Birthing Ball


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hiya all

Well I've got 12 days to go and have finally invested in a gym (birthing) ball. My question is do I start bouncing on it now can it bring on labour I am hoping it will :wink:
Where did you get it from and how much? I am thinking of investing...
It will help the baby move down more if you do it enough, its all good fun and excercise too.
It wont help bring on labour, but once your having cintractions it will hwlp them move quickly and make your labour quicker.

Then again im not a expert, it might help bring on labour
I brought mine with my last baby and just sat on it to watch tv and roll about on it as found it much more comfy than the sofa!

I have just started to sit on mine a bit more and rock backwards and forwards and round and round which helps my back acke and also started my raspberry leaf tablets too :rotfl:

Fingers crossed it helps start things off for you smurf :hug: :cheer: Not long now :D
I bought mine when I was 12 weeks and have been using it every day. I spent many hours working in front of the pc and I couldn't sit on my office chair anymore, so I swapped it for the's much more comfy!

I also do exercises for my back and sometimes I even watch tv sitting on it - more comfortable than the sofa. Also, it helps maintain an upright posture which is always good for your back.

Keep going with the exercises! No clue if it will start things off with labour for you (I hope it does!) but in any case it's a good exercise! :D
Thanks girlies I will start using it more so and you're right it does keep me up right more I get a lot of pain in my side when I sit down and think its my really poor posture. I've also got the raspberry leave tablets but keep forgetting to take them cos you're meant to take them between meals with a warm drink and but I generally only drink tea with my meals.

amzhunny I bought it in Tesco for £6 I'm only 5'3 and its 26" which is perfect for me. THey had cheeper ones but they were a little bit smaller
are these just the same as gym balls?

or do u have to buy a particular kind for birthing?

Mine is a gym ball and it does the trick! :lol:
Mine's a gym ball, 65cm I think, and £3.99 from Bodycare :cheer: bargain
Mine came with a pump but if yours didn't suppose you could use a bicycle or baloon pump.
Get your bloke to :dance: that's what I did lol, had a bath and asked him to blow it up and by the time I was out the bath it was all done :cheer:
so a football pump would work on the ones from argos?

if so, that is my first port of call on way home tonight. Finding it really hard to get comfy on sofa at nights.. think this might be the key!!

thank you ladies

i got my ball from tescos was £5 something. called a gym ball or something but i aint used it yet lol might if this lo dont nod off to sleep lol
I boorowed mine off my SIL and she said she got it from asda for 4 quid and its a gym ball, its a bit small for me know, but i still get on it as it has helped my LO move into position!
smurf said:
Hiya all

Well I've got 12 days to go and have finally invested in a gym (birthing) ball. My question is do I start bouncing on it now can it bring on labour I am hoping it will :wink:

What your due date? I think i'm due the same day as you, Good luck with everything.
Hi Terri
I'm due 18th August so Saturday week keeping everything crossed I go sooner rather than later. :D
I got mine from tk maxx, it's a 65cm gym ball, it came with a pump and it was about seven quid.
I should sit on it more to get the baby back at the front of my stomach but I've just had a new sofa delivered and it's too comfy to move :D
I got mine from my local co-op supermarket , it cost £3.50 and came with a pump. It has been my best buy during pregnancy , it's helped my aches quite a bit. :cheer:

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