Breast feeding or Bottle feeding?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2011
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How did/does everyone choose?

I am clueless.

I have people telling me breast is best (not arguing with that) but then I have others saying that mummy is tired all the time because baby doesnt sleep through for quite a while? and also people saying they feed every 1-2 hours even through the night?

My husband wants me to bottle feed.

I have no clue.

Honest opinions or advice would be appreciated :flower:

I'm going to give breast feeding a go and I'm quite stubborn so will hopefully see it through!

After seeing how much my sister struggled with breast feeding my nephew I'd never judge anyone who decided on bottle feeding - whatever their reasons.

I'm really interested in what others are doing too - good thread hun! Xx
I have got my hopes on breastfeeding it s a personal choice ! X
As this is my first i have no experience in either!! I would like to breast feed and would intend to express so that hubby can help with feeds too. But who knows, baby might not take and I may have to go bottle and formula.

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I'm hoping to do both if that's possible. But I don't want to breast feed for long. I think some people bf for far too long lol. I only wana do it for the first couple of weeks. So I wana introduce both immediately so its not a shock to baby when I start using bottle only after a couple weeks x

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How did/does everyone choose?

I have people telling me breast is best (not arguing with that) but then I have others saying that mummy is tired all the time because baby doesnt sleep through for quite a while? and also people saying they feed every 1-2 hours even through the night?


some FF babies do this two. my LO is bf and has always slept a minimum of 4hours between feeds (apart from the night my milk came in - night 3) - which by all accounts is difficult for everyone.
oh thats good to know. All my nephews and nieces that were bf fed lots thru night and didnt sleep through very quick where the ff babies got their quota during the day so slept through quicker. Obviously I dont mind feeding my baby but heck who is going to say a full nights sleep isnt nice?! lol xx
For the record, my nephew has only ever been ff and he's a terrible sleeper. Never sleeps for very long at all and my brother and SIL are up all night with him x

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I'm hoping to do both if that's possible. But I don't want to breast feed for long. I think some people bf for far too long lol. I only wana do it for the first couple of weeks. So I wana introduce both immediately so its not a shock to baby when I start using bottle only after a couple weeks x

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^ wss :)
For the record, my nephew has only ever been ff and he's a terrible sleeper. Never sleeps for very long at all and my brother and SIL are up all night with him x

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thats still amazing as youll be giving ur baby the best start.

and yes i kno there r going to be a minority. but 'generally' are ff babies better sleepers?

thats not a rhetorical question. i dont kno enough to decide i just want to make a prepared informed decision :) xxx
I bottle fed my first ds as there was talk of me going into hospital for an operation after he was born so chose bottle to make it easier as if I had to go in my oh could take over and not disrupt anything with baby. Ff worked for him and I plan to do it again with this baby as we found it successful. Again I'm forward planning just incase talk of an operation rears up again (which there is a possibility).
I have to confess I am not keen on the idea of BF'ing but I am going to do it anyway.

The benefits for my baby and myself are just too great for me personally to consider anything else. I also plan to demand feed for the first few months.

My sister couldn't breast feed either of her boys and my S-I-L didn't want to - all 3 of my nephews are happy and healthy so I know bottle feeding doesn't do any harm.

As long as I give it my best shot then I won't feel guilty if I cannot BF, but it 100% my intention to try my hardest to go down that route!!

thanks ladies! its hard to decide. and im not of one inclination, i just dont know! people are either for one or the other, i want the brutal crap bits of each. lol

i know formula feeding is hassle, expensive, not as good for baby but no bf-ing mums are really willing to say the crappy bits about bf-ing. and they wouldnt put me off but if i choose to BF then i think ill be more prepared and prob more successful if i know everything that isnt so great about it too xxx
Just for info. my LO is exclusively breastfed and goes more than 1-2 hours in the night. I am up twice in the night only. Usually around 3-4 and then 6-7.
I intend to breast feed and express so my husband can help out with it, but i may be going into it idealistically and somewhat naively. But I do hope to breast feed at least for a few months.
BF'ing can hurt.....

I have seen two friends suffer terribly (both with their first babies)

Both had early signs of mastitis (sp) but both overcame it.

One friend went on to BF her second and I am sure if the other friend has another she will BF # 2 as well...

Just for info. my LO is exclusively breastfed and goes more than 1-2 hours in the night. I am up twice in the night only. Usually around 3-4 and then 6-7.

Thanks! i do love hearing that as i know it sounds terrible but i do love my sleep! it wouldnt put me off but its nice to read! :lol:


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