
Please talk to someone I very very much doubt he hates it!

Tell us what's happening as between us we may be able to help!

This is very sudden! Try not to give up, especially if you were enjoying the experience. So many women give up soon after birth :-( I doubt he's hating your breastmilk, and there must be some other problem if he's not latching on. Try to speak to someone about it who might help you to carry on x
I want it to dry up ASAP. Cabhan will not drink it and I have spoken to the midwife about it and she said go with what you think is best which tbh is formula as it fills him up a lot more.

It is making me really depressed no one understands I'm scared to go out because I leak and have spent all afternoon in bed crying because I just want it to go

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It all seems a bit weird but its your baby and your choice of course. BFing is hard for the first 4-6 weeks, and i dont think.women.have enough support.
Of course formula fills up more,.its heavier on.their tummies cause its cows milk and bf babies tend to feed more often

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I want it to dry up ASAP. Cabhan will not drink it and I have spoken to the midwife about it and she said go with what you think is best which tbh is formula as it fills him up a lot more.

It is making me really depressed no one understands I'm scared to go out because I leak and have spent all afternoon in bed crying because I just want it to go

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I hope ur ok hun , I don't have any experience of this is I bottle fed straight from birth . Will ur LO not drink it bcos he's not latched correct or have u ate something which could effect ur milk xxxx
It all seems a bit weird but its your baby and your choice of course. BFing is hard for the first 4-6 weeks, and i dont think.women.have enough support.
Of course formula fills up more,.its heavier on.their tummies cause its cows milk and bf babies tend to feed more often

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I've wrapped a massive bandage round them really tight so hopefully it'll work.. X

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Don't bind them you'll make it worse and get blocked ducts! Try cabbage leaves in your bra.

What actually happened to the baby? Have u tried expressing it? You were doing so well I don't understand?

Please call a lactation consultant they know a lot more than midwives.

He just won't take the milk, and i have tried cabbage leaves but they ain't working.. It's really getting me down no one understands how upset I am with it

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He just won't take the milk, and i have tried cabbage leaves but they ain't working.. It's really getting me down no one understands how upset I am with it

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If you tell us what exactly happened, we might be able to give advice. You are much better off speaking to a lactation consultant even if you decide to stop, they will be able to give better advice than midviwes

Did he just suddenly stop latching on or did you give him formula? Have you tried expressing? You can hand express to realieve the pain but your body is obviously producing milk for your baby.

Why are you upset? Are you upset about not being able to feed?
I think she is upset because of the leaking.
That will settle in like a week but If you are determined to stop bf then talk to your doctor he can prescribe you hormones for your milk to dry.
I dont think they prescribe you hormones here but yes, they will settle. They will leak for some time because you were breastfeeding. You just need to calm down, its not going to help you at all.
Funny questions, but how many days post partum are you? Have you had PND by any chance before?
You actually sound scared and it's worrying me!

Ring la leche league they can help, don't suffer in silence!

Just sounds to me like she tried breast feeding but didn't like the leaking also found it hard. I personally found night feeds harder as i was tired and it just made me feel worse.

Look love your milk will take anything from 4 days to maybe a week to go mine did and i only did it for a week but i leaked like no bodies business x just take pain killers and have a hot shower or bath and bathe your breasts in the water x

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You sound so upset, hope your ok. Just had a quick look on Kelly mom website here's a link about drying up your milk, def don't bind them tho like the others have said speak to a consultant as they are there for all issues surrounding bf and may offer you some proper advice xx
i got told a tight bra would help but yes hun it takes up to a week for them to stop and u just have to put pads on and try to make it til then. all the things the girls have suggested will help but calm down, breathe and know that it will stop soon. i know your probably a bit freaked and stressed as you suddenly have 2 kids and its no picnic but try to calm down and not worry about it
It's calmed down a bit this morning upto now we'll see how the rest of the day goes though I suppose.. Still having let downs when cabhan cries even if it is just his dummy he wants, I slept in just a towel last night on my top half and that seems to have helped an awful lot my engorgement has gone so I'm not in pain with them anymore, so we'll see how I get on I suppose x

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No leaks all day, just had a bath though and now I'm terrified of it starting again.. It's really bad the fear I have of waking up wet.. This fear will stay with me for the rest of my life now and will 100% put me off ever getting pregnant again.

No one understands how afraid I am of leaks and I don't understand why I am so afraid of it tbh cos I never remember being like this after having AJ.

I know I sound really stupid OH and SIL keep telling me to chill out and I know I should but it has gotten to the point now where I can feel imaginary trickles of milk when it isn't even there x

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Why are you so worried about the leaking? Have you had a bad experience?

I slept on a towel for 6 weeks. I still do under my sheet as I'm waiting for the day he finally sleeps through!


i used to find it funny, no use crying over spilt breast milk so to speak lol. it does calm down even if you carried on feeding it would have stopped in a few weeks. most of us just slept in nursing bra's with breastpads in the cups at night for the first few weeks. i dont bother anymore, i think i stopped after about 4 weeks and only had a few leaks after that. i did leak in college one day tho lol after she had been teething and fed more off me than bottles and upped my supply. its a good job i wear black a lot

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