Breast vs formula


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2014
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I plan to breast feed, I'm so excited to try, but something's just popped into my head...

I know that sometimes women are unable to breast feed, for many reasons, but obviously we won't know until baby is born, so are we expected to bring formula and bottles with us, just in case? xx
Every hospital is different. You need to ask your midwife.
Most have formula but I took some with me just incase. As it happens my little girl is BFing very well so didn't need the formula in the end.
Thank you for your replies ladies! I'll write it down so I remember to ask my midwife next week xx
Lulu my first little boy fed for 3 days then didnt want to. But had i had better support from my midwifes at the hospital he probably could have wrnt longer.

Just get as much support as u can from them and u should be fine yeno.

In regards to formula they provided us with the formula but every hospital is different x
That's a real shame, I'd be really disappointed if they weren't helpful and supportive.

I'll definitely ask my midwife about this xx
I'm taking formula in with me just in case, but that's because I like Hipp Organic and hospitals don't usually have that.
Our hospital give you formula in glass bottles so we are not taking any with us.

I'd check with the MW, just to be sure.
I BF for 5days.

Spent our 1st night in hosp and at 3am i was hanging and exhausted trying to get noah to latch.
MW came over to try and help with no luck so she got me to sign a form that said id accept formula, to gave him the bottle next to my bed while i slept lol.

Most hosps do provide it. But if anyone was going to FF from the go id suggest taking in your own.
But they do have it there xx
Like the others have said, do check with your hospital. Ours were really good, they provided formula. They also had loads of facilities for expressing and making up bottles etc. They also offer donor breast milk if there are issues with BF. Really cannot fault their approach to feeding!
That's really interesting littlemonkey, I'd never heard of that before. Thank you for all of your replies xx
My hospital asks what formula you want and provide you with the wee bottles that are in the starter kits. X
Never heard of that before mrsolly, that's brilliant xx
I won't be taking anything in with me and the hospital don't provide it. I was always told that it's too easy to give up if you have formula there ready and waiting (which it really is)
I won't be taking anything in with me and the hospital don't provide it. I was always told that it's too easy to give up if you have formula there ready and waiting (which it really is)

This! Its what i did last time, the first few days and weeks are very hard and its easy to just give in if formula there etc. They wont let your baby starve at the hospital. Also if you struggle to BF for any reason there is Donor breast milk for human baby banks which will provide you with expressed milk etc. Or if anyone wants to you can also donate(especially for the prem babies) :)
My hospital has formula but you had to ask for it - but if you are planning to formula fees they ask that you take bottles, formula etc with you! Xx
I took bottles an a couple of the diddy cartons in with me.

I really tried to bf and it just wasn't happening so MW offered a formula top-up to get something into him so we could try again without him being starving hungry. She offered SMA or C&G, and then gave me the little starter bottle that you just unwrap the teat and screw it on and feed.

I came home with my stuff unused because they gave me as much as he needed while I was there.

Definitely check though as hospitals are all different xx
Totally agree with tasha, if your serious about giving bf a go you need to not make it easier to give up than it already is in those tricky first few days. Dont take formula, dont even have it at home, dont buy bottles , etc , its very easy to pop out if needed later, but if they are there you prob will use it in the middle of the night in a week moment xx

Just to clarify, im not a basher of bottle feeding, i had three bottle babies :) but giving it it 's best shot means no regrets x
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Well said jj mum. I suppose in a nutshell it's like giving yourself the opportunity to have the resource there without really pushing through the difficult stage. Agreeably I bought powder after I came home with my first. He never had his first bottle until 4/5 months old. X
I already have bottles and had 2 tins of unopened formula given to me. I didn't even think about that really, that's such a good point, thank you for bringing it up xx

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