Breast vs bottle?

Either method is ok and you shouldn't feel guilty if you don't so hope you do tho

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Best advice I can give is just to wait and see how it works out for you. Its really not a decision that needs to be made just now. I breastfed my daughter for 6 months and personally I found it much more onvenient and less hassle than making bottles up. However it wasnt easy at the start and it does take a level of commitment, but I think it was worth it. I wouldnt say I found it an amazing bonding experience, I personally think bottle fed babies bond with mum in just the same way! Dont over think it, just do what feels best at the time and follow your lo's lead! Good luck.
i bottle fed my daughter from the start. i find that cos i FF my LO i get alot of critism which i think is totally unfair , one person who i work with told me i was lazy because i was not breast feeding and it really upset me. i didnt breast feed as i feel i got no support and adivce from my midwifes. i felt at all my appointments i was rushed in and out. My midwifes also messed my antenatel classes up they forgot to book me in for them and when i mentioned i hadnt recieved a letter confirming the dates of the classes they said 'oh well the places are all full now sorry ' who knows if i went to my antenatel classes it may have been diffrent.

I think you should do whats best for you and your baby ....but i dont think anyone should be made to feel guilty if they choose to bottle feed.
I agree with Fordee... Breastfeeding is much more difficult than I expected and I was devastated when my supply didn't come in and had to top up with formula. 7 weeks later and after a TONNE of work, we are only giving her formula once a day if that. I could have easily given up on Bfing but didnt' because I find it much more work to bottle feed. However, I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves and other Moms to breastfeed. Formula is still perfectly healthy for babies. I think the main thing is that Mom needs to be happy and if that means she bottle feeds, then that is great! I would just say to give breastfeeding a try first. It never hurt for me at all actually. As long as you have a good latch it shouldn't. Also don't be surprised if your baby is attached to you almost constantly the first week or so. They are establishing your milk supply. This was one thing I wish I had been told. Good luck! :)
I think it is a very personal choice and I don't think its fair for anyone to be made to feel guilty for not doing it!

I plan on breastfeeding my daughter, but I'm also buying in bottles and formula just in case - and I won't bf for very long either, just the first few weeks. I might express so hubby can feed her too, but I defo plan on moving to ff her from a couple of weeks to a month.

Each woman knows herself what she wants to do, and its up to each individual woman to decide. Neither one is the 'wrong' choice x

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Personally - an im not having a go here - but i think its quite selfish not to at least give breast feeding a try for the first wee while. The baby gets an untold amount of goodness from the breast milk that just doesnt happen with formula - and generally the reasons for FF from the very start (and im not talking here if you cant due to medical reasons) benefit mum - i.e. not being tied to baby, sharing night feeds etc.

Also - as much as we can all tell you, every mum and every baby is different, and you wont know if it suits you both till you try. Becky - the breast feeding guru in baby and toddler - was all set to ff if i remember rightly, and is still breast feeding her LO who is about 4months through times where a lot of women would have given up.
Personally - an im not having a go here - but i think its quite selfish not to at least give breast feeding a try for the first wee while. The baby gets an untold amount of goodness from the breast milk that just doesnt happen with formula - and generally the reasons for FF from the very start (and im not talking here if you cant due to medical reasons) benefit mum - i.e. not being tied to baby, sharing night feeds etc.

Also - as much as we can all tell you, every mum and every baby is different, and you wont know if it suits you both till you try. Becky - the breast feeding guru in baby and toddler - was all set to ff if i remember rightly, and is still breast feeding her LO who is about 4months through times where a lot of women would have given up.

See I think this isn't very fair. I think it's easy for a breast feeding mummy who loves it to say this but for some mums i totally understand why it's just 'not for them' xx
Personally - an im not having a go here - but i think its quite selfish not to at least give breast feeding a try for the first wee while. The baby gets an untold amount of goodness from the breast milk that just doesnt happen with formula - and generally the reasons for FF from the very start (and im not talking here if you cant due to medical reasons) benefit mum - i.e. not being tied to baby, sharing night feeds etc.

Also - as much as we can all tell you, every mum and every baby is different, and you wont know if it suits you both till you try. Becky - the breast feeding guru in baby and toddler - was all set to ff if i remember rightly, and is still breast feeding her LO who is about 4months through times where a lot of women would have given up.

See I think this isn't very fair. I think it's easy for a breast feeding mummy who loves it to say this but for some mums i totally understand why it's just 'not for them' xx

I completely agree. I think its entirely the mothers choice and not for other mothers who've decided they like it to judge those who don't want to do it. X

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Personally - an im not having a go here - but i think its quite selfish not to at least give breast feeding a try for the first wee while. The baby gets an untold amount of goodness from the breast milk that just doesnt happen with formula - and generally the reasons for FF from the very start (and im not talking here if you cant due to medical reasons) benefit mum - i.e. not being tied to baby, sharing night feeds etc.

Also - as much as we can all tell you, every mum and every baby is different, and you wont know if it suits you both till you try. Becky - the breast feeding guru in baby and toddler - was all set to ff if i remember rightly, and is still breast feeding her LO who is about 4months through times where a lot of women would have given up.

As first time mummys to be/mummys to be or mummys already I think we should stick together and support each other in whatever decision you choose to make. I personally am having demons already about breastfeeding and your comment is actual quite hurtful for some women. I am in no way selfish but seriously some women just do not have the urge or the confidence to do this and should be in no way judged. I have made healthy choices all the way through pregnancy I keep fit I do not smoke I rest when my body tells me to I eat the right foods and varied foods. I refuse to have people judge if I decide that I want to FF my baby, it does not mean that my baby has had a bad start in life. I would rather have a happy baby and be happy in myself than miserable and baby be unhappy

I didnt manage to breastfeeed my first baby.
I had a terrible birthing experience and I couldnt hold my baby when mw's were asking about feeding him. I chose for OH to give him a bottle, as I was in no fit state.
I had planned to try and BF, someone was supposed to come and see me whilst I was in the hospital that first day after the birth and if they did, I'm sure I would have tried with their advice.
As it happens I continued to FF, AJ was a happy and healthy FF baby and I was left feeling guilty. Guilty I didnt try and I didnt fight hard enough for help.

You'd think this time around I'd have no problems deciding how to feed baby. But I just cant picture myself BF. At the moment I'm preparing myself to feed either way and I will hopefully try to BF. I have 2 tri's to go so hopefully I'll feel more confident on how I'm going to feed later on.
Personally I plan to bf and after a month or so express so my OH can also feed him. I really want to bf as I believe the benefits are great for baby. Also I was speaking with my mum about it and she said one of the reasons she loved breast feeding us was that only she could do it and even when there were loads of visitors round she had to nab us back to feed us.

I believe it is a personal choice and I will be disappointed but determined not to beat myself up if for any reason I can't bf xxx
To be honest, I'm not even considering breastfeeding. The whole idea of it just scares me and I just cant get my head round it. I doubt I'll change my mind either and it makes me sad how everything EVERYWHERE is pro breast feeding and theres no support for ff mums.
I'd much rather be a happy mum through a relaxed pregnancy than get myself worked up over it for the next 5 months and then feel like a failure when I just cant face it.
Its definitely mothers choice and I dont think anyone should try and take that away from them xxx
Unfortunately everything everywhere is pro breast feeding because of the proven benefits of doing it, if only for a few weeks

You will find support for whatever method you choose but healthcare professionals will always encourage breast feeding and u think that's the correct thing to do.

I doubt its something you can wholehearted decide in until LO is born. It is a special time stern baby and mum that helps with bonding and is certainly a lot easier than formula feeding

But each to their own, think I'd just advise never say never.
I'd also say if you're scared of it, it may be worth speaking to someone about it, or attending a class even if it only helps to clear up any myths or questions you have about it

At least if you do that and choose to ff you're doing it armed with all the info
Personally - an im not having a go here - but i think its quite selfish not to at least give breast feeding a try for the first wee while. The baby gets an untold amount of goodness from the breast milk that just doesnt happen with formula - and generally the reasons for FF from the very start (and im not talking here if you cant due to medical reasons) benefit mum - i.e. not being tied to baby, sharing night feeds etc.

Also - as much as we can all tell you, every mum and every baby is different, and you wont know if it suits you both till you try. Becky - the breast feeding guru in baby and toddler - was all set to ff if i remember rightly, and is still breast feeding her LO who is about 4months through times where a lot of women would have given up.

As first time mummys to be/mummys to be or mummys already I think we should stick together and support each other in whatever decision you choose to make. I personally am having demons already about breastfeeding and your comment is actual quite hurtful for some women. I am in no way selfish but seriously some women just do not have the urge or the confidence to do this and should be in no way judged. I have made healthy choices all the way through pregnancy I keep fit I do not smoke I rest when my body tells me to I eat the right foods and varied foods. I refuse to have people judge if I decide that I want to FF my baby, it does not mean that my baby has had a bad start in life. I would rather have a happy baby and be happy in myself than miserable and baby be unhappy



I just genuinely can't get my head round the fact that we follow the pregnancy guidelines for cutting things out of our lives, (some of which are also very difficult to do), taking supplements etc in order to give our LOs the best start in life, but once they are here so many people choose to opt out of something which continues that good work.

And although I bf, I found it very very hard to begin with, and was nearly on formula by day 4.

It doesn't have to be a long comintment, even a week gives your LO huge benefits.

I am like Mclean, just dont get it. I was really freaked out by the thought of BFibg and was petrified. But i decided to give it a go because of the benefits for the baby. I mix feed now but proud that i managed to get this far.
Its hard in the beginning and you need to be determined but its much easier thatn formula once you establish. I hate faffing around with bottles.
But each to their own really, nobody can make you do anything you dont want to

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This is what's wrong with the country, lack of support for new mums end of! Drives me up the effing wall! I think if more money was spent on the post birth support and not those stupid posters more women wouldn't feel 'pressured' into trying HAVING SAID THAT I totally agree with the above and I don't see why everyone can't give their baby the collustrum (sp?) at least. It is a few days of your life, gives the baby the BEST start and if by the time your milk comes it you don't want to carry on, then you've tried. All this negative media and stories are a load of crap. Mainly it's women that haven't succeeded bfing going around going on about how terrible it is. Guess what your nipples can get sore, you do get chained to the sofa in the beginning and only you can feed your baby but it's OK!!! You've just had a baby, you SHOULD be resting on the sofa! Yes you can only feed your baby but it's called BONDING these are all natures way of introducing you to motherhood. I am in no way anti formula and I've told people in b&t having trouble to ff their babies but I am anti not giving it a damn good go before deciding.

My best advise TRUST YOUR BODY! Unless baby is not gaining weight then you are doing fine!

I'm very determined to breast feed, I enjoy a challenge!! :)

Couldn't have said it better pinky! I actually think the country is pro formula and not very pro breast feeding otherwise there wouldn't be so much debate, adverts for formula, nothing but formula fed babies on tv like soaps etc. We also talk about mums choice but what about the babies choice? Maybe that is why women feel guilty and pressured?

One thing that is good to bear in mind it that breast milk is a live formula like blood and the anti bodies and white blood cells that a baby gets from colostrum is truly amazing start for a baby. I think a couple more days at the end of a pregnancy where you have sacrificed so much to give your baby the best place to grow, to give them that last help into the big wide world is not much to ask unless there is some medical issues, even if its expressed onto a spoon for them, which i did due to my lo being prem and not latching at first. Then switch to formula if that is what the mum wants to do.

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