reflux and gaviscon advice please!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hello! My baby girl has reflux and has been on gaviscon since she was 6 weeks old. I am breastfeeding so before each feed i express about 20ml of milk into a bottle mix with the gaviscon and feed it to her. Is this the way other breastfeeding mums do it ? I find it take some of the advantages of breastfeeding away as i still have to sterilise bottles and have to leave her screaming for about 10 minutes while i express and make up the gavison but cant think of an easier way to di it!

Another issue is she has been having trouble opening her bowels for the last 2/3 weeks - hv thinks it is to do with the gaviscon - she is only going once every 2 days and really strains, goes red and screams even when shes not going. Is awful to see and the only time she will go is if i hold her legs in the air! Anyone got any ideas to help her?

Thank you xx

My DS has reflux and is bottle fed so don't have any breast feeding advice.

I found that Adam suffered from diarrhoea for the first week on Gaviscon and then became slightly constipated for the second week. Adam now has regular bowel movements but are still a little more firmer than they should be.

I think it sounds like it's the gaviscon that is making her constipated. Would it be at all possible to miss a dose of gaviscon every now and again. Not sure if that would make any difference, but it might be worth a go. I tried this with Adam but it made his reflux very bad again. xxx
Have you tried cool boiled water? It worked a couple of times when my LO was constipated, I know some people onhere say watered down prune juice, or water mixed with brown sugar - not tried either myself though.
I used to express a gaviscon "stash" in the morning and keep it in the frideg so before feed time just put in water to warm while feeding LO and gave it at the end.. seemed to work fine :)
I'm not sure about the expressing but Gaviscon made my Son constipated too :( in the end we rather he was being sick than in pain but this isn't suitable for everyone. Maybe try some cooled boiled water & tummy massaging.
Me too, Tom has constipation problems with gaviscon and drinks prune juice every morning. He likes it and it makes him so much more comfortable.


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