happens without your mind if u know what I mean?

Massive congrats hun!!!
I agree I had an epidural and it was like a relaxed day waiting for 10cm dilated he he

Totally agree epidural is like heaven (and I before I went into labour I didn't want it at all). It goes to show always stay openminded!

Congrats on the birth of your little girl xx
I agree I was scared to have it done but it was bliss and would have again
I was petrified too but it was sooooo not what I thought it was gonna be like! Defo opting for an epi next time!!
how long does it take for the effects to wear off?? i'm hoping to be out the same day/or only stay one this possible with an epidural or do they keep you in for longer?
Thank you for sharing, it really helps to read positive stories :) Congratulations too!! xx
Took about 8 hours before they took the catheter out and I felt like Bambi walking for the first time lol.. They need u to pee in a cardboard pot thing like a measuring jug to see how much u wee the first 3 times after to make sure all is ok.. It would depend what time u have baby, and how your body takes it I guess.. It wasn't that bad in my opinion but those who have had to have one that didn't want it would have really hated that part!!
It didn't take long to get the feelings back though.. My ass was numb for over a week after lol that was funny tho lol!!
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Mine wore off that night and the next morning I accidentally pulled my catheter out! Wee all over the floor, not one of my finer moments!!

great to see all the positiv epidural stories, up to now iv been of the mind set that i waned to avoide the epi, more because f my fear of the cathader and episiostpmy (SP) but after spending the evening looking at videos of water births and natural births im starting to lean in the direction of the epi cos holy crap the natural route looks painfull,

baguette, you say the wanted you to have the epi to reduce the amount of pushing? i had been under the impresion that the epi would slow it all down so good to know thats not the case x
I think the length of pushing wouldn't be affected by the epi as your doing the work but I've heard the epi can slow the labour itself.. I was on the drip to speed it up so I didn't have that issue.. I was petrified of the catheter that was my main problem with an epi but honestly I didn't feel a thing and it was fine! Was worried it would feel like I was peeing myself lol but I didn't feel anything coming out lol!
baguette, you say the wanted you to have the epi to reduce the amount of pushing? i had been under the impresion that the epi would slow it all down so good to know thats not the case x

Yep, they said if I had the epidural they could wait till the baby was well down before telling me to push. It didn't slow us down either which was good. It was really weird to hear the midwife looking at the machine saying 'ooh that was a strong one' (contraction) but not being able to feel it.
Mine wore off that night and the next morning I accidentally pulled my catheter out! Wee all over the floor, not one of my finer moments!!

:lol: I did this too, and the port in my hand - blood and pee all over everything. What a mess! Ah so glamorous...
Ive been considering an epidural closely but been put off due to the size of the needle!, but reading about not having any pain makes that big old nasty needle worth giving it more thought :D
Thanks for sharing hun, it's nice to hear a story with epidural that went well., you hear all kinds of horror stories! And Big congrats! xx
Ive been considering an epidural closely but been put off due to the size of the needle!, but reading about not having any pain makes that big old nasty needle worth giving it more thought :D

Don't let that put you off I too had a positive birth and I put that down to the epidural. You won't even see the needle and to be honest I didn't feel it going in as I had gas and air while they were doing it so that distracted me. X
Ive been considering an epidural closely but been put off due to the size of the needle!, but reading about not having any pain makes that big old nasty needle worth giving it more thought :D

Don't let that put you off I too had a positive birth and I put that down to the epidural. You won't even see the needle and to be honest I didn't feel it going in as I had gas and air while they were doing it so that distracted me. X

Agree!! x

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