Breast vs bottle?

Im not anti ff but I will be bf for as long as I possibly can. I think it is the best start you can give your baby and the pros by far out weigh the cons x
I'm on my Mobile so can't type much, buy i am 100% pro breast milk feeding. I have used formula when i found it difficult and felt Issac couldn't get my milk due to bad latch and tongue tie. But i wanted Issac to have the best so y wouldn't i do everything i can to give him my milk. So after 3months of distressed feeding i switched to exclusive expressing and i wish i could of breastfed, this is more time consuming restricting than bf IMO.

Im with pp, sarah13 and l_mclean. We need more support to help mums successfully breastfeed. I can't understand why anyone would willing want to use formula when your body produces a PERFECT milk designed for your baby. It is hard, tiring and demanding it needs a lot of commitment but doesn't having a baby in general need the same?
I'm on my Mobile so can't type much, buy i am 100% pro breast milk feeding. I have used formula when i found it difficult and felt Issac couldn't get my milk due to bad latch and tongue tie. But i wanted Issac to have the best so y wouldn't i do everything i can to give him my milk. So after 3months of distressed feeding i switched to exclusive expressing and i wish i could of breastfed, this is more time consuming restricting than bf IMO.

Im with pp, sarah13 and l_mclean. We need more support to help mums successfully breastfeed. I can't understand why anyone would willing want to use formula when your body produces a PERFECT milk designed for your baby. It is hard, tiring and demanding it needs a lot of commitment but doesn't having a baby in general need the same?
I agree with pinky on the postnatal care and support for mums - my experience on postnatal ward was that they shoved my nipple in his mouth and said his latch was fine. It was still hurting like hell but obviously I though it was wrong because it was hurting. BFing campaign fails to tell you it can hurt in the beginning. I went to support my friend who gave birth 6 weeks after me and managed to correct her latch, she was very stressed and giving him formula because of the pain.

Its such a shame government spends so much money campaigning and then there is no support - someone should come everyday after birth I think until necessary to help with BFing
I found that everyone is different with bf'ing. I personally bf for 4 weeks and couldn't cope with the demand and lack of sleep at night, I then expressed as well as giving her formula. The best thing to do is start with bf'ing and see how you go. You might be surprised and find it's right for you, its the only way you will know.

I will be bf'ing this time and will see how it goes :) x x
I have had it drilled into be by my mil that I will breast feed and it is the best thing to do etc I obviously know this and I know the benefits out way cons. I was trying to get across that people are very quick to judge others who choose not to bf. like I said I'm already in bits thinking what to do as hubby has already said that "that's what boobies are for". It is a decision I will come to once baby is here which is a while yet. But if women on here do want to FF then we should all be supporting each other not being quick to say well oh your selfish how could you not do this.
I have had it drilled into be by my mil that I will breast feed and it is the best thing to do etc I obviously know this and I know the benefits out way cons. I was trying to get across that people are very quick to judge others who choose not to bf. like I said I'm already in bits thinking what to do as hubby has already said that "that's what boobies are for". It is a decision I will come to once baby is here which is a while yet. But if women on here do want to FF then we should all be supporting each other not being quick to say well oh your selfish how could you not do this.

Read some of the threads in b&t, we do all support each other. Deciding once baby is here is not a bad thing. It's those who have decided not to give it a try that I don't understand. In other countries the first few days/weeks after birth are seen as a 'fourth trimester' where you really should be following the guidelines where possible.
I would tell your MIL to eff off and you'll make your own choice at the time. I believe in showing the benefits not telling someone they have to do it my family drove me bananas when pregnant telling me I'd bf!

I'm not necessarily pro anything, just whatever makes mum and baby happy. I am still BFing by some miracle, because I had a rubbish time with it in the beginning, but I would also advise anyone to at least try BF for themselves for a few days before making a decision. Even a few days will count and will give baby a huge immunity boost. If afterwards you decide it's not for you, baby will be just fine on formula.
I know it each persons choice i just don't get it, i didnt enjoy bf although i know of a few women who enjoyed the closeness it brought and let the child self wean and i HATE expressing but when i found out i was pregnant i decided i would try my best to
provide my child with the best and that starts from the minute they are born with the first feed.

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