Blood Test Results *Update #5*

Oh phew Im so glad everything is ok!!
Did you not have any symptoms? I know when my levels are low as I cant breathe properly! (thats my first symptom then I notice the tiredness lol)
Yeh do what others have said, take the pills, eat cereal with added iron and lots of dark green veg, drink orange juice or even take Vit C to help absorb the iron!
Good luck hun Im sure you will be fine!! :hug: :hug:
Oh and if the iron tabs make you sick (liek they do me) take them at night before bed!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear that you have low iron but relieved that it's not something more scary that your doctor had to tell you. It was really unnecessary for the receptionist to put you through all that were going to get the iron prescription anyway! Hope that your next blood test shows improvement.

Take it easy :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am really pleased that there is nothing sinister wrong with you hun. You must start taking things easy and look after yourself and little Evie :hug:

Thank you girls :hug:

I've got my blood test tomorrow morning :pray: I'm really nervous! Last Thursday I had one (only a week ago, feels really strange that I'm going to have another one so soon with my poor bruised arm lol) when I bent my arm after she'd taken the needle out, a bit of blood squirted out! :puke:

I'm no good with needles, so I'm nervous for that reason. Not so much my results which is REALLY odd?! :think:

Anyway, I'm sure it'll all be ok in the end. As long as I keep taking my iron tablets :D xx
So glad it isn't as bad as you thought :hug: At least they are taking things seriously and keeping an eye on you. Good luck with the blood test tomorrow, I hope it shows your really low levels were a blip and not reflective of your normal iron levels. :hug: :hug: Let us know how you get on hun!
Hi Danni :wave:

After my last baby my iron levels dropped to dangerously low levels, in fact my GP said the same as yours - he had never seen such low levels!! :shock:

It explains your tirdness allot. I was put on maximum doseage iron tablets - and a wee bit more for good luck :wink: - and 6 months later my levels started to creep on.

Had my bloods done 2 weeks ago and they are normal now too.

Are you going to try breastfeeding? If so keep on with the tablets well after the birth - in fact the whole time you are feeding as it drains our levels too

Lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Get yourself along to Boots and buy some Spatone.

It's welsh spring water, and it's really high in iron. Take two satchets of it a day in fruit juice (fresh orange, or ribena, something high in Vit C). It's magic stuff, and you won't poison yourself because any iron not absorbed is flushed out of your system.

I've got renal patients who use this instead of the tablets, as the tablets do not regulate their iron levels (not saying this happens to everyone) but the spatone does, and you don't get black hard poos on it either!!!

Keep taking the tablets too!

Hi Dannii,

Sorry to hear they freaked you out like that its not nice all they needed to say is that they neeed to see you before the week was out to go over your results not scare you half to death!

Im glad that this has now been sorted hun and wish you well on your tablets and your blood tests and hope you are feeling alot better soon :hug:

Like the others have said get some rest :sleep: and relax hun :D

Take care
Kathy x
Hope your iron levels pick up soon, especially before baby is born.

My iron levels dropped to 7.2 or something ridiculous after the birth of my son, I had to have a blood transfusion.

Eat plenty of iron rich foods and take things easy.

I will look into spatone if my iron levels start dropping, thanks for the tip LaineyG.
I do find they go over the top though...... my iron levels were 107 when they should have been 110, yet I got a letter from the Dr saying how low the levels were and I was to start the tablets immediately, and take 2 a day.

I asked the midwife if this was really necessary considering the levels, and she said to ignore them and just take 1 a day OR that I could try and make it up with diet over the next 3 weeks and then be retested.

I guess what I'm saying is follow their advice of course but that I do find they go a bit over the top sometimes!

l xx
im low in iron myself, but not as bad as u, i feel crap all the time so can sympathise a bit x
Glad everything's sorted Dannii :hug: I've just started iron tablets too but my levels aren't as low as yours. Be interesting to see if we get black poo :lol: xxx
Thanks again ladies!! You're all brill.

Lainey, I'm deffo going to have a look for that stuff you mentioned! Sounds like a miracle!

Well, my iron levels are 6.1 :think: I don't even know what that means but I had a friggin' nightmare today...

Going to update 1st post xx
have you started the iron danni?

i had to start taking it last week and i felt better within a few days, my haemoglobin levels were at 9.1..

Yeah I've started taking them. I've taking 3 so far, due another one tonight... I'm just soooo shattered that I'm either lounging around or asleep during the evening (I drift in and out of sleep every evening) so I'm not "awake" enough ever to know if I'm more awake than usual if that makes sense?! lol

Blimey Danni, the nhs staff in your area sound like a nightmare! First your dippy midwife and now this!
Hope your levels get sorted out and you feel better soon.
:hug: :hug:
I have no idea what the levels mean hun :hug: Just been looking through my notes to see if I can see what mine were at my last bloods but can't find anything iron related.

I have found this though.

normal iron levels for females is 36-160. Some people commonly mistake iron and hemoglobin levels, but these are not the same thing. I think this is where some one said 12 was the cutoff, however this is not true for iron or hemaglobin. in fact, 12 is a low -normal HGB level

Hope you get your levels back up soon and feel less tired hun :hug: :hug:
When I had my booking in appointment my iron levels were 13, which the MW said was brilliant so your 6.1 seem very low hun.

I am sorry that they messed your blood test appt up - at least it wasn't a totally worthless appt.

dannii87 said:
Thanks again ladies!! You're all brill.

Lainey, I'm deffo going to have a look for that stuff you mentioned! Sounds like a miracle!

Well, my iron levels are 6.1 :think: I don't even know what that means but I had a friggin' nightmare today...

Going to update 1st post xx

My GP said an unpregnant woman's level should be 12 and they only worry if it goes below 10 on pregnant ladies (my levels are 11.6)

Hope that helps.
Hmm that's interesting! I'm looking through some stuff on the net and it tallies up with what you're all saying, so thank you ladies! My lord, what would I do without you?! xx

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