Blood Test Results *Update #5*

Moofa said:
dannii87 said:
Thanks again ladies!! You're all brill.

Lainey, I'm deffo going to have a look for that stuff you mentioned! Sounds like a miracle!

Well, my iron levels are 6.1 :think: I don't even know what that means but I had a friggin' nightmare today...

Going to update 1st post xx

My GP said an unpregnant woman's level should be 12 and they only worry if it goes below 10 on pregnant ladies (my levels are 11.6)

Hope that helps.

Yup thats what mine said too, my levels were 10.6 last time i was tested, so just above an Ok level.
Oh dear what a nightmare I had this with my surgery too back along and then they tried to blame me for coming on wrong day when they had booked it wrong :evil: Hope the iron tablets work and your levels are beter at next test :hug:
Does anyone know when the tablets should start working?! I'm not feeling any more energetic?! :think: xx
I think they take a couple of days to a week :hug: Hope they take effect soon :D
Hope you feel better soon sweety. I've had low iron levels since i was 15, but mine were 8.3 at their lowest, so yours are really low, the tablets will kick in within the week, you'll be able to tell. Hoe you feel better soon, x x :hug: :hug:
It's awful that they can't/won't tell you anything. I can imagine you're worried.
Aww chick :hug: :hug: No wonder you're in a's like they're playing mind games or something!

Don't get yourself too worked up, the fact they are asking for urine may just be as they are not sure if the blood results are clear.

Just rest in your mind that they are obviously doing their best to look after you, and if it was anything very very serious they would want to see you immediately, not leave it over a weekend :hug:

Keep us updated, and you know where I am if you need me. Text me once you've seen doc tomorrow :hug: everything crossed for you. xx
oh danni :( i really hope you feel better soon :hug:

after aidens birth i lost a lot of blood, so my iron levels are even lower now - 8.1 - and i feel AWFUL some days :( so i can really sympathise with you :hug:

i'm now on ferrous sulphate, folic acid and a vitamin c supplement (can't remember the name??) to bring my levels back up. they were considering giving me a blood transfusion before i left hospital, but i managed to dodge that thank god :shock:

i've also been trying to eat iron rich foods - red meats, dark chocolate and vitamin c enriched stuff because that helps to absorb the iron better.

hugs to you hun :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: oh bless you hunni! Its so out of order that they do this to you :(

I really hope everything is ok xxx
Wow 6.1 is pretty low. You'll probably feel tired for a while yet until your levels reach something near normal.

Make sure you get lots of vitamin C in you as that helps your body absorb the iron. :hug:
Oh no more stress and worry, my first thought was your iron levels arn't increasing as they would like and thats why they asked how you were and may sign you off for a couple of weeks as with those low results you must be really feeling shattered! This doesn't make sense with the urine sample though as I don't think a urine sample has anything to do with iron levels, usually theyre looking for sugar - diabtetes or protine/ white blood cells - UTI worse case senario urine is checked for protein for Pre Eclampsia but I think if that was suspected they would be doing abit more then booking you in for bloods and a urine test tomorrow! Perhaps the urine tests are just a precaution and all this is just about your anemia its so frustrating being made to wait and spending all this time worrying, perhaps you could call and ask to speak to the doctor to find out what this is all about and save you spending the next 24 hours thinking the worst and probably thinking up loads of things much worse then what is actually the problem. I hope everything is fine for you and Evie! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww they should just tell you :hug: I hate that they are making you wait! In some ways though that could be a good thing as if it were vitally important they would be telling you right now! I know that isn't much help :hug: :hug:
Hi Dannii,

I havent been on in ages as I have been away but just wanted to say hi, and I am thinking of you. Hopefully it wont be anything too serious, and I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Hey hun hope everythings ok!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hurry up and tell us what they said at the docs!! I have no idea why they need a urine sample too? :think:
Sending some more hugs, they really need to start being professional about things and making you feel safe and comfortable, hope things run smoothly from now on for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi danni, what a nightmare you seem to have had. I hate that feeling when they tell you you have to see them because of your results but you have to wait and are left fearing the worse.

Glad things are ok, well its nothing serious as you said. Hopefully things will sort themselves out!

lots of love. :hug:
Thank you ladies :hug: I've been desperately trying to get online all night but my internet has been playing up! :wall: Great timing ay :roll:

Update in first post.. x
If you had lupus or lukemia you'd probably be aware of the symptoms by now, people with lukemia tend to bruise very easily and will feel extremely run down generally. I also know someone with lupus and she's been told she may not be able to conceive and if she does she'll have a higher chance of miscarriage, she also spends a lot of time in and out of hospital and a lot of last year fitting at night.

Raised white blood cells does generally mean in infection somewhere so i hope they find one to explain it, mine were raised when i had thrush. I'd try not to worry too much about it.

Do you feel better since taking the iron tablets??

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