Breast Feeding


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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I'm really worried about bf, worrying incase it doesn't work out, or I don't have the strength to persevere with it. Some days I'm all up for giving it a good go and other days I just want to use formula.
I find if there are things that I have some control over I stress less about them, and I really want to make a decision about feeding. I don't know anyone IRL who has managed to BF successfully for any longer than a couple of months. I asked my midwife if there was any bf support groups and there is one starting but its on the other side of the ity and would mean 2 buses there and 2 buses back.
Wish I could make a firm decision, and be organised.

Anyone else feel the same or offer me advice?

Thanks in advance

Pinky Mum, why don't you give BF a try and then if it is not for you , then move to bottles.

I am going to really full pelt try everything this time, as I haven't really done so before due to two of mine went to scbu so I left it at just expressing and then on to bottles and the other baby I was so put off I went straight to bottles as that had worked fine before. Also I won't have any money for formula, so really need to try to make it work, but who knows I might hate it from day 1, or cave in to bottles first night! I have not brought any bottles yet so there is less temptation to take my easy route!

Remember , although they say breastfeeding is best for baby, and the hosp does put alot of emphasis and pressure on you when there, there is nothing to be ashamed about going straight to bottles or in not succededing or chosing not to carry on with breastfeeding and moving to bottles. My three babies are all happy and healthy from bottle feeding, and forumlas are really good nowadays, containing everything they need for great growth and development.

Why don't you keep an open mind and see what way you go nearer the time or at /after birth?
I'm having a very relaxed attitude towards breast feeding - I definitely intend to try and will be really happy if I can, but 2 friends of mine tried and for one reason or another it just didn't happen, baby wasn't getting enough milk and was losing weight so they had to bottle feed. With all the pressure that breast is best they both felt like failures and felt like they were bad mums which is sad. So my intention is to try my hardest, hope it's the most natural thing in the world and I don't have any problems - but if I end up having to bottle feed I won't be made to feel guilty about it!! xx
Thank you both, maybe I should lower my expectations of myself a bit and go into it more relaxed. After all none of us are superwoman - no matter how hard we try ;)

Thanks again girls

Exactly! Whilst I do believe in breastfeeding, I really do feel the push for breast feeding by government and health services can make some mums feel like a failure and that's not right. Yes it's preferable if you can, but as JJ mum says, babies fed by bottle are just as healthy and happy xx
I have bf all three of my babies my
First only for about 3 months my second till 6 months then I chose to take him off and still bf'ing chloé

I will say however everyone seems to think it's easy it's nature it's so convenient and - in time it can be but with all three it has been a really difficult all three times if you really want it really go for it it takes time and you may need to top up with formula I did :) but if you find it's not for you then switch to formula it's up to the individual and the baby x
The whole time i was pregnant i wasn't sure if i was going to breastfeed or not, once she was born i gave it a go she wouldn't latch on and when she did she would just fall asleep! for the first 3-4 days it was really tough but it got easier and Tegan is now 9 weeks old and im still happily breast feeding. its Upto the individual Hun you do what's best for you and baby xx
im going for bf for the 1st time and this is my 5th im going to try my hardest but if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out and i know my baby will thrive on formula im doing this time because its my last ever chance to at least try and my last ds suffers with asthma so if bf reduces the chances of this baby having it im going to try :)i think it will be easier once your established and confident in it i suggest reading loads on it as its eased my mind and made me believe i can do it
im going for bf for the 1st time and this is my 5th im going to try my hardest but if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out and i know my baby will thrive on formula im doing this time because its my last ever chance to at least try and my last ds suffers with asthma so if bf reduces the chances of this baby having it im going to try :)i think it will be easier once your established and confident in it i suggest reading loads on it as its eased my mind and made me believe i can do it

Bella and zander have asthma and they were both bf hunni but hubby and I have it so don't know if it's just coz of family history x
The important thing here is that you feel relaxed about however you decideto feed your baby. Stress is never good and probably will lead to you "failing" to breastfeed.

I'm struggling it myself and yesterday texted my OH in tears demanding that he get formula on the way home from work! :-( luckily for me OH is an idiot and didn't know what brand to get so didn't get any and I woke up this morning shocked that Eva had slept through the night for the first time! :) and I had got some proper sleep.

ignore everyone who tells you "breast is best blah blah blah" and do what feels right and it will all come together inthe end.
I bf last time and found it great easy and the bonding with my son was great. This time round im going to bottle feed just so im not so resticted to having to feed little on if my older son needs me plus need to Return to work a lot sooner this time.

Just try thats all you can do if it works it works if it dont it dont.
When I was pregnant I really wanted to breastfeed, and even though I was aware of the pressure placed on women to breastfeed I hadn't quite realised how much there was really.

As my baby was born very prematurely I expressed for about 6 weeks and my milk was given to him via a feeding tube, also during that time I managed to stock up quite a good supply of milk to store in the freezer. I then started to introduce Tomos to breast feeding and he seemed to get on ok with it, I had to use a nipple shield though as my nipples are so flat. But Tomos wasn't putting on any weight and so I started to bottle feed him everyother feed using my milk.
Then one day I was hardly producing any milk to express, possibly as I was expressing less often, so I decided that I wasn't going to carry on with it. Expressing and feeding was quite a full time job, and I felt that I had given him a pretty good start. For a couple of weeks I did everyother feed with formula and breastmilk, and now that all the stored milk has gone he's on just formula and doing really well on it.

So do what you feel best, as the others have said keep an open mind and give it a go, and if it doesn't work out at least you tried. Wilst I was in hospital I saw a lot of people (I was in for some time with Tomos) who were determined to breast feed and got so upset when they couldn't, or when the baby wouldnt settle as they werent getting enough food as their milk hadn't come in and they had a big baby etc.

I have to say though that the staff at the hospital we're fantastic, at no stage were they pushy regarding breast feeding, and they fully supported any decisions which I made.
im going for bf for the 1st time and this is my 5th im going to try my hardest but if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out and i know my baby will thrive on formula im doing this time because its my last ever chance to at least try and my last ds suffers with asthma so if bf reduces the chances of this baby having it im going to try :)i think it will be easier once your established and confident in it i suggest reading loads on it as its eased my mind and made me believe i can do it

Bella and zander have asthma and they were both bf hunni but hubby and I have it so don't know if it's just coz of family history x

yeah i know baby could still have it but even if its a small chance of reducing it it worth a go all mine was bottle fed and only my youngest ds has asthma and its awful :( plus there is other benefits to bf :)
I'm really quite determined to breast feed, but am not going to kick myself too much if I don't succeed. I guess I accept it may or may not work. I mainly like the fact I won't have to make up bottles and it milk, that's my big ploy to persevere, an I believe I can persevere. So we shall see! I'll let you know in 3 weeks time lol x
I also love breastfeeding now she feeds properly i couldn't imagine not doing it! x
Pinky it's a very personal choice hun and is completely down to you and what you are comfortable with.

I BF my DS for a few months but due to other health problems which lead to him not sleeping and being in a lot of pain the stress and tiredness of it all got too much for me and so I made the switch to formula.

The hospital staff were brilliant with me tho - the MW's sat with me and guided me when I needed it. I had a lovely MW who encourraged me to lie down on my side in bed to feed Mitchell - therefore making me more relaxed as all you have to worry about is the position of the breast etc not where your arms are and how you are holding baby etc plus lying together was so lovely!

If I was you I would advise the MW just after you have had baby of your intention to BF (unless it comes up earlier ofc) and ask her to help with latching on etc - don't get embarressed....just remember it's all part of their job and they have seen it many times! Make use of the time you spend in hospital and the support you are given there.

I am already making the preperations to BF this baby too!

Good luck with it hunny xx
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It's the best isn't it! I live it the way she looks up at me with such love as I feed her it's not the same with formula as when you bf you get that rush of endorphins like at birth every time :)
Yes Evie it really is the best!

I wasn't prepared for how hard it is but also wasnt prepared for how wonderful it is too and how it makes me feel so good.

I watched the 'from bump to breastfeeding' DVD a few times before I actually had him and found it useful. Especially the diagrams of latching on properly and why you need to aim the nipple to the back and roof of babies mouth.

I read stories on here from girls who have had to give up breastfeeding in the first few days because they're worried baby is dehydrated or not getting any milk. The best bit of info I learned is that a baby's stomach is the size of a marble when first born. Therefore they really don't need much more than the colostrum that we produce. So many women are worried that they're not feeding enough when in fact they are.

I've been writing a breastfeeding blog for work
You can't see it on an iPhone for some reason (must sort that out!) but it's my journey so far up to xmas.

Whatever you decide, good luck. You always have us here - breast and bottle feeders for help and advice. Xxx

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