Blue Veins


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I was wondering if somebody could please help i have started to notice blue veins on my boobs tbh my boobs are starting to look like a road map :lol: is this normal and if so does anyone know why we get them they look horrible .

Hiya, just popping in from 2nd trimester!

Its completely normal for this to happen. I think its cos if the extra blood flow to them.

I have them and they look awful. Funny how the pregnant women in magazines always look perfect :shakehead: :lol:

The other day OH said 'You've got a bruise on your boob'

It was the veins though. He definitely knows what to say to make me feel better :roll: :rotfl:
I haven't had this yet but I guess i've got it all to come. :lol:
I've noticed them now and then they're still coming and going for me. Everynight my hubby loves to have a good look at my boob to see if they've gotten any bigger or heavier and look for any veins it cracks me up. :rotfl: :rotfl:
it started bad for me at 10 weeks now my boobs are like road maps :rotfl: .

Mine have also got a lot bigger over the last couple of weeks and DH loves having look :rotfl: thats men for ya lol .
I know how you feel lol my boyfriend thinks it's his job to see how big my boobs are growing. He does it every day :D
I've got veins all over my boobs & my belly :shock: at least I know blood flow is going to the most important places!!!

My boobies have blue veins! I didn't notice them before. Ah well at least my lady bumps are getting bigger :dance:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I just came on to check the post and all i saw was NEWSFLASH lol

Welcome to my world trust me more will follow you'll soon have your road maps lol
:rotfl: :rotfl:

The only good thing about that is my boobies will be big I hope they get so big that I knock myself out walking down the stairs :dance:
As you can probabaly tell I have never had biggens' :pray: :pray:
give it another 5 weeks and you will notice the diffrence in size and weight i did mine feel really heavy and have done since the last couple of weeks
I've got a feeling that I will regret saying I hope they are so big I hope they knock me out. It cant be healthy having boobs that big.
there is a girl i now and she got DD cup and she has back ache nearly all time she been to docs and he must of said it her boob as she on about going for breast reduction
That's massive! Plus you get the horrible sores underneath. From working at the hospital i've seen some nasty infected sores underneath some womens boobs, I wouldn't want them that big. :x
lol tell me about it im happy with the ones ive got hope they dont grow anymore now as they are a right size lol
I'm dreading mine getting bigger, i'm already a 42 GG :wall:

Hubby seems to think its the best bit apart from the baby at the end of 9months :think:
Cor blimey FeeFee that's huge! I can see why you dont want them to get any bigger and your only 6 weeks so they are bound to get bigger you poor thing :hug: :hug: It's typical of a man to like them that big though lol

Maybe that's just his excuse :rotfl: I bet he can't take his eyes of your chest :shock: lol
No the dirty perv cant, one of the reasons i love him so much :rotfl:

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