
I had two spells of bleeding when I must have been pregnant but gp said sometimes ladies have on and off bleeding thru pregnancy and have a v healthy baby. Like everyone else has said 6 weeks is v early to see much on scan. Stay positive X
Hey im new here and cannot figure out how to start a new thread,its prob very simple but im having a dumb day he he!

Well i wanted some advice from you guys,im very frustrated and confused.I have been trying for another baby for 4 months now and was due for af yesterday but have been getting pains since last sunday,abdominal pain like af was coming early and having breast tenderness too.I went to my doctor weds and she told me just to wait and see as it could be implantation pain as i never get af pains before the day im due.So my af started friday just gone but different kind of blood to my af with few small clots and then its stopped now,it only lasted 2 days where it usually lasts 5 or 6 days.I did tests before af and today and they are negative!!!!Never in my whole life have i had af for just 2 days,i really need advice or anyone elses experiences that have gone through the same kind of thing.I am going out of my mind what to think,please help!x

Many thanks!
Hi Ya,
first off welcome to the forum!!!
Secondly, to start a new thread go in to the section in which your question is related.
So prob Trying to conceive, Then at the top of all the other threads it will say New Thread, just click on it and you can strat your thread.

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