Birthing ball

At parent class last night MW said that from 36 weeks she recomends us to sit on it (dont have to bounce) for 1 hour everyday to get baby in right possition and not back to back. she said it was the only thing she recommend us buying.
Dont worry about the engaging just sit on it!
I think I'll ask my midwife what she recommends, she's coming over Tuesday to talk about breastfeeding and all that anyway so I'll mention it to her then. :)
I've just pinched my mums exercise ball! I swear this isn't safe! Feel like I'm gonna pop it! Lol
I have been told not to 'bounce' on it until 36 weeks... but sitting on it strengthens your back muscles making contractions more effective and also help turn baby. x
just looked argos have 2 different ones for 4.99!! think i might get one instead of the spacehopper

I went for the White version 55cm from Argos and it's just fine for me. I also use it to put my feet up on it :)

Em x

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