Periods during early pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Hi, sorry I know Im posting stuff up everywhere about this but I just want to try to understand whats happening to me. I started bleeding last Wednesday and each day it has become slowly less and today has as good as stoped. It has basically been like a light period (mine are normally very heavy), no clots or tissue and none of my usual period pains. Bleeding started bright red and the last day or so had just been old brown blood just like a normal period and in total has lasted about 5 days, like it normally would. It started a week later than my period normally would and I am normally very regular. I know its possible to have what comes across as a period during pregnancy, but I just wanted to know if this fits the bill for what happened to other people, as its not spotting or implantation bleeding. If anyone can give me as much information on what happened to them it woul be a great help.

hi hun

im glad the bleeding has stopped, its a good sign!

your scan is soon isnt it? best of luck for that

hi cat i have no history of this, have you done a test? have you got a scan booked? good luck i hope all is well. :hug:
Yep scan is tomorrow morning. I htink basically its one of two things, either a missed misscarrage, where it has died but snt coming away by itself or its decidual bleeding like a period. I did a first response test two days before AF and it was neg, then one day after AF was due I did a clear blue and got very faint line, I I did another one first thing the following morning, so the hormone would be stronger and another very faint line, so left it a couple more days and did a clearblue digital and it came up saying positive. I have found on the net how if CG levels are a bit low, they dont stop your body from having a period during pregnany, so Im hoping its that.
I didn't know I was pg with my daughter until I was 14 weeks because I had normal periods for the first couple of months. I had no idea I was pregnant and it didn't even cross my mind - I had been single and sex-free for over 3 months!! :shock:

So when my period didn't arrive and I started feeling really tired I went to the doctors thinking I may be anoemic (sp?) and he told me I was pg!

So, in answer to your question Cat - yes they can be just like normal periods because I didn't notice any difference at all.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow at your scan hun.
Good luck for tomorrow Cat, I think the outlook is good for you :)
that sound just like what i had with hannah cat fingers crossed for u
Fingers crossed babe, good luck for tomorrow, sounding very positive for you :pray: :hug: xx
Cat - there is a little piece in the Pregnancy and Birth magazine about women bleeding around when their period would be due and it being normal, big fingers crossed this is what you had :)
How did the scan go Cat?? I've been sending positive vibes your way. :)
was just coming to look for this thread..

i have been thinking of you cat, i really hope you got some good news!


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