Bluewater Meet- 8th October 2008 **NEW POLL**

hope you can come Steelgoddess, Sophie wont be much older, she'l be about 10 weeks old!
I managed to take Evie up to my work in London when she was 5 weeks- you'll be fine... plus I want to see your 'bump' in the flesh! x
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH THERES LOOOOOADS OF SHOPS THERE!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Me and Jam will deffo be there, can someone pm me their mobley number so Im in the loop s'il vous plait!!! :wink: :cheer:
im not sure if im going to be able to make it. Im not going to be able to find out if i can have the time off work till a few weeks. As soon as i know, you lot will know. I really want to go though!

Bluewater has a play area outside for kids (older than toddlers though i think). Ive been told the outside space is quite nice, but i never seem to leave the shops. :rotfl:
woo-hoo been away for couple days so back just seen this,

been great to see some of you again and meet some more of you,

im being serious you dont have to do 8th if its problem for anyway but be fab to spend my birthday with you all :D

kay- so glad your coming hun was gonna text you and ask you havent seen you for ages or jam bet he grown up so much now,

sarah&bairn- in answer to your previous remark yes its MY BIRTHDAY :cheer: :cheer: im gonna go on bout it for ages lol
:D I think the 8th October is a winner!

:lol: I won't forget the cake!

I will ask Urchin to sticky this in a couple of weeks as there are quite a few meets on at the mo!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer:

looking forward to it all so much cant wait to see everyone :hug: :hug:
I can't make the date now :( as I am in Finland then.

I'd be great to have a mini meet in London.

If were to follow with the shopping centre theme (as the weather won't last warm for long now so outdoors is out of the question?) there is a Brent Cross shopping centre in North London where parking or paying congestion charge wouldn't be an issue. Plus everyone who is on M1 could join too. Not that Brent Cross is anywhere near as nice as Blue Water.

On the opposite side of the (big) road there is a big Mamas and Papas too, as well as Next and Borders with Starbucks (to sit down).

Just an idea... Would be happy to meet in Central London too...
BabyMagic said:
I can't make the date now :( as I am in Finland then.

I'd be great to have a mini meet in London.

If were to follow with the shopping centre theme (as the weather won't last warm for long now so outdoors is out of the question?) there is a Brent Cross shopping centre in North London where parking or paying congestion charge wouldn't be an issue. Plus everyone who is on M1 could join too. Not that Brent Cross is anywhere near as nice as Blue Water.

On the opposite side of the (big) road there is a big Mamas and Papas too, as well as Next and Borders with Starbucks (to sit down).

Just an idea... Would be happy to meet in Central London too...

Shame you cant make it :(
Yes to a mini London meet im up for it :D im sure there is a few who would love another London meet who couldnt make the Bluewater one :think:
Geordie&Bairn said:
BabyMagic said:
I can't make the date now :( as I am in Finland then.

I'd be great to have a mini meet in London.

If were to follow with the shopping centre theme (as the weather won't last warm for long now so outdoors is out of the question?) there is a Brent Cross shopping centre in North London where parking or paying congestion charge wouldn't be an issue. Plus everyone who is on M1 could join too. Not that Brent Cross is anywhere near as nice as Blue Water.

On the opposite side of the (big) road there is a big Mamas and Papas too, as well as Next and Borders with Starbucks (to sit down).

Just an idea... Would be happy to meet in Central London too...

Shame you cant make it :(
Yes to a mini London meet im up for it :D im sure there is a few who would love another London meet who couldnt make the Bluewater one :think:

you can out me in for a mini meet :D :wave:
sazzylou said:
Geordie&Bairn said:
BabyMagic said:
I can't make the date now :( as I am in Finland then.

I'd be great to have a mini meet in London.

If were to follow with the shopping centre theme (as the weather won't last warm for long now so outdoors is out of the question?) there is a Brent Cross shopping centre in North London where parking or paying congestion charge wouldn't be an issue. Plus everyone who is on M1 could join too. Not that Brent Cross is anywhere near as nice as Blue Water.

On the opposite side of the (big) road there is a big Mamas and Papas too, as well as Next and Borders with Starbucks (to sit down).

Just an idea... Would be happy to meet in Central London too...

Shame you cant make it :(
Yes to a mini London meet im up for it :D im sure there is a few who would love another London meet who couldnt make the Bluewater one :think:

you can out me in for a mini meet :D :wave:

I can OUT you can i :think: have you got something to share with the group???? :lol:
e and suze were considering meeting up for a mini shopping meet in london , big primark anyone :rotfl:
Gem & Leland said:
e and suze were considering meeting up for a mini shopping meet in london , big primark anyone :rotfl:

me, me, me!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

if we were to do central london, i'm sure that we could meet in the big john lewis cafe - its huuuuuge and always seems quite quiet during the week?
i would really like to go but cant get there so if anybody wants to give me a lift i would really appriciate (sp) it.

Cheeky to ask i know :moon: but i missed out on the london meet as willow was unwell :( so would really like to go to this one. :pray:
where do you live becky??

i'm in sw london and can pick you up if you're en route for me?
i can't help becky - we're on opposite sides of london and i won't be travelling that way round the m25 :( :(

anyone else???

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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