Hi all, been reading a lot this week and would like some advice please.
Found out I was about six weeks pregnant on sunday, bit oif a shock as Im on the pill, and 40 , took a while to sink in but got really excited, however yesterday, I started bleeding, (like a first day of a period) so went to the Doctors, she referred me to the EPU, for a scan this morning, I resigned myself to the fact I was having a miscarriage, and the nurse this morning when she was taking notes was saying about taking blood etc, but she wanted a urine sample first, took a urine sample which said I was pregnant, so said I was going to go for a scan, said it was doubtful that the scan would show anything, so would prob have to take blood, and go back sunday for more bloods to test levels,
Had an internal scan, which showed the yolk sac and that it was about 6 weeks old, howerver the scanner says she couldnt see an embryo but it may be that the scanner couldnt pick it up, Im too go back mnext friday to have another scan, No one sure what is going on and as they saw stuff on the scan they didnt take bloods,
Am I having a miscarriage? Should the embryo be dectected? Or have I got any hope at all?
Found out I was about six weeks pregnant on sunday, bit oif a shock as Im on the pill, and 40 , took a while to sink in but got really excited, however yesterday, I started bleeding, (like a first day of a period) so went to the Doctors, she referred me to the EPU, for a scan this morning, I resigned myself to the fact I was having a miscarriage, and the nurse this morning when she was taking notes was saying about taking blood etc, but she wanted a urine sample first, took a urine sample which said I was pregnant, so said I was going to go for a scan, said it was doubtful that the scan would show anything, so would prob have to take blood, and go back sunday for more bloods to test levels,
Had an internal scan, which showed the yolk sac and that it was about 6 weeks old, howerver the scanner says she couldnt see an embryo but it may be that the scanner couldnt pick it up, Im too go back mnext friday to have another scan, No one sure what is going on and as they saw stuff on the scan they didnt take bloods,
Am I having a miscarriage? Should the embryo be dectected? Or have I got any hope at all?