bleeding again!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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it seems i have had constant spotting and bleeding throughout this pregnancy! i have been for bloods and scan and go for another scan on monday as it was too early to see the embryo last time.
i dunno if i get bleeds with stress or what but it was red blood and around the time i get my period? also every time i wee there is some brown or red on the tissue.
Has anyone else had this and gone to have a normal pregnancy?
i have also been getting period cramps but nothing painful that i could not stand.
help :(
I feel really sick all the time too which is rubbish
Hi Rosey, I didn't want to read and run. I hope all is well, it has been known for some when to have a little show around the time af is due with no problems. I'm sure some of the ladies will be able to give you some advice :hugs: xx
Hi rosey
Didn't want to read and run, this can be 100% normal in some pregnancys my grandmother bled with my aunt and she's perfectly fine , hope all is well with you and bubs x
thank you, i just feel like because of this that i am not pregnant anymore? it wasn't enough to soak a pad but perhaps a third of a liner. i dunno if thats loads or not? plus toilet water red. :(
Hi Hun I totally feel for you, I'm having brown in wk8 I've done some reading and it can be something called breakthrough bleeding that can you have at 4,8,12 etc
I know how worried you are, I've been to emergency docs and tried to get a scan by contacting two epu clinics at the answer was no :(

Got everything crossed for you Hun xxxxx
ive heard it happen to lots of ladies around time AF was due
hope everythings ok hun :hugs: xxxxxxx
Sending you :hugs: i really have no personal experience but a friend of mine had the same thing like the other ladies have said around time AF was due, she went on to have a healthy baby xx
I hope you feel better soon hun. I would hope that feeling sick is a good sign of lots of pregnancy hormones.
Hey Hun, Defo ask ur GP but I'm sure everything is ok, lots of similar threads in past tri1 xx
i go for my 2nd scan today so hopefully all is well, however i passed a clot on saturday night about an inch in size which i know is not good. But i still feel sick so fingers crossed
Hope everything ok fingers crossed Hun. what times your appointment x

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