Bit confused with due date/how far gone


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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When i had my scan, they said i was due 11th april, so i'd be 27 weeks today, but the mw told me yest i was 27+2? which one would be right and, if the latter, what would actually be my due date?

so confused
Hun I don't suppose 2 days will make much difference when the time comes so pick what you want lol. Babies come when they want to xxxxxxxx
I had this too. My midwife told me I was 3 days further along then I was first told. As its only 3 days, I didn't really think much of it. I haven't updated my tickers and as far as due date, I stick to my original one. I doubt it'll arrive bang on my due date
My mw always says something else than then my tickers. I asked the sonographer when I had my 3D scan and she said that there's different ways of counting pregnancy in different nations (USA, Europe etc). So might be this???

Anyway, I'm sticking to my tickers as I'm convinced she'll come punctual on my dd when I'm ready for her:)
Ever since I had my 12 week scan, I've always gone with this date. Originally the midwife put me down as due 12th March at my booking in appointment, but then the scan brought me forward 3 days, so I stick with that. No matter what anyone says from now on, my due date is always 9th March :)

Go with whichever you feel is the right one
All their little round things calculate it different, i find it strange too-seeing as the end result is the same they just work it out differently. i don't question it just have to remember who says i'm ealier than i think i am! :)

My docs would say i am 32 weeks as of yesterday
Midwife says i'm 32 weeks as of tomorrow
Scan and my tickers say i'm 32 weeks as of friday.
My dates said 13th but sacn said 19th i go by the scan because they are more accurate than working out from periods etc because you may not ovulate bang on two weeks later x
Thank you. the mw used the round chart thingy going from my due date, thats how she came up with 27+2. grr its confusing lol x

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