

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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I know they say breast is best, i spoke to my midwife and she said it gives baby better ooh whats the word..immunity to all sorts of problems, better teeth, higher IQ etc, but i was thinking about it hard and i still havent decided what i want to do yet. of course i want the best for my baby but i need the convinience too, ill have to be on demand 24/7 for the baby night feeds.daytime..wherever i am ill have to pop one out lol im really scared im only 18, and my aunty used to breastfeed her baby in the room with evryone sat watchin tv it used to gross me out. what are you ladies thinking of doing?
im going to breastfeed. but also express a little to give by bottle if BF is awkward :)
hmm yeh that ok to do all the time instead of breastfeeding, i dont really like the thought of baby on my nipple lol i no it sounds horrible n i feel rly mean to baby but i want my boyfriendto be involved in the feeding too.
I'm hoping to breasfeed, gonna try anyway, also express as well so DH can help out!!!!
I am going to bottle feed as my nips look a bit odd to me for one and also i dont like anyone going near them really and the thought makes me shudder.

There are plenty of people out there with pretty good immune systems and brains that were bottle fed.

You could always try the breastfeeding and if you dont get on with it go to the bottle.
Hiya, I have a 3 month old girl and I breastfed for the first 11 weeks. I am glad I did it but you are right in that it is very tying. I reckon just give it a go for the first few days because all the good immunity stuff is in the colostrum which is what you make at the beginning. Then you can see how you feel. I wasnt sure how I felt about breastfeeding before I had my baby but when she came it just seemed like the right thing to do. And after every Tom, Dick and Harry has had a good poke about your ladybits getting a boob out infront of people doesnt seem that embarrassing! :D
I totally agree with flame

I have also thought about breastfeeding but i finally decided against (health problems and dont feel right ) it i thought to myself ill bottle feed .

I have had certain family members on my back cause i arnt breastfeeding but ive told them straight it never did me or DH any harm nor did it do my nephews and neices.

At the end of the day its what you as a person feel right in doing i know for a fact i couldnt of gone out and got my boob out in public i know its nothing to be ashamed of but i couldnt do it .

My SIL is breastfeeding her little son at the moment and she has never been able to get her boob out in public she cant even do it in front of family and she still breastfeeds but when no ones in the room or she is covered up with loads of sheets .

I do however respect mums who do breastfeed because i know i could do it .
I want to breastfeed. my sister found it really hard and gave up so im determined to make it work.

My nips have been out of bounds to OH since being preg even tho there is no milk yet, we both just dont feel right about it anymore- they for LO now lol
I'm definetely going to try - because it's best for the baby and for me too. Not everyone is able to do it, but I'd feel bad if I didn't give it a try. My mum had 5 of us and we were all breastfed so I think that's why I will just automatically try - I remember my younger sisters and bro getting fed. You need to do what feels right for you though, why don't you sign up for a breastfeeding workshop (I'm going on a NHS one) and at least you'll have all the right info. Whatever you decide it's up to you though, don't let anyone talk you into it if you don't want to x

As others have already rightly said, I think breastfeeding is a personal choice, and you should do whatever works for you, I would think it best to try before a final decision though, that's what I'll be doing, really hoping to breastfeed, will see what happens when LO arrives :)
Whatever you decide is best for you. Don't feel pressurised into doing anything you aren't comfortable with.

I am going to try to breastfeed again this time around. With my first son he was premature and couldn't "latch on" so I ended up expressing the colostrum in the first few days then bottle feeding him. I never felt guilty, not once, because if he hadn't been bottle fed he wouldn't have had ANY nourishment. It was an advantage that other people could help out too.

Ideally I'd like to try and do it for the first few months and compliment with the odd formula feed if possible. If I try and it doesn't work I'm not going to feel bad because that's just the way it goes.

I breastfed Kiara for a year and plan to do the same with the next baby. I loved it, i found it so convenient plus its cheaper :) I also likes the closness i felt with her and the cute noises. But do what is right for you hun, there is no harm in bottle feeding :) It just suits others more then some
Do whatever feels right. I have two and I breastfed both for six months, would have liked longer, but in Spain you only get 16 weeks maternity leave :x
What I can tell you is that it can be a bit difficult at the beginning, but if you really want to do it, it's worth keeping at it :wall: even if you do feel like it's a bit "uphill". Once you and baby get the hang of it, it's a very special feeling and a bond that is unique to you and LO. It is a tie, but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
It is true that it does leave hubby out of the loop where feeding is concerned, but I can think of nothing more lovely than time spent just the three of us, baby feeding and us just cuddling and amiring her. Daddy can enjoy the quiet time even if he doesn't hold the bottle.
As far as feeding in public is concerned, you don't HAVE to do it in front of family and friends, I used to go to the bedroom or another room, or if I was in someone else's house I would ask where we could have a bit of quiet space and made clear to all that I didn't want company, thank you. Remember you are the boss, and you don't have to let your mother in law, sister, cousin, whatever coo over you and your child unless you want them to!
From a more practical point of view, one of the difficulties is soreness, which can often be solved with good moisturizing between feeds. Speak to your local herbalist for a neutral cream or just use almond oil (sparingly if you don't want to be "greasy" :rotfl: )
Im with Katrina on this one i breast fed for 7 months and really enjoyed it and plan to best feed our new baby, breast is best as you pass lots of goodness over to your baby, which i believe stops them picking up colds and stuff mine was never ill till i stopped breast feeding!

MummytoBee - Re. Expressing... I think you would find it really hard to express all the time i found it really painful until i had been feeding for a few months, breast feeding can be very uncomfortable at first which is when a lot of people give up, as if you don't get it right it can be very sore indeed, you don't need to feel guilty if you try or just bottle feed straight from the start i had my 1st child at 20 and didn't breast feed at all i put him straight on the bottle as i did not feel right to me doing it for many the same reasons as you stated, and he was fine, just go with what you feel right with and that way you will both be happy :D
I think you should wait until your baby is born to make your final decision you may really enjoy it or might hate it and some people do change their minds everyone is different. Don't be badgered into doing something you don't want to by anyone one, mw's family or friends. Remeber at the end of the day its your baby and your decision.

Personally I am going to try bf'ing and hopefully after a few weeks try expressing too so my DH can also feed our baby. But we will have to wait and see at the time - there could be circumstances that prevent it or encourage it you just don't know yet.

But at the end of the day whatever your decision make sure its the right one for you and your baby.
I think the best advice is to give it a go. If you really hate it, or it doesn't work out for you, then at least you tried.

i think that everyone should at least try to breastfeed as it is proven to be the best for your baby and everyone wants whats best- surely.
also my sister in law refused point blank and her baby who is now 6 months has had no end of infections, colds and stomach upsets which she now puts down to not breastfeeding.
i understand that it might seem strange and i for one wouldn't like to do it in public- but even if it means extracting the milk i'm determined to try my best for my little boy!


lisa xx
i have been thinking about this for a while, i think im going to atleast try and if i find i cant do it then ill buy a breast pump and give it that way. as long as they are getting the best start i dont think it matters how you give it to them
I really hope to breastfeed for as long as possible. I know some people just don't get on well with it but I've read a few books, am having 3 NCT sessions on breastfeeding in June and hope surely I can breastfeed my son. In the case of emergency outings or if DH wants to feed on the weekend or at night etc I shall express milk so he can do so and doesn't feel left out. I am not keen on breastfeeding in public but needs must I suppose and I have bought special privacy covers (basically a shaped thick sheet - imported from the states as never seen them here) to shield me and feeding baby from peering eyes! I shall be taking bottles of expressed milk with me on our trips out though just incase.

If your honestly not comfortable with b/feeding then you can always express into bottles and although baby would be bottle fed you know it's the best possible milk inside and if you are having a lot of help from family/friends etc it might be advisable. You can buy sets from Avent etc which are starter packs, a hand pump, bottles, protective pads and nipple shields etc. We spent £100 on ours (Mothercare) but it also contained an IQ Sterilising Unit a bottle warmer and numerous bottles, teats, pads and a carry-bag for the pump and 2 bottles etc. Well worth it, especially when you start adding up the costs of individual pieces.

Good luck with your venture! :hug:
I really wanted to B/F my DD but because i was so ill with septicemia amoungst other things i was actually making her poorly!!
Fingers crossed this time all will be well as i really really want to have that experience and obviously want to give the best to my baby.

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