Blood Test Results *Update #5*

Hi Danni

Crikey i can see why you are scared. Have you managed to see your doc yet. Any news on what the problem is?

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: Praying its nothing serious!

I'd be worried too hun but whatever it is will be treatable and I'm sure its nothing serious. Try not to worry too much (easier said than done!)
Sending you big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww Dannii, i'm sure all will be fine. I think receptionists are simply not allowed to talk about anything confidential. When I was in hospital last week, there was conflict about my blood and the midwife came to speak to me about it. She was missing for ages. When she came back she said I had non specific enzyme antibodies in my blood with non clinical significance (???). Didn't know what the hell she was talking about. But basically i am AB positive which means I should be able to take blood from any group, but because of the enzymes they could only find my blood in the blood bank in Manchester. It has to be an exact match. They said if i'd have needed a transfusion the blood would have needed to be blue lighted over. It may be something like that or the doctor wants a stern word with you about taking these prescribed iron tablets. There was a woman in the bed next to me on an iron drip as she had collapsed after not taking the tablets, he may need to tell you how important they are. Sorry for the MASSIVE post!! xx
:hug: :hug: That would scare me too, but try not to worry as like others said, I don't think receptionists can give out that kind of information. It may be nothing. Sending you lots of hugs!
aww Dannii I'm sorry to hear this. :hug: Like everyone has said though I'm sure it is just that doctors receptionists can't give any info. It may be about the importance of iron tablets or perhaps you are rhesus negative & they have to discuss the injection thingy with you? If it was serious serious they would have got you in straight away.

Hi hun, I'm sorry that the receptionist has made you so worried. I can only say what the others have said in that I am sure it's nothing to worry about, if it was something serious they would have got you in straight away. I hope that there is a DR available to speak to you when you call in for your prescription. :hug:

Hope your o.k hun, im sure everything will be okay. Let us know :hug: :hug:
Hi Dannii,

Really sorry to hear this - the chances are it's the receptionist being shirty as most of them are (I'm sure tact doesn't fit into their job description!!!). You could always call again and try and arrange a call-back from the doctor - they do that at our surgery and if it's possible it may also save you a trip.

Try not to worry too much although I do understand that it is difficult. I had the shock of my life when the hospital called me following my Downs blood screening!!
Thanks for all your lovely messages!!

I am just about to update first post :wall: xx
awww love sorry for the sill muck up in information yes the low levels are serious and i hope that the tablets works well for you
glad its nothing else on top of this

take it easy hunny :sleep: lots of sleep rest and recouperation no more cleaning the house top to bottom for you get your brother to do it :wink:

you ned to make sure you take lots of brakes i know when i got out of hossie i did to much to quickly and i made my anemia flare up i nealry passed out in Homebase

so if i read anything along the lines of i did this cleaning to day i will be sending you a very stern Pm :shakehead: :lol:
sarah :hug:
Hi Dannii,

Yeah, definitely take it easy (I had probs after my first birth - lost lots of blood during a c/section and narrowly escaped a blood transfusion - you must be feeling really weak so just listen to your body).

Take the iron tablets and try and eat stuff with lots of iron in it - lots of steaks if you like 'em.

All the best :hug:
Thank you again!!

Sarah - You're soo sweet! :hug: I won't be cleaning :shakehead: No friggin' way! I am struggling to get through an evening without falling asleep at some point!!

Managed to wake up just in time for BB tonight though, phew! :lol: xxx
DaisyRose said:
Hi Dannii,

Yeah, definitely take it easy (I had probs after my first birth - lost lots of blood during a c/section and narrowly escaped a blood transfusion - you must be feeling really weak so just listen to your body).

Take the iron tablets and try and eat stuff with lots of iron in it - lots of steaks if you like 'em.

All the best :hug:

Oh no! Bet that was horrible for you :(

Oooh fab! I love steak, really really well done (almost burnt) so will make sure that's on the Tesco order next week :D xx
Glad to hear it wasn't anything sinister if you know what I mean, and it can be something that can be sorted!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Awww. You need lots of rest now and make sure you take the
tablets. You must have been feeling really weak hun, iron tablets are
little miracles but I remember they made my poo black! Don't be alarmed
when you see it! xxx
I'm sure she gave you advice or you already know this, but make sure you drink plenty of orange juice or eat something else with vitamin c, too! It will help you to absorb the iron. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon! It does seem ridiculous that the receptionist couldn't say that you are anaemic and that the doctor needs you to come in to talk about how low your levels are.
Glad your ok - just make sure you get lots and lots of :sleep: and eat plenty of dark chocolate :D that will help the iron levels
Glad everything is ok hun :hug:
Now you've got your medication your iron levels will improve. Don't worry about the blood transfusion thing, my SIL had to have one after the birth because it was so traumatic and she lost loads and loads of blood, she was absolutely fine and they even let her out of hospital the next day. I'm sure it won't come to that with you though because your on medication now. :hug: :hug:
She obviously was authorised to say 'very, VERY' :rotfl:

I am sure all will be well now. Glad it is nothing more sinister! :hug:

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