two due dates, confused!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I have all way through pregnancy been told my due date is 22th of september and we kept in track with that.. Went to hospital last week and they told me no its not right, on the papers here it says your due date is 26th of september due to scan date? Which ones do u follow the due date from period or scan? I know exactly when I got pregnant etc.

So confused if im overdue now or actually due 26th:P
They go from the scan as everyone ovulates at different times, but tbh babies will come when they are ready, the date is just a guideline. I was put back 6 days from my 12 week scan so due 15th October, but if we were going from my lmp it would be the 9th October.
Go with the scan hun,
When I had my son he was due 19th Nov scan said 20th Nov, he came on 26th Nov.
Good luck your baby will be here soon either way xx
Best go by scan date as they are pretty accurate at 12 weeks. They are not far out anyway, I've also go 4 days difference between my dates and theirs, this is why we get that 4 week window of expecting baby between 38 and 42 weeks.
I am also a bit confused about the dates. I had about 6 scans in my first trimester, and according to those I would be due 7 Nov. Then on my 12 w scan they suddenly changed their mind and said I'll be due 1 Nov. I have a feeling that the first date was right.

But if you just compare your scan date with the date you get by counting the period days, I'd go with the scan date!
dont think it makes much difference, babies never arrive when they r supposed to anyway lol!
I'd go with the scan date.. I think hosps go with it too.. It's important because some hospitals only let you got 12 days over due so it's better to be induced on 12th day rather than say the 7th day over u know?
I'd always go with ur scan dates xx
The first date that your doctor/midwife works out at the first appointment is only a guideline until you have your scan - thats the official date & the other one gets scrubbed.

my date got put back 4 days at my scan, which I class as my official date. It doesn't add up with dates of conception but its only a guideline anyway. Only very small amount of ppl give birth on due date.


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