Bloods back what do u think?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Pcu gave me my results back saying my hcg levels went up by half but didn't double so doing another test in 48 hours. Think she said 1500 ish and said it's probs coz it's so early what do u think. X
As long as it is going up Hun some pols take longer to increase than others
If I remember correctly once hcg levels reach 1000 they can take longer to double, 36 hours plus
Thanx girls the problem I have was the woman didn't explain that n said I have to go thurs for more tests? Like there's a problem. I'm not really getting how the levels are supposed to work? If my baby had stopped developing which is my fear wud the levels drop or rise slowly still? The nurse did say it might just be too early to tell sweet but I want more reassurance coz Iv got first midwife appt tomorrow x how ru all getting on? X
Hun if baby was not developing I would expect the levels to sty the same or go down not up
Thanx hun they make it sound soo awful! Looking at this forum n what everyone else is goin thru makes me think I over reacted n went in too early for scan n wish I'd have waited few weeks! I'd there anything u can do to make it go up naturally? Or improve chances? Spotting any better mrsmc? X
Princess no u just have to take it easy! Spotting is much better thanks
Good that sounds like a good sign! Thanx for tour reassurance just panicked wen they said it hasn't doubled! Hoping it will shoot up by thurs and scans pic up after that! Is it still Friday for u? Xx
U am sure it will Hun. Yep fri at 4.40 seems like an age away

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