Bleeding this morning

Thanks ladies, the bleeding seems to be a lot lighter now virtually stopped. I just hope and pray that's it now.

Gosh what a day eh? You've been such a support. Xxx

Big hugs sweetie, make sure you take care of yourself ths weekend x
Just saw this thread, glad you got to hear heartbeat, hope all goes well on monday xx
you should just go to A and E and hopefully they could scan you? i did that when i was 7 weeks pregnant cause of a similar situation (everything was fine with me), but it was deffinitely worth going xx
I've decided that if it starts again then im going to go off to a&e and not worry about wasting their time pickle is worth it.

At the moment it's stopped so I'm hopeful. But I can't help but worry that it's the start of something bad, you read so many awful things that you can't help but fear the worst.

I'm determined to think positively rest up so that I can report a good ending to everyone not just for pickle and me but also for anyone else that might have the misfortune of going through the same

Hope the bleeding has still settled? I woke up thinking of you this morning and hoping all was ok.x
Hi mishi,

I had some fresh blood but no where near as much as yesterday. I couldn't sleep for worry last night.

But on the positive side I listened with the doppler this morning and could hear pickles heartbeat so that's surely got to be a really good sign?

only just seen this!! good luck hun and fingers crossed all will be fine on monday :) surely hearing the HB is a good thing, wil be thinking of you and hoping the weekend goes fast for you too! xx
yes definitely a good sign. It may be that your placenta is low down or you've just got some clots that are coming away.

Try to have a relaxing weekend, but if it gets any heavier or painful then go to A&E to be safe.

Will be thinking of you x
Oh no what a worry for you. I'm so glad baby is ok though and hopefully they'll be able to tell you more on Monday. Just try to rest as much as possible this weekend :hug:
Hi mishi,

I had some fresh blood but no where near as much as yesterday. I couldn't sleep for worry last night.

But on the positive side I listened with the doppler this morning and could hear pickles heartbeat so that's surely got to be a really good sign?

Definitely a positive sign that pickle is well :) and no cramping which is also positive.
Did they check your wee? Sometimes having a UTI can cause bleeding, or you may have a low lying placenta. Anyhow my fingers are firmly crossed :hugs: x
No they didn't check my wee, that's a really good point. I'll ask on Monday. I had no idea that could cause bleeding xx

just thought id tri hop and add some reassurance. i bled at 15 weeks 25+2 and 28 weeks. all 3 times it was bright red blood but it stopped after an hour or 3. at 15 weeks id had mild period stretching pains and at 25 weeks i had pains too. im now almost 36 weeks and have a wriggly heavy baby. ive been checked out each time there was a bleed and there was no clear reason for it, 'just one of those things' apparently. i hope this makes you feel a lil better and that its the same for you hun x
Only just seen the thread hearing your LO's heartbeat must be a good sign and reassuring hope your weekend goes quick,FX everything is ok x
No they didn't check my wee, that's a really good point. I'll ask on Monday. I had no idea that could cause bleeding xx

I was in A&E at new year with bleeding and right enough it had nothing to do with bubs and it was a urine infection! I had no idea I could get spotting with a UTI that I didn't even know I had. I had been slightly feverish and lethargic too, so it made sense once I knew what it was!

Hope you get some answers xx
Thank you for you comments, it's been such a worry, but hearing your own experiences gives me a lot of comfort.

Ive not had any fresh blood for the last hour or so, so that's great

Just checking in to see how you're doing. Your positivity during all of this has been so great to see, hun. That's good news that there's not been too much new bleeding. I hope everything is OK for the rest of the weekend and good luck on Monday xxx
Just checking in to see how you're doing. Your positivity during all of this has been so great to see, hun. That's good news that there's not been too much new bleeding. I hope everything is OK for the rest of the weekend and good luck on Monday xxx

I think it's all I can do, hope for the best. If I keep thinking the worst I think I'd sob all day long. Everyone's support here and my family's has really seen me through xx

Just keep resting hunny. The heartbeat is a brilliant sign that all Is ok. Stay in bed until Monday morning then give little one a big wave when you see them lay there happy and safe xx

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