Over due...going in for tests on Monday


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Jul 3, 2006
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I was due on the 8th March and my due date came and went. It's now over one week and I'm getting really frustrated and down. I know first babies and usually late but I thought the baby would have arrived by now.

I was at the midwive on wednesday and she gave the option of an internal which I took to see if there was any progress. Cervix was soft but still tightly closed. Since then I have had a bit of blood and what I think is a show but still no twinges!

Has anyone else gone this far past their due date?

I also got the chance to go in for induction on sunday or tests on monday. I chose the latter as i would like to give my body the chance to do it naturally but if the tests on monday indicate I should be induced i'll go for it.

My MW also said my baby would be at least 8lb.

I would really appreciate any advise on over due pregnancies and induction so I know what to expect if this happens.

I suppose at least I know the birth should happen next week sometime :)

Take care,
I don't really have any advice as i haven't got to your point but wanted to wish you luck

i was due on 9th march and LO still hasnt arrived
I went to MW last Monday and had a internal and she said i was 1.5cm dialted
i have also been having really bad pains since friday and irregular contractions but nothing yet.
My MW thought i wouldve had LO by now as all signs have been good but im still waiting :(
Im seeing MW on monday again and having another internal so hopefully ill know more then, il also be being booked in for an induction but i would prefer to go into labour naturally
Hiya Hun i didnt go over due but did have to be induced as my waters were leaking slowly and they were worried that Ellie wasn't growing properly. She was my first abby so i have no experience of a natural birth but i didnt find the induction that bad i was only in labour for 5 hours! Hope this has helped and everything goes well for you Gracexx :hug:
good luck sally and chaelihol :hug:
*labour dust*
I cannot help, but just wanted to say believe in yourself, your LO and your body and all will be well Sally, I do hope things happen soon for you, very best wishes :hug:
Hiya, my baby was born 8 days overdue so you never know, it could be today, eh? I was so fed up, I had a membrane sweep on the thursday and bugger all happened so I started going up and down the stairs on my bum on the saturday night and went into labour after about half an hour! Dont know if the stairs thing has any effect or if it was just coincidence. Its worth a try though!
Hi Sally,

Sounds like you know what you are doing. I didn't know that they could offer you tests??

With regard to baby's weight, just because you are over due doesn't necessarily mean that your baby will be bigger. I measured 2cm bigger for dates all the way through when having dd (and my 2 boys too), and on my due date I had an ante-natal and the mw guessed her weight to be about 7.5lb. She was born a week later and only weighed 6lb15oz!

I don't think they can really tell weights at all until the baby is born.

The slight bleeding you had may have just been from the internal, but fingers crossed it will all start happening soon.

Heather x
I went 11 days over with my 2nd when i was induced and i must say getting induced is much worse. With my 3rd i went 5 days over but i had a membrane sweep when i was 3 days over and it seemed to do the trick and the birth was much easier.

Labour dust to the both of you :dance: maybe this will be the weekend :)
I have no suggestions i was induced as my waters broke and wasnt having any contractions till an hour before i was induced :roll:

Good luck xx
i too went overdue with nathan i refused induction which my midwife fully supported and would have gone in for monitoring on the saturday but he was born on the thursday (12 days over) i had 3 membrane sweeps which i would recommend if you want to avoid induction. consequently he was born on the day i probably would have been induced. nathan was a big boy at 10lb 3 oz and i think if i had been induced i would not have delivered him naturally i think it would have rushed him if thats makes sense. its a difficult time but stick with it i had no idea when i was going to go into labour it can literally happen anytime. i am not a supporter of induction- i thoroughly researched the topic- and do not see any valid reason for being induced unless there is a clear clinical reason for doing so. i would recommend reading around the topic as some midwifes and consultants can be quite reluctant to let you go too far over and if you are fully informed about the risks you can fight your corner better. good luck and hang in there.
I went 12 days over due. Went in on the friday and was given prostin at 10am and left for 6 hours. My waters went as they examined me then I was given a second lot of prostin. Nothing happened, and as my waters had gone I was taken to labour ward the next morning and put on drip to speed up contractions. Unfortunatley my cervix was in a funny position and I never progressed past 2.5cm so I was given a c section on saturday evening. It was a great experience, I had a spinal block and was awake so I got to see her as she was born.

Dont worry about being induced tho, every one is different, the girl in next bed was induced at same time as me, and she progressed really fast and only had one lot of prostin, her LO was born really quickly!

The only advice I can give, is keep an open mind about birth plan..mine went out the window!! And you may need strong pain relief as your labour is being artifically speeded up as such and may get painful quickly

Good luck xxx

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