Breast feeding or Bottle feeding?

It's not easy breastfeeding. I have shed many tears over the last few weeks through growth spurts and milk coming in etc

There have been MANY times where I have come minutes from giving formula and I totally get why other mums do, it's quite challenging at times. I haven't because I'm a stubborn mare and I wholeheartedly wanted to breastfeed my LO, I think this is the only thing along with her thriving that has kept me going tbh.

My advice if you really want to do is get as much support as possible. I believe there are very few physical reasons that prevent people from breastfeeding and the mental side of it is overlooked somewhat. The doubting yourself etc. I made some emotional phone calls to health visitors and midwives just to get the little pick me I needed to carry on.

Good luck
I bottlefed my first, breastfed my second and will breastfeed this little one :)

Breastfeeding is hard work, but so rewarding and worth it. my Lo slept from 12am till 5am without a feed.
My bottlefed baby i did all the feeds with also, she got up 12am, 3am and 6am for feeds so bottlefed babies are ness better sleepers or more settled.
I hate the idea of bf... But it's not only about me here so I can't be so selfish. I have no physical excuse or emotional one to not bf so I am going to go ahead even if I don't like it at all and do it.... It is the best choose for my baby and I am not going to deny it that, only because of my attitude toward bf.
I will give It my best shot to work. If for any reason that Dosent work expressing is my second choose. If that for some reason fails too then I will formula feed knowing that I gave it my best try and just wasnt meant to be.
I believe in happy mummy happy baby but it's the other way around really for me.
Anyway i am doing my best to make this work, the ladies on Baby and toddler section are already sick of me asking them millions of questions lol.....
I am also planning to get a cosleeper cot bed and that should make night breast feeding mug easier than actually getting up and making bottles.

I will demand feed until my supply is established and try for a schedule at around 1 month old.
Unfortunately i will have to go back to work very soon, probably when the bean will be 3-4 months old so taking a bottle is a priority for me so a bottle will be introduced at around 2 weeks.
I am planning to express while I am at work In a regular 3 h basis as my hospital where I work provides facilities for women that express milk.
So yes it's going to be a hell lot of work but i am sure I will not care at all when I will meet my LO :love:
Fx everything it will go as planned lol.
but no bf-ing mums are really willing to say the crappy bits about bf-ing. and they wouldnt put me off but if i choose to BF then i think ill be more prepared and prob more successful if i know everything that isnt so great about it too xxx

There is a thread somewhere with the crappy bits, cos a lot of us commented on it recently, I think its called breastfeeding fears (but i may be wrong) it has lots if comments about pain, cluster feeding at the start etc.
Breastfeeding fears thread is in pregnancy chat. Xxx
I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

Yes I am one of the unlucky ones who's baby does get up ever hour (and trust me i see it on my fb newsfeed every morning,
Im in the minority) but id rather do that and carry on with what I'm doing than not. Nothing compares to cuddles in the night from your baby. They way he automatically puts himself I'm position when I lay him down and he reaches out to grab hold of me and strokes me while he's feeding.

This is coming from someone who was so undecided brought all the ff stuff and after a 4 day labour asked for a bottle (that I was never given - shoddy hospital care) when i was pregnant i was scared. Scared of 'failing', being judged for making whatever choice I was going to make, it hurting etc BUT guess what, it's all worked out for the better.

I think if you want honest opinions come in B&T and read our threads. Some of us have been through terrible times and ending up on formula, and you know what? That doesn't matter. We've all tried to bf and tbh at the end of the day we're feeding our babies which is more important than how we do it.

but no bf-ing mums are really willing to say the crappy bits about bf-ing. and they wouldnt put me off but if i choose to BF then i think ill be more prepared and prob more successful if i know everything that isnt so great about it too xxx

There is a thread somewhere with the crappy bits, cos a lot of us commented on it recently, I think its called breastfeeding fears (but i may be wrong) it has lots if comments about pain, cluster feeding at the start etc.

I bumped it up and put a link in page one to it yesterday

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I breast fed my daughter. Still am. I wont lie, its tiring but the rewards well out way any tirdness. Our bond is super strong and she knows its her mummy that provides her comfort and nurishment. Saying that tho, i couldnt stand the thought of anyone else feeding her.

I intend to breastfeed my new babs too. Its great i love it!

I do understand that it is a very personal choice though, just give it go and see how you get on. You can always express and bottle feed if you feel like a rest. Good luck x
Bf has its crappy bits but do you know what for me the bennefits out weighed all the crap. My bond with m is super strong she still cuddles my boobs for comfort. Seeing those eyes look up at you whilst you're feeding is something I will never forget. Tbh who cares about sleep they are little for so long I know ff babies that at 15 months still don't sleep through and bf the same it 100 % depends on the baby. I mixed from 10 months and she self weened at 12 if I had another I would bf again in a heart beat I 100 % won't judge whose who bottle feed as I know how tough having a new baby is just don't knock it until you've tried it. Oh the first 6 weeks were hell I was crying in so much pain but what's 6 weeks out of the rest of your babies life ? In the end its your choice and don't let anyone tell you what to do gather all the facts and know that its not feeding choice that effects sleep x

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I feel that everyone should at least try bf'ing. I found that everyone is different with bf'ing. I personally bf for 4 weeks and couldn't cope with the demand and lack of sleep at night, I then expressed as well as giving her formula. The best thing to do is start with bf'ing and see how you go. You might be surprised and find it's right for you, its the only way you will know.

I will be bf'ing this time and will see how it goes x x
orginially posted by Jules84 [QUOTE}and yes i kno there r going to be a minority. but 'generally' are ff babies better sleepers?

thats not a rhetorical question. i dont kno enough to decide i just want to make a prepared informed decision :) xxx[/QUOTE]

I don't agree at all each person is different and each baby is different all of my five have been breast fed and some like my first slept from 2 weeks all night long , but then no3 would prefer to lay with me all night feeding when she wanted, no4 would only wake for one feed at around 1 am each night, so you can't base an arguement to bottle on your need to sleep as that doesn't work in reality babies will feed when they need to and that's that. xx
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[QUOTE}and yes i kno there r going to be a minority. but 'generally' are ff babies better sleepers?

thats not a rhetorical question. i dont kno enough to decide i just want to make a prepared informed decision :) xxx

I don't agree at all each person is different and each baby is different all of my five have been breast fed and some like my first slept from 2 weeks all night long , but then no3 would prefer to lay with me all night feeding when she wanted, no4 would only wake for one feed at around 1 am each night, so you can't base an arguement to bottle on your need to sleep as that doesn't work in reality babies will feed when they need to and that's that. xx[/QUOTE]

Thank you for that. My OH thinks in doing something wrong because my boy wakes up all night. He keeps asking what i'm going to do to 'fix' it

My mom was telling me yesterday that since week 2 i only woke up once per night for a feed. She breastfed me for 2 years :roll:
My little cousin was ff due to some health problems my auntie had and she was feeding every 2 h day and night until 8 months old.
It totally depends on the baby.
Am I crazy though to think that getting your boob out during the night and have a lay down while your baby is feeding is much easier that going downstairs and making bottles? Or am I too naive?
I will get a co sleeper cot and I found it quite simple to grab the baby move it 30 cm closer to you, feed and the move it back in its cot without even getting out of bed...
Ffs I am a doctor and I get out of bed 10000 times during the night when I am on call anyway... If I can do that for strangers I better manage to do it for my own baby bean too :shock:
I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

This is unfair, I'm not worried? I said lack of sleep will NOT affect my decision on how to feed my baby. I just wanted to know going head in that I may get less sleep or not.

Thanks ladies for answering my questions.

I think I'll just read stories in B&T to help my decision.
I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

This is unfair, I'm not worried? I said lack of sleep will NOT affect my decision on how to feed my baby. I just wanted to know going head in that I may get less sleep or not.

Thanks ladies for answering my questions.

I think I'll just read stories in B&T to help my decision.

Wheather to fomula feed or breast feed has nothing to do with wheather you get to sleep at night or not , It's down to your baby and his/her needs they will require feeding when they are hungry and that is the bottom line I'm afraid . xx
I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

This is unfair, I'm not worried? I said lack of sleep will NOT affect my decision on how to feed my baby. I just wanted to know going head in that I may get less sleep or not.

Thanks ladies for answering my questions.

I think I'll just read stories in B&T to help my decision.

Wheather to fomula feed or breast feed has nothing to do with wheather you get to sleep at night or not , It's down to your baby and his/her needs they will require feeding when they are hungry and that is the bottom line I'm afraid . xx

Of course it doesn't. I'm fully aware newborns are awake during the night a lot anyway. I am shocked at the amount of women in B&T who say they got a shock when they started BFing because they wish theyd known how hard it was going to be so they were prepared. thats all im asking . Yet it seems like some of the women on here are just "best for baby so u just do it and get on with it , selfish if u dont"

Im just trying to be prepared x
I think Sarah13 summed it up brilliantly in another

'One thing that is good to bear in mind it that breast milk is a live formula like blood and the anti bodies and white blood cells that a baby gets from colostrum is truly amazing start for a baby. I think a couple more days at the end of a pregnancy where you have sacrificed so much to give your baby the best place to grow, to give them that last help into the big wide world is not much to ask unless there is some medical issues, even if its expressed onto a spoon for them, which i did due to my lo being prem and not latching at first. Then switch to formula if that is what the mum wants to do. '

I'd also say that breastfeeding isn't hard, hard is a horrible negative word. It's a commitment.

I think Sarah13 summed it up brilliantly in another

'One thing that is good to bear in mind it that breast milk is a live formula like blood and the anti bodies and white blood cells that a baby gets from colostrum is truly amazing start for a baby. I think a couple more days at the end of a pregnancy where you have sacrificed so much to give your baby the best place to grow, to give them that last help into the big wide world is not much to ask unless there is some medical issues, even if its expressed onto a spoon for them, which i did due to my lo being prem and not latching at first. Then switch to formula if that is what the mum wants to do. '

I'd also say that breastfeeding isn't hard, hard is a horrible negative word. It's a commitment.
perfectly said and totally right in my eyes also , ff should be the next step but bf should always be the first step unless through a medical reason it is totally not possible at all . There is only a choice as to how long a mother descides she wants to continue , if only a few hours or indeed a year that is up to mum to decide. That is my opinion . xx

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