Bit offended, am i over-reacting?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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The girl i have spoken about before the "friend" who has nothing nice to say about anything i do phoned me before and said her and her family think my baby looks like a boy! I am quite offended for some reason because i know she is a girl 3 people have told me now and she does not look like a boy! People have actually said you can tell shes a girl! Then she started going on about how funny it would be if she did come out a boy...erm it wouldn't be funny after all the things i have bought, not that i would mind if she was a boy if you get what i mean. Also came out with "haha a bet shes gonna come out looking like OH's sister" (she is very ugly) I am biting my tongue thinking thats my little girl your speaking about!!! Do i say anything about the way her son looks? no because i'd never say anything about a child!

She wants a girl herself and already has a boy so i think she doesn't want me having a girl!

Are my hormones making me over-react? I feel VERY offended!!!
If when my child is here anyone says anything wrong i'll be the first to give them a slap, normal people would never dream of it!
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Tbh hun, I'd ditch her as a friend. She seems like a jealous, nasty piece of work. Friends don't get on like that or say those things. x
WSS ^^^
and yes you have every right to be offended, what an awful thing to say

I know thats what all my family is saying but then i think she was joking as she always makes out its a joke and that so if i over-react i am in the wrong as she was joking if you know what i mean...i don't go and see her anymore because she never comes to see me and she just rubs her money in my face when i am struggling to even buy food! Well i am better off than i was then but still not got alot of money xxx
I thought it was just the hormones and i was being too offended for nothing xxx
She sounds like a real s**t stirrer to me and you'd be better off without her. If she has nothing nice to say then she's better off out of your life! Definitely sounds like she's jealous that you're having a little girl so she's having to be bitchy about it. I would have been upset too - of course hormones make it worse but she has def been out of order! xxx
Yeah she really is, she is the only "friend" i have aswell...but like i said to my family. I don't need her, all i need is my parents/family OH and baby and thats all i care about! I will probably meet other mams soon anyways xxx
Yeah she really is, she is the only "friend" i have aswell...but like i said to my family. I don't need her, all i need is my parents/family OH and baby and thats all i care about! I will probably meet other mams soon anyways xxx

Yeah was going to say that once you've had the baby you'll probably make a whole new circle of friends....maybe join a mum & baby group or something. She doesn't sound like the kind of friend you want around at all xx
Nope she isn't i have knew her nearly all my life too. She has got so stuck up her own arse its unreal! xxx
Does she never say anything nice or supportive? She sounds like a jealous cow and gets a kick out of putting other people down. she is a friend you could do with out. you don't need people like that and you will make new friends.
You do get protective of your children whether ther are born yet or not so it's prob not your hormones, they just make you even more upset. It offends me when people are nasty about my daughter having red hair (why I dont know, its a beautiful colour) so can image how your feeling, this woman does just sound jealous, your def better without her around stressing you.
how can she say from a scan that your baby looks like a boy? what an absolute dick.

ignore her xx
Does she never say anything nice or supportive? She sounds like a jealous cow and gets a kick out of putting other people down. she is a friend you could do with out. you don't need people like that and you will make new friends.

Thanks girls!

No she never does, she only comments on my status on facebook if i show a weakness of something or write something not happy. Like i wrote i was nervous for my scan and she commented and i wrote the pain down my sides and she wrote, "haha thats pregnancy it will only get worse haha" so i just wrote "all for a good cause and i have had an easy pregnancy" and she never wrote back lol xxx
She sounds jealous hun, i'd stay away from her! Have had a similar experience in my pregnancy with someone who was supposed to be my best friend who's known me since I was 2. People put you down because of their own issues! That's what she does to me. I've really distanced myself now and I feel so much better.
X x x x

Oooo so cute the baby but I'm feel not good.........


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awww what a horrible person ur friend is- just ignore her hun
ur baby dnt look like a boy hunni so dnt even give her comment the time of day. she looks like a little girl :)

I have a friend type person who is constantly comparing mine and her son it soooo draining its unreal so ive been avoiding her last few weeks as i dnt need it maybe u should do the same.

U will defo make new friends when ur girl is here i met a girl at baby group when my son was 3 months now both our boys 5 and we gr8 friends. XX
it could be that she is a tad jealous and being nasty or it could be that she has a strange sense of humour.

i used to say some right things to my mate about her baby but i was only joking and she knows that.

if you really want to shut her up call her up and say bluntly - why do you feel the nd to say hurtful and spiteful things, if its because u actually dont like me or my family then make it easier for yourself and dont contact me again.

if it was just harmless banter like it is with me she will be very sympathetic and say i really didnt mean to offend you, if she doesnt then she is a nasty piece of work and i would calmly tell her not to contact you again as you dont need that kind of person in your life.
Thanks girls,
Roxane...she is the sort of person to be childish about things so i think she is meaning it but trying to put it as a joke if you know what i mean.

This is what she is like...when she was pregnant, nearly due her boobs went massive with the milk and she turned round and said to me "haha my boobs are bigger than yours" Lmao, i am not flat chested either but not massive lol xxx

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