
I think I will freak out about leaking too... But only because I hate sleeping in bras lol...
No way though that to stop me from bf. (or at least I hope)
The leaking can be a bit freaky and sometimes it's a bit hard to cope with as a woman having your breasts suddenly being milk machines. I leaked a lot with DS1 but not at all this time because I used both breasts instead of just one, could you try that before you give up altogether? The way you're speaking does make me worry about you a bit I hope you're all right.
I rarely say that as I hugely believe in bf but she had PND before and she is only 18 and she has a toddler too to take care. Probably formula is the best for her considering how much she got upset by leaking.
Dont want to come across as know it all but sounds like panic attacks and touch of PND?
I would urge you to speak to GP if it continues, just remember that you need to be calm, babies sense panic and will pick up on it.
Hope you are feeling better

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
It isn't pnd I know that for a fact because of how I felt last time, now the 40 breast pads a day days are over I'm fine! It was just the leaking and smelling like someone had thrown up allover me that really got to me

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!

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