

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Hi all, been reading a lot this week and would like some advice please.

Found out I was about six weeks pregnant on sunday, bit oif a shock as Im on the pill, and 40 , took a while to sink in but got really excited, however yesterday, I started bleeding, (like a first day of a period) so went to the Doctors, she referred me to the EPU, for a scan this morning, I resigned myself to the fact I was having a miscarriage, and the nurse this morning when she was taking notes was saying about taking blood etc, but she wanted a urine sample first, took a urine sample which said I was pregnant, so said I was going to go for a scan, said it was doubtful that the scan would show anything, so would prob have to take blood, and go back sunday for more bloods to test levels,
Had an internal scan, which showed the yolk sac and that it was about 6 weeks old, howerver the scanner says she couldnt see an embryo but it may be that the scanner couldnt pick it up, Im too go back mnext friday to have another scan, No one sure what is going on and as they saw stuff on the scan they didnt take bloods,

Am I having a miscarriage? Should the embryo be dectected? Or have I got any hope at all?
Welcome to PF and Congrats - Hang in there Rosa, 6 weeks is early when scanning, (on my 7 plus 6 scan they said dating wasn't even accurate before 8 weeks), some of the other girls have gone through simular to this and maybe able to offer better examples and advice for you, but 6 weeks is early, and a week is a long time, so that they can see it by the next scan.

Take it easy and try to relax XX Sending you lots of babydust
Hiya Hun and welcome. Sorry your going through this. Ive heard sometimes you can't detect the baby until 7 weeks so that is prob why they've asked you to go back next week for another scan. Fingers crossed everythings ok! x x
The waiting is killing me :( Don't know what to think
What the girls have said is
good information. As they have said
try to relax it's hard I know but the stress doesn't help. How are you feeling??? X z
I feel ok, bleeding has virtually stopped and got no pain,
Well that's a good sign surely!

I hope you get some well earned rest and
try to relax!!! Sending you all the best xxx x
hi Rosa congratulaitons!!!!

i found out i was pregnant and from that day i had pain and bleeding went to EPAS and they done and internal scan and they only saw a 4mm sac and said I was about 4 weeks pregnant, so told me to go back 2 weeks later got another internal scan and there was a wee heart beat then went back at 8 weeks 5 days and there was a huge differance, i will try and get the other 3 scan pitcures up loaded to put you at ease cause honestly there isnt very much to see!!!!

I would say if you had a positive pregnancy test and there is no bleeding or pain now then relax and wait for that morning sickness kicking in lol, oh and even if there is some spotting or pain dont worry it pretty normal xx
How are you feeling today Rosa, still no spotting today?
Yeah Im ok, still bleeding though but no pain, so dunno what to think, seems a long wait til Friday :(
Oh dear , good no pain tho, I have only just stopped spotting from about 12 days ago now, and all seems to be well at the last scan, that may encourage you, that bleeding and spotting is not allways a bad sign - It will seem a long wait till friday, and I wish you all the best for your scan.
You may find that waiting the extra time, will have helped you see more of the baby by then X
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Only have a few spots now, so feeling more hopeful.
If you have a miscarriage do you get bleeding before the baby comes away? As the heaviest bleeding was before the scan and it was fairly light afterwards, so thinking the baby might be safe?
My m/c started off with red bleeding then a big clot and I was only 6 weeks so if you haven't passed any clots, bubs should be fine! Hope Friday comes round quick for you x x
hope ur feeling better now rosa, no advice on bleeding as no experience but didnt want to read and run xxx
No bleed ing now for two days, and I dont know if its wishful thinking but my boobs are sore and feel bloated, but good be cos I want to feel symptoms, also feel slightly sick at times but that could be nervers, just want friday to hurry up
Had the scan today, saw baby and the Hb, but been dated at 5/6 weeks not the nearly 8 weeks I thought I was, least the bay is alive, get another scan now at 10/12 weeks unless further problems
Hey hon, glad u saw bubs on the scan - how u feeling now? XXX

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