HV's, breastfeeding & fenugreek!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Right here goes! I had a visit from my HV when LO was 6.5 weeks, he is right on the line for his weight (birth weight 6lb 11oz, weight at 6.5 weeks 9lb 9oz) he is a small baby to be fair he is only just out of newborn size and in size up to 1 month, 0-3 months is a bit too big for him but its not far off, and he originally started in early baby clothes so he has gone up 3 sizes since birth, so he is chunking out lovely in my opinon. However despite putting on normal weight my HV said that he doesnt think my LO has grown and that he thinks LO is hungry because he cries on an evening and that he should be having at least 2 bottles of formula a day.

I explained that I want to exclusively breast feed as that is my preferred choice and I would like to perservere with that, my HV said well why do you want to see your baby go hungry what have you got against formula, I said I dont have a problem with formula but he isnt going hungry he has colic, I am feeding him fine from my breast he is latching on well, its free, its an endless supply, there is no sterilising etc, its good for him, he DOES have colic and formula & bottleds can make this worse, it helps me bond with him, and he settles on my boob far better than a bottle as when we give him expressed milk he doesnt settle after and has to go on my boob for a minute or 2 to fall asleep afterwards. So after all that my HV said he didnt agree and that I was basically being selfish not trying him on some formula!

I would have thought the advice given should have been around how I could maybe increase my supply or to give him expressed bottles if he needs a top up (which I already do on an evening as it helps him sleep right through) not to just go straight to making me give him formula????? he made me feel like a complete failure as a mum and made me doubt my breastfeeding decision, I still feel unsure I am doing the right thing and it was over a week ago.

Anyway my point to this thread is that I have started trying to increase my supply so I have been eating porridge oats and taking fenugreek, it does seem to have helped as I am leaking every where and LO is practically choking when he latches on (hasnt made much of a difference with his colic but he is now sleeping 8 hours every night!!!). I just wanted to know what other breastfeeding mums have done to increase their supply? or any advice or thoughts?? Plus how long should I take the fenugreek for?
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Good for you. I'm impressed, it takes a secure new mum to stand up for herself. I think you've done absolutely the right thing. Any formula will reduce supply.

I did take fenugreek for a bit as a little experiment. It def increased my supply.

Well done. X
what an awfull thing for your HV to say, your doing fantastic Hun & should be proud of yourself! the weight gain Sounds fine it took my little girl 4 weeks just to regain her birth weight, when my supply got a bit rubbish i took fenugreek and it really did help xx
Thanks its good to hear I'm doing the right thing! Don't know what I'd do without this forum sometimes!!! It's bad enough all the worries u give yourself about everything never mind a hv making u feel that way too!! I'm quite lucky that my oh is keen on me bf Lo so he has been really supportive
what a crappy MW you have, they should be encouraging you to Breastfeed not discourage you. Milk is supply and demand so i found that expressing extra helped me produce more. You are doing a marvellous job. Jake had colic and was a nightmare on a night. Has the docs given you anything for the colic?? Continue with the breastfeeding and maybe up his supply in expressed milk?? xx
p.s mums know their babies better than any HV (my mw told me that) xx
I'm really shocked by your HV attitude! It's like they want fat little babies! He's growing and getting exactly what he needs so you def doing the right thing standing by your choice. Everyone know breast is best and HV should be encouraging it more. Not sure if you have looked at this website but it reinforced my choice to stick with breast feeding http://www.007b.com/. There's some interesting articles and info on there.

I've found oats and lots of fluid helps my milk supply, not tried fenugreek yet but was thinking about adding that too. I ate 4 big oat cookies yesterday (I know bit greedy!) but I literally woke up soaked through twice last night so worth the extra calories and tasted great too! Ive been making flap jacks and have Oaty bread and cereal too. :)
Also its known that bf babies can lose weight to begin with so wouldnt worry too much hun xx
Thats not a good attitude, is it? The mws here really encouraged me to continue, only whe he started crossing the second percentile line I started topping up. Mums know better than some HVs, I had really rubbish advicefrom them too.

I was told not to feed him often in the early days as he was eating too much thats why he was bringing it up. Well my LO has reflux and the symptoms were classic reflux so I say go with your gut feeling.
That's an awful thing for her to be telling you! Well done for sticking to your guns, if you can bfing is always best for LO so well done you :cheer:
I used oats, fenugreek and lots of water to make sure my supply was the best it could be when G was little. I kept using fenugreek for a few weeks until I felt totally relaxed about the fact that LO was thriving and my supply was enough for him, even when my boobs didnt feel full anymore.

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