Breastfeeding fears!!

When I was feeding the twins my nipples bled for about a week, it's bloody hard. As long as you don't expect it to be easy and go into knowing you'll look like the walking dead for the first couple of weeks then there's no big surprises x

Mine bled the first day! It was awful. I dread to think what it would be like with two babies to feed, well done you.

Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way hun, I haven't been online for a while. I hope it's a pink bundle for you :D xxx

Thanks hun :)
I found biting a towel whilst feeding helped x
I have been breastfeeding my lo for 8 weeks, and I will say it has been the hardest thing about having a baby. I had no idea about cluster feeding and then had to top her up with formula because my milk was slow coming in. It was devestating because I was so pro breastfeeding. I kept at it though and took fenugreek (huge help to boost supply) and pumped between every feed and now I am exclusively bf... She completely refuses a bottle which isn't great lol. One thing I will say after all I have been through is that I don't like the 'breast is best' saying. It makes moms feel so guilty if they can't do it, and is unfair to moms who choose to ff. In my opinion, whatever makes mom and baby happy is best. Bf and ff babies are all fed, happy and healthy :). Good luck to you all, and know that there is tonnes of support in the baby and toddler sections! Xx

Ps if your baby has a good latch, it shouldn't hurt. I was lucky that she latched well and have never had any pain.

What a lovely thing to say. I wish other women who judge mums for formula feeding would think like you do. I feel guilty for not breastfeeding because it was painful/exhausting, but that's nothing compared to two girls I know who failed to breastfeed because of medical reasons, they feel so guilty and it's awful to see them like that. xxx
Thanks Tiffany! I just think there is waytoo much pressure on moms to bf. It is such a stressful time as it is, so whatever feeding choice you make should be supported by everyone. I took bf classes and had all kinds of info before we had our lo, but still had no clue how hard it would really be with the cluster feeding!
Also have to admit that before I had my lo I thought moms who ff didn't try hard enough... I now know better and realize how hormones and emotions play such a huge part, let alone the commitment bf takes. You really can't have an opinion on a mother's choice of how she feeds her baby until you have a baby. Moms should never feel bad about the feeding choice they make. Xx
I couldn't agree more :) too many women are more opinionated than supportive these days. xxx
I'm a first time mum and plan to bf Pickle, I'm aware of the difficulties and am preparing to go in with my eyes wide open about it and I feel resolved to stick at it.

I still have difficulty getting my head round the fact that my bb's are no longer exclusively for my husband but that they will have a function to perform as well and I know its a ridiculous thing to say because they are intended to feed our babies with, but I think the world view on bb's is not on their function for the health and well being of our children but for men's pleasure - do you see what I mean?

I think its just a case of shifting my mind set, which I found hard in Tri1 as I move closer to Tri3 I know its not about that anymore and that the health of my baby is far more important than any silly thought in my mind.

I also will feel self concious feeding in front of people, but I think thats just because I never done it before and I'm sure that will ease with time.

No doubt I'll be on here asking a million questions about 'am I doing it right?' in a few months time :D
I found day 5 the worst, Henry was constantly feeding and my nipples were sore, cracked and bleeding. I am quite stubborn tho and because I wanted to do it I kept at it. It was at that point he had a dummy as he was latched for comfort rather than hunger. I could only just manage to feed him let alone him be attached for comfort. I felt bad at first but it was a huge relief to get time without him latched onto me!

With regards to being embarrassed, I thought I would be but my boobs aren't "boobs" anymore, it's how I feed my son. When I'm around family, I don't bother covering him. To be honest they don't look. I do have a nursing cover I bought off eBay which i have used twice now when bf in public. It makes me feel more comfortable and Henry still gets fed.

It is bloody hard work but worth it.

People these days judge if u bf and judge if u ff. u can't win with some people.
I'm a first time mum and plan to bf Pickle, I'm aware of the difficulties and am preparing to go in with my eyes wide open about it and I feel resolved to stick at it.

I still have difficulty getting my head round the fact that my bb's are no longer exclusively for my husband but that they will have a function to perform as well and I know its a ridiculous thing to say because they are intended to feed our babies with, but I think the world view on bb's is not on their function for the health and well being of our children but for men's pleasure - do you see what I mean?

I think its just a case of shifting my mind set, which I found hard in Tri1 as I move closer to Tri3 I know its not about that anymore and that the health of my baby is far more important than any silly thought in my mind.

I also will feel self concious feeding in front of people, but I think thats just because I never done it before and I'm sure that will ease with time.

No doubt I'll be on here asking a million questions about 'am I doing it right?' in a few months time :D

That's a really good attitude to have, there's lots of support on here and lots of hospitals are now employing "lactation support" staff because of the new government guidelines xx
thank you thank you thank you girls for a really honest thread about breastfeeding. I'm like carnat, I know its a good thing to do, i know its a practical thing to do (no sterilising, easier at night and when out etc) but i'm worried about not being able to, how much it will hurt and how it will feel. This has made me so aware of reading as much as I can and I really want to express so that OH can do some feeds, I really want him to help me out but mainly to have that bonding experience. I'll be looking into support well before the birth so i know where to go when the time comes. I can't even picture how expressing works right now, i feel so naive!!
I'm not in anyway adverse to breast feeding and I truly want to do it as the benefits quite frankly far outweigh any potential downsides.

Yet to me pesonally, at this moment in time, it just feels like such an alien concept. I can talk about it in an abstract way but the idea of me actually having a baby on my boob is just such an odd thing for me to visualise??

I guess as my pregnancy progresses my opinions / feelings will change...

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Definitely! In fact, the first time I actually imagined it as a real situation was when the mw put my first on my chest and lo was rooting around for a nipple immediately after birth! x
its so weird that they know what to do, better than we do! that little reflex that allows them to root and suck. I know it can work, that and the exhaustion scares me, but then so does everything else about having my first baby, I guess we'll all tackle it head on when we get there :) I just hope that when i get there it will eventually feel as natural as it clearly is.
Thanks so much for all your answers girls. I feel quite determined to give it my best shot and know I have to resolve to give it my all and pretty much give my life up to it for a good few weeks. I think that people these days are just far too judgemental and willing to put their opinion in without knowing all the facts.

Tiff - thanks for your honest response hun. It's awful that ppl are made to feel so guilty about something so difficult at an already very emotional time. I just hope that at least with me being a bit scared, im aware that it won't be easy and will be able to still try and get through the tough times.

I have read though a baby ff by a happy mummy is better off than a bf baby whose mum is unhappy or depressed because she is struggling with feeding. I think ppl should definitely keep this point in mind instead of judging people.

Thanks again girls x
I'm a first time mum and plan to bf Pickle, I'm aware of the difficulties and am preparing to go in with my eyes wide open about it and I feel resolved to stick at it.

I still have difficulty getting my head round the fact that my bb's are no longer exclusively for my husband but that they will have a function to perform as well and I know its a ridiculous thing to say because they are intended to feed our babies with, but I think the world view on bb's is not on their function for the health and well being of our children but for men's pleasure - do you see what I mean?

I think its just a case of shifting my mind set, which I found hard in Tri1 as I move closer to Tri3 I know its not about that anymore and that the health of my baby is far more important than any silly thought in my mind.

I also will feel self concious feeding in front of people, but I think thats just because I never done it before and I'm sure that will ease with time.

No doubt I'll be on here asking a million questions about 'am I doing it right?' in a few months time :D

I'm so glad you have brought this element of breast feeding up because I feel the same.... I have never been big breasted and I have always toyed with the idea of surgery but come to the realisation that I need to accept me as me. I associate my bbs with my husband and I have had to work towards adjusting this view.

I am a first time mum too and,pretty strong willed so I hope and pray that it will work for me and that I will persevere. My SIL has has such a positive BF expirience. My SIL has got used to feeding in front of her parents and my husband (her brother) now and to be frank we don't even notice, it is so natural, she just puts some muslin over the baby. I think I will find it hard to BF in public but I am sure when our LO needs a feed I will find the courage somewhere.

That said I think it is a mothers choice and no one should fee preassurised to BF. One of my closet friends beat herself up so much because it just would not work for her and her twins would not latch properly. The twins are three years old now and are fighting fit dispite being 11 odd weeks prem.

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It's hard work. It's sore. And at times it's very very difficult.

But, IMO, the health benefits to you and LO are worth it.

The worst bit for me was that no one tells you the hard stuff about it, the mws all go on about the benefits, but they don't warn you about the clustering, or latch issues.

My LO still can't latch without a nipple shield, if mw hadn't suggested them I'd have had no choice but to go formula. This place is a god send though, there is so much advice here and different variations on how to do thing.

I think you need to be quite determined to get through it sometimes (not intending to have a go at ff), but I'm there are def times when most bf's have thought it would be easier to ff, and you have to persevere to get through it. Xxx
I'm so glad you have brought this element of breast feeding up because I feel the same.... I have never been big breasted and I have always toyed with the idea of surgery but come to the realisation that I need to accept me as me. I associate my bbs with my husband and I have had to work towards adjusting this view.

I am a first time mum too and,pretty strong willed so I hope and pray that it will work for me and that I will persevere. My SIL has has such a positive BF expirience. My SIL has got used to feeding in front of her parents and my husband (her brother) now and to be frank we don't even notice, it is so natural, she just puts some muslin over the baby. I think I will find it hard to BF in public but I am sure when our LO needs a feed I will find the courage somewhere.

That said I think it is a mothers choice and no one should fee preassurised to BF. One of my closet friends beat herself up so much because it just would not work for her and her twins would not latch properly. The twins are three years old now and are fighting fit dispite being 11 odd weeks prem.


Me too! I have in the past toyed with the idea of surgery as I've always been a small B cup, but as I've got older and more settled in my marriage and faith, I'm less bothered by them. Dont get me wrong I LOVE my double D's now and hope they stay but I realise thats not soley what I am about.

When I first found out I was pg I had a big issue thinking about 'sharing' my bb's between my DH and my baby, of course those ideas are now daft and I want to do what is best for my child but I still think its a real process that some new mums have to go through.

I'm grateful for the advice and support on here because without it I'd be a bit lost
What a great thread, I wish there had been one like this while I was pregnant!

Ive been bf for nearly 7 months and yes, it was hard at the start, there were quite a few tears shed, it was painful but lansinoh cream was a god send. I would definitely invest in a tube of it. I also bought a nursing cushion, I use it at home which then leaves my hands free (to browse PF :rofl:) During the first few weeks they do feed loads as it helps establish your milk supply. I always made sure I got comfortable and had a big glass of water and snacks to hand so I didn't need to move during long feeds (and the tv remote beside me too). And try and sleep when they do and eat plenty.

Also on the teeth subject, Colby's bottom 2 came through at 4.5 months and I've only been nipped properly once, they normally cover the bottom teeth with their tongue due to the sucking action. He now has a top tooth, with the other top one about to break through and not had any problems.

Good luck girls, and do whats right for you, that can be bf or ff, like one of the other girls said, it's better to have a happy mummy that's ff than a sad mummy who's bf, but it does get easier, I'll feed anywhere and even stopped using covers (but I'm still discreet)
Again, you're all so lucky to have support. Had no idea about nipple shields?
I was also expecting breast feeding to be a breeze, I was very mistaken.
Definitely be open minded about it. It can be exhausting and painful but a great bond for you and baby (of course you still get those big cute eyes staring up at you whilst bottle feeding too) and of course there's no bottle making needed, but also be open minded about formula feeding too.

You're very welcome hun, I only wish I had asked the same question you have, maybe then I'd have prepared myself more and I'd be breastfeeding right now instead xxx
Isn't true to say , if it's worth having you have to work at it, birth is no breeze, breastfeeding is a commitment . It's not for everyone but I do believe everyone should try before deciding when to stop. If you breastfeed for hours ,days , weeks , months or years that is really unimportant . No-one can judge you ,you do as much as you can or want thats what really matters and you may find it suprises you. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.xx
i know alot of mums really stuggle but i have been breast feeding for 5 weeks and ive had no pain at all my bavby sleeps 8/9 hours a night and has done since 2 weeks before that she woke once a night for a feed and she is putting on weight really well. like you i was worried about bf and dreamt i was trying to feed a baby cocodile lol. I decided to give it ago and if i diddnt like it i would change to formula. im so glad i gave it ago its saved so much time not having to sterilise and make bottles and money and to be honest i love breast feeding my baby. i express for when we go out and so oh can give her a bottle before bed and i really miss the closness of bf when i do give her a bottle. give it ago hun u can always change to formula if u dont like it and that way you can give baby the first chlosturm which is amazing for them xxx

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