Bleeding.... Help if u can plz... (UPDATED ON FIRST POST. )

Well that's one less thing to worry about! How long will it take him to get to you and then to hospital?
I'm sure all is fine hun, better to have it checked tho. Xx
He on his way now and normally takes him half hour + to get to me and them bout half hour to hospital.

Thanks for all your replies xxx
Hope everythings okay, good luck xx

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yeah they did an internal and took a swab, said my cervix was good and tightly closed and no sign of any bleeding or anything but still freaked me out. i had ketones in my urine they they put down to me not eating yet that day. it was 2pm by the time i was being seen. not heard anything since and have bled again since then too. it is bright red but only on wiping, no pain or discomfort apart from baby growing feeling of being stretched and it fades to pink then stops. they cant explain it but its not harmed my babs so far. i was reassured by them checking tho and at your stage id so go and get checked out as u could be induced in a sec if it was serious or baby was in distress
Thanks for all of the replies ladies. It means alot. Just going to get myself sorted then going to bed.

Thanks again xx
How's everything now? I'll get my tens out today and drop you that message!!

Hey thanks hun.

When i got up this morning i had lost more mucus with blood in it. Also i had a routine midwife appointment this morning and midwife seems to think things could possibly be starting, If not she thinks they might soon as i have been very loose when going to the toilet too. My bp was slightly high for what i normally am but she didnt seem to concerned.
Oh i also got to feel babys head when she was examining my tummy, Was so wonderful xxx

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