
I intend to breast feed as much as possible too, but DH is keen to be involved, so thinking of getting the Tommee Tippee "Closer to Nature" bottles and breast pump etc... so he can do a share of the feeds. They claim to be the closest bottle to simulating breast feeding, so you should be able to swop between the two!!! or have I fell for the marketing blurb!
No you should be ok to do the odd bottle of breast milk so your hubby can feel involved, i did this but found it was quite painful to express untill i had been feebing a good 6 weeks, My hubby use to give the odd bottle of cool boiled water in the summer too which he enjoyed and towards the end of the 7 months i breastfed for i found my son liked the bottle better and wouldn't take from me so thats when it stopped for me, i plan on breast feeding as long as possible with this baby, as i enjoy it and it is best for baby and MUCH cheaper lol :D
I plan to BF and really hope me and LO take to it. Im not at all bothered about feeding in public, its just a boob and everybody knows what they look like. If anybody is offended by it then thats their prob which they can easily solve by not looking.
I want to breastfeed but have no idea how it will go and so won't be upset if i really struggle and have to resort to bottle feeding.

I think why not try it, if i do find it ok it is easier and cheaper! And i will definatley be trying to express so DP can do his share!

As for feeding in public. I don't see why it is a problem. Alot of people wear clothes that are more revealing than your bob with a baby covering it!

But if i do find it embarrassing to whip them out in public i on't. You don't necessarily have to. You can go somewhere discreet or take bottles with you when you are out.

I feel that i should at least try it anyway as i am curious and would feel like i'd missed out if i didn't even give it a go.

i want to breastfeed because:
*its supposed to give LO better immunity
*i've read that it can give LO higher IQ and less likely to be overweight as an adult
*it'll get me back in to shape quicker
*(dont kno how true this is, but!) ppl hav said baby poo isnt as stinky!
*its free!!!
hiya girls...

Well done to those wanting to breast feed.
It is so much better for you and baby. I could go on for ages about the benifits. But it is your choice.

There is lots of help available for you when you first start so if you have any problems people will come out too see you.

As for OH wanting to help..... There are more more ways they can help you instead of feeding a bottle. Nappy changes, cuddles, house work, taking baby out for walk while you sleep etc!

But you can always express if if do need a few hours more rest but not untill after baby is 6 weeks old.

Here are some good websites to help you. - has links to support groups across the uk ... upport.htm ... upport.htm


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