Breast feeding after traumatic birth


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hello ladies,

Freddie is still in icu after a c section due to stress from swimming around in his own poo.

He was pretty poorly when he came out but he's doing much better.

The issue now is getting feeding established but I just can't do it. He's just starting to get livelier and today we're trying baby led feeds to get him off his glucose drip but I feel like I just want to say sod it and I'll bottle feed him, but I feel like they won't let him home unless he's on the breast.

I don't know what to do, what with keeping up the rigorous schedule of pain relief, obs and meals for me, as well as expressing and being there for his feeding times I just feel like I'm going insane and I cry whenever I feed because he won't latch.

I really feel helpless :-(
Oh I'm sorry for what you're going through, but you are doing a brilliant job. :) breast feeding is hard work with a straight forward birth let alone any complications... I can't really help, but whatever you chose to do it will be what's best for your lo :) hey, atleast you've given it a go. Good luck with whatever you choose xxx

I had a very similar experience- Molly was admitted to nicu after swallowing meconium, and although we just avoided the c-section, I lost a lot of blood, and was poorly after the birth. I managed to feed her once before she got poorly, but she was on a drip, and nil by mouth for the next 24hrs whilst they ran lots of tests. I was barely able to hold her, as she was in an incubator, and seemed to get upset, that she could smell my milk but couldn't feed. when she was eventually discharged from nicu, it was very stressful to begin with, and very painful, while I struggled to get her to latch. I was very sore, as we were trying constantly, but couldn't get it quite right. I wish I'd asked for more help- I was in a private room, so had no other new mum's to ask advice, and didn't want to bother the midwives. With hindsight, I wish I'd used them more- it may have saved a lot of tears! Molly spent all night trying to bring my milk in, every night I was in hospital- I literally got no sleep the whole time I was in. It calmed down after day 4, as my milk came in then.

Anyway, we persevered, and although there was a lot more pain before it got better, we are now 4months on, and still going. going. It is worth sticking with it, but anything you are giving your little one is so valuable, and even if you have it up tomorrow, you have given the very best start.

Take advice, and accept help- that's something I definitely didn't do enough, and I regret that now. It is hard, but you can do it, even after a difficult start. Take care. :)
I was the same when sol was in neo natal. Do they have a transitional baby care unit at your hosp? It's where you go once they don't be to be in an incubator and you stay too and stay as long as you need to get established, took two weeks before they let me home satisfied tht he wa latching on properly and for long enough. I expressed the whole two weeks before we got cracking and he was tube fed it down his nose? It wa hard/upsetting/frustrating but so worth it! I b-fed him for ten months an I'm so glad I persevered! Keep trying sweetie, he's learning too! Xx
I was in the same, I had a c section and baby was in NICU for 3 days due to a heammorage in the womb. She then lost a lot of body weight (12%).
Whilst she was in NICU, I would practice getting her to latch and then I tried to ebf but then we found out she lost all that weight. So I decided to combi feed by expressing and formula. I decided to leave breastfeeding for when we were out of hospital and bubs had regained birth weight. Once she regained birth weight, I decided to persevere with breast feeding (2 weeks later). One afternoon when she wasn't hungry, I got her down to her nappy and we did some skin to skin and I kept getting her to latch on and suck for a bit. This went on for a few hours, then I did it again the next day and I found she took more and stayed awake more. Then I ditched expressing/formula and went straight to ebf. I rang my HV and told her and let her know I was worried about weight gain. She suggested she'd come round after a few days to weigh her. So I did that and she put on weight. So after 3 weeks pp I was able to ebf!

I would say keep trying but don't worry about it. Expressing/formula for these early days as they are stressful enough without the worry of latching issues. Providing you express regularly you can breastfeed a bit later on.

Also Lansinoh nipple cream is your best friend for the next few weeks.

I hope your baby gets to go home soon and that you make a quick recovery. If you need any advice on the c section etc feel free to pm me!
I think you're doing a great job. I had a very long labour with a very traumatic birth for both myself and Finn. He lost 11% of his birth weight as my milk took ages to come in. When it did however it was fine, sure my boobs hurt but nipple cream worked a treat. 7 months in and we're still going strong. Chin up chick and don't be afraid to ask for help. X

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