no symptoms really....


Active Member
Feb 23, 2005
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hi just wondering if this was all normal and to find out others experiences
i had sore boobs up til the end of week 5 but now notihng really.
I have occassional blue veins but nothing permanent... i am tired and and im off certain food but thats about it really and then i do wonder if thats all on my head or just wishful thinking...
few cramps, especially to my left side....
im really worried about it ... i feel what symptoms i did have have gone...
ive had hardly any symtoms either im thinking of doing another test as ive had no morning sickness im tired im not off any food but i keep getting like period pains i dont know if its normal my sister in law said maybe im just one of the lucky ones but im not to sure?
im getting the pains too if that helps... it was mainyl to my left side but has moved a round a little.. has had me quite worried but im puttingit down to wind or my uterus stretching from what i have read
ive been really tired but that seems to be wearing off too
i have read now that symptoms arent until after week 8 usually... we're all different i guess. also my mum says she never had any symptoms at all with my brother and i so maybe it runs in the family
im still tempted to do another test im not really feeling myself this week im feeling quite low in a way!maybe that would dheer me up a bit im just so tired and my fella isnt doing ne thing wrong hes just really annoying me :? :(
I see no harm on peeing on another stick!! he he I think I'm up to 10 now! But nothing can describe the feeling of that lil blue cross appearing!
2 of them have been digital and they were even better with a lovel big PREGNANT coming up!

when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had no symtoms either, apart for feeling sick for about an hour a day from 7pm!!!!
When I went for my one and only scan at 16 weeks I was sure the radiographer was gonna laugh at me at say I wasn't pregnant lol, but fortunately I was and everything went smoothly, that was 13 years ago. Just found out today that I'm pregnant again at the tender age of 38!!!

Gill :D
i had no symptoms at all except for my period was late i wouldnt worry, but you could always speak to your midwife who might arange an early scan to put your mind at rest iv already had 4 scans! im a worrier im always calling my midwife with problems but most of thge time its just me expecting the worst xx
i have just over a week to wait for my first scan. Still worried as I have no symptoms, what i did have have gone. Im frantically waiting for my nipples to go darker or belly to pop out, some sign and worrying myself silly. My dr has told me not to worry and be patient and the hospital aren't interested unless you have severe cramping or bleeding. I guess if theyre not worried neither should I be. For some reason Im terrified of having a missed miscarriage. Im reading far too much!!
Julie, I feel exactly the same. Found out last wk end Im pregnant for 2nd time, my son is 8yrs, but I just dont feel pregnant! Im sometimes getting period like pains but thats it. Last time my boobs grew hurt like anything and that was in the first few weeks, but this time nothing! We've done 5 tests now and been to Drs all say we are pregnant.
Im terrifed that I will miscarry. Ive had a few shooting pains across my tummy but it goes within minutes.
I guess we'll just have to wait for a scan date to confirm things as we dont know exactly how far we are.
as silly as this may sound Im just glad its not just me.. the worry is drivng me mad but I have my scan a week on Tuesday, the 19th April, so I shall keep you posted.
I get mini cramps and the odd shooting pain. Have asked friends who nhave had children and they say its everything stretching. As for everything else they all tell me everyone is different and I should count myself lucky Im not suffering from sore boobs, sickness etc. But I DID have them not long ago.. they have just vansihed. I try and reassure myself that its my hormones leveling out, that all the books as at 12 weeks or so they should all start to lessen... but even my night time peeing seems to be less!
Thing with me is Im not really peeing anymore than usual, I drink lots of water so go alot anyway, my boobs arent sore or anything. There is a question though that i hope someone might be able to help me with. After having my first I breast fed for about 8months, after that I lost them. Theres nothing left to them, not really any muscle there, might that be why Im not getting sore??? Did anyone else have this???
Hi! I realised I was pregnant because I was a litlle bit more late than usual. I always had boops soreness before my periods so did not make anything out of it. I did not have any symptoms to show me I was pregnant apart from the lack of blood. And also, I had period pain like cramps. I am about week 5 of my pregnancy and I still have those pains in the stomach. sometimes they can be really painful and I have the sensation I am bleeding but nothing. I start feeling very tired now and nauseous( I felt sick all day today). I go to the loo more often, drinks a lot, even have to get up at night to go to the loo. And I feel like my belly is huge and very hard.
Do you know if it is like this for the whole pregnancy or does it stop at one point? Is all this showing a positive or negative sign? thanks.

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