Breast feeding or Bottle feeding?

I think if u start bf and see ur baby gaining weight this,will keet u going, being prepared for a newborn in general - sleep deprivation, engorged breasts, possible colic . In any situation having support from friends family and bf groups will make it manageable. My lo wakes the same from being on breast to feeding from bottle. If they are hungry they will wake xx
I found bf'ing very hard and felt guilty giving it up. It doesn't mean that I wasn't commited to my baby. I was miserable and crying all the time, I had an extremely long and difficult birth, which didn't help. But I got no support for bf'ing, which I thought I would, nobody made sure I was doing it properly from the start. I will be seeking help this time before baby comes so hopefully bf'ing will be more successful.

I've found from talking to friends that everyone's milk supply is different too and feel that I just didn't have enough milk to satisfy my baby, which didn't help with my bf'ing experience. I know it is difficult for everyone but I do feel that some seem to be more successful than others x x
Some do seem more successful and ur doing right to get support prior to birth. On my area we have bussom buddies where u can go pre birth i wish i garden went as my lo tongue tie wasn't picked up on early enough.

If u find it painful or difficult and worried she advice from hv, Midwife, bf support groups and here x
Some do seem more successful and ur doing right to get support prior to birth. On my area we have bussom buddies where u can go pre birth i wish i garden went as my lo tongue tie wasn't picked up on early enough.

If u find it painful or difficult and worried she advice from hv, Midwife, bf support groups and here x

Thanks hun :) Yes I think we have something similar here too, will be asking my mw tomorrow. So wish I had got support last time pre birth, but really thought I knew all I needed to know and that I would get any help I needed in hospital. I do think women need a lot more information pre birth as to what to expect x x
I found bf'ing very hard and felt guilty giving it up. It doesn't mean that I wasn't commited to my baby. I was miserable and crying all the time, I had an extremely long and difficult birth, which didn't help. But I got no support for bf'ing, which I thought I would, nobody made sure I was doing it properly from the start. I will be seeking help this time before baby comes so hopefully bf'ing will be more successful.

I've found from talking to friends that everyone's milk supply is different too and feel that I just didn't have enough milk to satisfy my baby, which didn't help with my bf'ing experience. I know it is difficult for everyone but I do feel that some seem to be more successful than others x x

You shouldn't feel guilty you gave your baby the best start in life that you could you have nothing to feel guilty about. It's everyones choice as to how long you want to bf for . xx
Vince is EBF and has slept up to 9h at night, these days he only goes 3h, it changes all the time. It's up to the baby, not necessarily the sort/amount of food he's getting.
I think there is a lot of pressure on women to bf but everyone has the right to choose and shouldn't be made to feel guilty if they ff. My Mum ff me and my siblings and we were all fine. I am still undecided what I will do.
I have been lucky with the breast feeding. I know a lot of ladies struggle and was forewarned of problems. I thought I'd give it a go and was pretty determined to do it unless it really was impossible. LO woke up every 3 hours in the night to start with and after a few weeks it was 4 hours and now at 10 weeks old she is sleeping from 9pm through to 5/6am then she has quick feed and sleeps til 9/10am. For me it's the obvious choice as I'm a bit lazy and it's so easy to stick them on the boob, it's instant and I can get back to sleep quite well as I sort of do it in my sleep. She has gained really good weight and doesn't feed for ages 5-10 min at start and 10-20min max now. Their stomachs are only tiny to start with and they are designed to feed often anyway! Good luck with whatever you choose.
I don't think saying I was ff and I was fine. You can say I drunk excessive alcohol all my life and I'm fine even RBI we all know it's bad for you (yes that's a totally crap comparison lol just back from Tyler's jabs so too exhausted to give a better one but hopefully you'll see my point)

Everyone goes on about the judgement that ff mums get. What about the judgement that bf mums get? It's accepted that babies drink from bottles in the media with kids toys etc, yet if you breastfeed you can be called a slag, disgusting and i've even seen the word pedophile used! Just because you choose to use your breast that has been sexualised by society, to feed your baby as nature intended. I'm very lucky that I haven't had anyone ever say anything and that if they did I WILL stand up for my human right (and law) to feed my child. It really upsets me that people behave like this and this is because of use of bottles. Think about this, in the middle east it was the norm for ladies in the full cover to pop their boob out and feed their child. Now because of western influence it is not and they are encouraged to use bottles.

I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

This is unfair, I'm not worried? I said lack of sleep will NOT affect my decision on how to feed my baby. I just wanted to know going head in that I may get less sleep or not.

Thanks ladies for answering my questions.

I think I'll just read stories in B&T to help my decision.

Wheather to fomula feed or breast feed has nothing to do with wheather you get to sleep at night or not , It's down to your baby and his/her needs they will require feeding when they are hungry and that is the bottom line I'm afraid . xx

Of course it doesn't. I'm fully aware newborns are awake during the night a lot anyway. I am shocked at the amount of women in B&T who say they got a shock when they started BFing because they wish theyd known how hard it was going to be so they were prepared. thats all im asking . Yet it seems like some of the women on here are just "best for baby so u just do it and get on with it , selfish if u dont"

Im just trying to be prepared x

It just depends if you are determined to bf or not. I think most are just giving their opinions on what they think is the best option. To say that you are shocked at how many women are surprised at how hard bf is isn't fair until you have done it. When you have just been through labour, delivery, have no sleep, and your baby is cluster feeding (not eating every two hours but literally attached to you for 8 hours or more) to establish your supply, then you can make comments about what its like to be a new bf mom. It doesn't matter how much you read, or how many classes you take, it will be hard. But not for long! After a few weeks, I think bf is much easier than ff... No bottles to worry about, and the milk is always there! Plus its free :).

Its up to every new mom how they want to feed their baby, but it doesn't hurt to try to bf. And once your lo is here, there is an incredible amount of support in the baby and toddler section!
My friends that have breastfed say the benefit is if you do it then you don't need bottles and other items, so I guess if you are full on with it it's good from that point of view. I asked my mother why she never did it and she just answered that she didn't like the idea of it never even tried it. So everyone has a different take on it.
I personally have not come across again negativity against women that bf in this country, it's more women that ff are made to feel guilty. People automatically assume you will bf, I have had so many comments since being pregnant from friends and colleagues about bf when they don't even know what my intentions are. I feel like there is a huge pressure on me to bf and that people will think I'm a bad mum if don't. I've not decided one way or another yet and think I will prob give bf a try and see how it works for me.
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And yet all they assumed I will ff...
My mil thinks that and keeps saying that she would love to feed the baby...
My cousin was saying to me what bottle is best to get
My grandma said oh it will be nice to bf but probably you will ff
And my friend said, oh such a pitty that you will not bf you would really enjoy the closeness...
Just you wait all lol...
I can't believe your worried about bfing affecting your sleep. Babies wake up in the night, fact of life I'm afraid.

This is unfair, I'm not worried? I said lack of sleep will NOT affect my decision on how to feed my baby. I just wanted to know going head in that I may get less sleep or not.

Thanks ladies for answering my questions.

I think I'll just read stories in B&T to help my decision.

Wheather to fomula feed or breast feed has nothing to do with wheather you get to sleep at night or not , It's down to your baby and his/her needs they will require feeding when they are hungry and that is the bottom line I'm afraid . xx

Of course it doesn't. I'm fully aware newborns are awake during the night a lot anyway. I am shocked at the amount of women in B&T who say they got a shock when they started BFing because they wish theyd known how hard it was going to be so they were prepared. thats all im asking . Yet it seems like some of the women on here are just "best for baby so u just do it and get on with it , selfish if u dont"

Im just trying to be prepared x

It just depends if you are determined to bf or not. I think most are just giving their opinions on what they think is the best option. To say that you are shocked at how many women are surprised at how hard bf is isn't fair until you have done it. When you have just been through labour, delivery, have no sleep, and your baby is cluster feeding (not eating every two hours but literally attached to you for 8 hours or more) to establish your supply, then you can make comments about what its like to be a new bf mom. It doesn't matter how much you read, or how many classes you take, it will be hard. But not for long! After a few weeks, I think bf is much easier than ff... No bottles to worry about, and the milk is always there! Plus its free :).

Its up to every new mom how they want to feed their baby, but it doesn't hurt to try to bf. And once your lo is here, there is an incredible amount of support in the baby and toddler section!

I don't think I meant it the way you've taken it. I meant that the women in Band T have mentioned that they wish theyd been prepared for how hard it can be. Im not saying its hard, they did. It doesnt put me off, i just want to know what to expect, and if i find it easier, then thats a bonus surely? but going into it with my eyes closed and then finding things a shock that i cud have been prepared for, seems daft to me. xxx
And yet all they assumed I will ff...
My mil thinks that and keeps saying that she would love to feed the baby...
My cousin was saying to me what bottle is best to get
My grandma said oh it will be nice to bf but probably you will ff
And my friend said, oh such a pitty that you will not bf you would really enjoy the closeness...
Just you wait all lol...

Hehe i love this!!! have you not told them your going to BF? :) thats brill!!! Good Luck with it! I will definitely try, just want to go into it with my eyes open xx
One thing I really struggle to understand is people not wanting others to breastfeed as they want a turn at feeding the baby, whether it be your OH or family members. There are so many other ways to get involved in caring for a baby, or even feeding the baby when it is on solids. Maybe it is just me but I think it can be quite a selfish attitude when the health benefits of giving breast milk have been proven. I just don't understand what is so special about giving a baby a bottle.

(Sorry Hope81, this was not meant as a dig at your MIL, it just reminded me that I had heard this as a reason, both on here and elsewhere, for people deciding not to breastfeed)
Sorry Jules! I did take it the wrong way lol. I guess no matter what you do, it's hard to be completely prepared. If you do decide to bf, or ff, there is tonnes of support in B and T.... I found everyone there much more helpful than nurses and doctors!
no worries Mrs KM :flower: from your reply I thought you had! But sometimes it's hard to write things they way you mean and things can always be read differently too! lol

yeah Ive noticed BF mums recommending some women wo r struggling to FF so I know theyre not all hitlers which is good as its not for everyone. I am 100% sure I will do the colostrum feeds, as I think pinky said, why not its only a few days and the most important. And then I'll just go from there. I'm not someone who is so determined to BF because i feel so strongly about it, i know its best for baby so ill give it a go. And then hopefully all works out and i can stick at it. The Breastfeeding Fears thread ive found very good reading.

I kind of want to think BFing is awful apart from the obvious, then hopefully ill find it ok lol! I like to prepare myself for the worst case scenario lol xx
im def going to try to breast feed. At the end of the day its not going to be forever!
no worries Mrs KM :flower: from your reply I thought you had! But sometimes it's hard to write things they way you mean and things can always be read differently too! lol

yeah Ive noticed BF mums recommending some women wo r struggling to FF so I know theyre not all hitlers which is good as its not for everyone. I am 100% sure I will do the colostrum feeds, as I think pinky said, why not its only a few days and the most important. And then I'll just go from there. I'm not someone who is so determined to BF because i feel so strongly about it, i know its best for baby so ill give it a go. And then hopefully all works out and i can stick at it. The Breastfeeding Fears thread ive found very good reading.

I kind of want to think BFing is awful apart from the obvious, then hopefully ill find it ok lol! I like to prepare myself for the worst case scenario lol xx

Definitely! I firmly believe happy mom= happy baby, and if that means ff, then great, if it means bf, that is great too! I thought I was so well prepared to bf and it ended up being so much harder, mainly with respect to the time commitment. With the help of the girls here I stuck to it. The main thing is that if bf doesn't work out, don't feel guilty about it. The main thing is that baby's are fed :)

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