Bludgeoned into Breastfeeding???

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I really wasn't keen of BF whilst pregnant but i did say i would try, when i had him he wouldn't latch and ended up with urates so i ended up giving formula aswell as expressing.
I managed to express one feed per day and the rest formula but as the time has gone on expressing so many times a day has not been possible and i have been obsessing over not having time to do it and worrying my milk will dry up but this week i have made the decision to stop and let it go.
I feel so so guilty about it and now wish i could have breastfed, it actually brings me to tears, i think if it hadn't been drilled into me that breast is best then i wouldn't feel so bad!
Wowzer, didn't expect this post to take off so quickly haha! I was just interested as to how many women feel the same as the lady in the group did. I was FF and I'm perfectly fit and healthy :). I think the final point to be made here is whatever works for mum and baby should be encouraged. It's personal choice whether you try it or not, every woman and baby are different and we should be thankful for that because if we were all the same the world would be a terribly boring place :).
I never breast fed either of my kids they are both happy and healthy, I'm not selfish, happy mum makes a happy baby, everyone had a choice I don't care if people think I'm kids don't think I am

Katie I can understand that truely as obviously I take very much offence when people call breastfeeding disgusting ( not on here I might add but in general public) and feel bullied into ff.

We can't win can we if we dnt ff we are not doing what's best for baby but if u breast feed ppl have ago as well , I am just finding some members comments to be very upsetting as to calling us self fish but that's fine they can have there opinion but I know am not selfish at all I had no help from anyone with regards to breast feeding and I wasn't even asking if I would be doing it in fact once I had the baby and was all stitched up my midwife asked what brand of milk I wanted .

I bf for 36 hours with cesca before she fed for 5 hours straight, I was not in a good way, was in agony from my stitches and drained from severe blood loss, so I switched to formula. I was happy with my choice, cesca was much happier on formula and I never looked back. I would like to try breastfeeding again with this baby, but I won't kick myself if it doesn't work out. Even if I end up only bf for a day, at least they'll have got something. I quite like the idea of expressing thoguh, so am going to get a breast pump closer to the time.

I disagree with people who say that choosing to ff from the word go is selfish. It isn't! How a mother feeds their baby is their choice. I was never breastfed, neither was my brother, and neither were many of my friends... We're all fine. bf/ff is personal choice.
Katie I can understand that truely as obviously I take very much offence when people call breastfeeding disgusting ( not on here I might add but in general public) and feel bullied into ff.

We can't win can we if we dnt ff we are not doing what's best for baby but if u breast feed ppl have ago as well , I am just finding some members comments to be very upsetting as to calling us self fish but that's fine they can have there opinion but I know am not selfish at all I had no help from anyone with regards to breast feeding and I wasn't even asking if I would be doing it in fact once I had the baby and was all stitched up my midwife asked what brand of milk I wanted .


Totally can't win!! Xx
My opinion of breast is best isnt all that strong really.

My mum breast fed me for a yr and I was the sickest baby going! Constant ear and chest infections!! So when its said that breast is best for imunity and all that it just makes me laugh! Obviously didnt do me any good!

Personaly bf is just not for me and I certainly dont feel selfish at least I fed my kids somehow! Like some of the others said happy mum happy baby! I would never do something that would make me sad and maybe resent my baby!

I hated every min of the 6 hours I breast fed my first! Mw groping my breasts and shoving babies face in it was horrible :( I am comfortable with my decision :)

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Hey ,
Haven't had chance to read the whole thread yet....

I never wanted to breast feed and I didn't. As it happened LO was born at 33 wks and one midwife on the ward did try to guilt trip me and say "your baby is so tiny he needs your milk"!! I told her rather firmly what I thought! He caught up really well on nutri prem formula, and went from NO centile to the 95th where he has stayed.xxxxx
You got to do what is right for you and baby, and never, ever be pushed into anything!! xxxxxx
I tried to breast feed with my first but he would not latch and would scream constantly so I moved him on to formula after 2 days. I've since found out that children with his disability often don't breast feed very well when babies so this made me feel a little better.

I plan to bf when LO arrives, but I'm hoping to be able to purely express once my supply is established.
Some of you ladies are simply out of order and hurtful to some.

I will take my 'selfish' backside off the thread to review and leave all members with a reminder of the following rule:

Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.
Anyone who is found breaking these forums rules are at risk of an infraction being issued to their account, temp ban or deactivation.

Not one person has the right to tell FF Mums they are selfish or BF Mums that it's disgusting. Whoever says either is as bad as the other.
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